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- . Many hands make light work: the cross-level influence of top management team behavioral integration on group ambidextrous innovation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2024.
- 牛璐. 打破技术封锁:逆机会与资源稀缺双困局下的大企业创业——基于资源拼凑与编排的纾解. 南开管理评论, 2024.
- . A study on the assessment of risk management performance in maritime start-ups: evidence from China. Maritime Policy & Managment , 2024.
- . Navigating the maze: the effects of algorithmic management on employee performance. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2024.
- 夏宇寰. The power of role models in a team: The impact of lead entrepreneur’s digital leadership on digital entrepreneurial success. INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2023.
- 陈志军. "技术立企"带动制造企业转型——海信集团的持续经营之道. 管理学报, 19, 1733, 2022.
- Yingzhao Xiao. Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits and Social Enterprise: A Legitimation Perspective. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2022.
- 陈卓. A study on the assessment of risk management performance in maritime start-ups: evidence from China. Maritime Policy & Management , 2022.
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