Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
姜立平. Design and application of grooved grinding head for improving the machined surface quality of ceramic composites. Ceramics International, 2024.
于锡潼. Surface integrity analysis of Si3N4 under cryogenic assisted femtosecond laser ablation. Ceramics International, 2024.
杨佩菁. Dual cross-linking mechanism of sodium alginate composite hydrogel for adhesive microneedle patch preparation. Colloids and Surfaces A, 700, 2024.
冀寒松. Micro-milling machinability prediction for crystalline materials via numerical-analytical hybrid modelling and strain rate-dependent grain-scale simulation. Journal of manufacturing processes, 124, 972-984, 2024.
凌晨. Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Modified Johnson-Cook Model Considering Recrystallization Softening for Nickel-Based Powder Metallurgy Superalloys. Materials, 17, 2024.
任小平. Study on the Formation Mechanism of Serrated Chips in the Cutting Process of Powder Metallurgy Superalloys Based on a Modified J-C Constitutive Relation Simulation Model. coatings, 14, 2024.
王润琼. Toward digital twins for high-performance manufacturing: Tool wear monitoring in high-speed milling of thin-walled parts using domain knowledge. ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING, 88, 2024.
童佳威. Synergy of Al2O3/GO hybrid nanofluids: Molecular dynamics perspective on dispersion/adsorption evolution and its tribological validation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 193, 2024.
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Research Projects
难加工材料与构件能场辅助高效低损伤加工研究, 2023-12-29-2026-12-31
可转位刀具夹持稳定性和断屑机理研究, 2024-01-01-2026-03-31
超快激光精密加工及装备研发, 2024-01-01-2026-12-31
覆冰条件下风电桨叶防除冰涂层研究, 2023-12-26-2024-12-31
基于仿生超滑表面的铲式触土部件抗粘脱附及耐磨机理研究 , 2022-12-30-2024-12-30
科学家展览脚本库项目, 2022-10-31-2023-12-31
宏微耦合系统智能控制理论与技术研究, 2023-01-01-2025-12-31
热解石墨材料熔覆增韧机制及密封环功能表面的跨尺度设计加工, 2022-09-07-2026-12-31
Research Team
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