Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
苗世海. Broadband Short-Wave Infrared-Emitting MgGa<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>:Cr<SUP>3+</SUP>, Ni<SUP>2+</SUP> Phosphor with Near-Unity Internal Quantum Efficiency and High Thermal Stability for Light-Emitting Diode Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 32580, 2023.
庞玉喜. Frequency Comb Generation Based on Brillouin Random Lasing Oscillation and Four-Wave Mixing Assisted with Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror. PHOTONICS, 2023.
马少年. High-Temperature Sensing Based on GAWBS In Silica Single-Mode Fiber. Sensors, 2023.
高亮. Actively Controllable Terahertz Metal–Graphene Metamaterial Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect. Nanomaterials , 12, 2023.
董亚魁. 基于InGaAs NFAD 的集成型低噪声近红外单光子探测器. 《红外与激光工程》, 3, 2023.
董亚魁. 低噪声大光敏面InGaAs近红外单光子探测器. 2023.
费宬. 基于FPGA 的短波红外图像灰度级拉伸算法实现. 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报, 20, 2023.
庞玉喜. Frequency Comb Generation Based on Brillouin Random Lasing Oscillation and Four-Wave Mixing Assisted with Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror. photoncis, 10, 2023.
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Research Projects
外延材料委托开发, 2023-05-20-2023-10-31
外延材料委托开发, 2023-05-30-2023-10-31
(包干项目)基于频率上转换的太赫兹波高光谱成像技术研究, 2022-11-01-2025-12-30
深制冷型短波红外成像仪研制及其性能研究, 2022-01-01-2023-12-31
海洋矿产资源电磁探测和高光谱成像关键技术及设备研发, 2020-12-01-2023-12-31
基于时滞效应完全隐匿的混沌随机激光器的高速率全光实时物理随机数发生器, 2020-12-12-2023-12-31
超灵敏微弱光电探测技术协同创新中心, 2020-01-01-2022-12-31
新型光谱传感物联网节点专用波段的理论设计与实验研究, 2013-01-01-2014-12-31
Research Team
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