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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [21] 王红. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiTi nanoporous structures fabricated with dealloying process. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2023.
- [22] 王兵. A rate-dependent damage model to characterize dynamic fracture behavior of Ti6Al4V under high strain rate loading. Engineering fracture mechanics, 274, 108781, 2022.
- [23] 解振威. Optimizing amplitude to improve machined surface quality in longitudinal ultrasonic vibration-assisted side milling 2.5D C/SiC composites. composite structures, 297, 115963, 2022.
- [24] 赵金富. Investigation of Cutting Temperature during Turning Inconel 718 with (Ti,Al)N PVD Coated Cemented Carbide Tools. 材料(materials), 11, 1, 2018.
- [25] 赵金富. Cutting temperature measurement using an improved two-color infrared thermometer in turning Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools. Ceramics International, 44, 19002, 2018.
- [26] 赵金富. PVD AlTiN coating effects on tool-chip heat partition coefficient and cutting temperature rise in orthogonal cutting Inconel 718. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 163, 2020.
- [27] 赵金富. Analytical prediction of transient and steady cutting temperature distributions in coated tools under time-varied heat sources. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology., 117, 1117, 2021.
- [28] 赵金富. Effects of Al content in TiAlN coatings on tool wear and cutting temperature during dry machining IN718. Tribology International., 171, 2022.
- [29] 赵金富. Coating-thickness-dependent physical properties and cutting temperature for cutting Inconel 718 with TiAlN coated tools. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH, 38, 191, 2021.
- [30] 朱平忠. Effects of Sequential Operation with Heat Treatment and Mechanical Milling on Work Hardening for Superalloy GH4169. METALS, 11, 2021.
- [31] 张世波. Phase transition and dynamic recrystallization mechanisms of white layer formation during turning superalloy Inconel 718. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15, 5288, 2021.
- [32] 王鑫. Vortices degradation and periodical variation in spiral micromixers with various spiral structures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 183, 2022.
- [33] 赵金富. Tool coating effects on cutting temperature during metal cutting processes: Comprehensive review and future research directions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 150, 2021.
- [34] 李国英. Intermetallic compounds Cr3Te4/NiNbTe2 formation during infiltrating Te into Inconel 718. MATERIALS LETTERS Journal, 310, 2022.
- [35] 姚共厚. Numerical prediction and experimental investigation of residual stresses in sequential milling of GH4169 considering initial stress effect. international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119, 7215, 2022.
- [36] 殷庆安. Heat transfer enhancement with surface-active thermal conductive media coating during orthogonal cutting Inconel 718. international Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022.
- [37] 解振威. Longitudinal amplitude effect on material removal mechanism of ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling 2.5D C/SiC composites. Ceramics International, 47, 32144, 2021.
- [38] 梁晓亮. Prediction of residual stress with multi-physics model for orthogonal cutting Ti-6Al-4V under various tool wear morphologies. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Journal, 288, 2021.
- [39] 张志成. The Fabrication of Porous Metal-Bonded Diamond Coatings Based on Low-Pressure Cold Spraying and Ni-Al Diffusion-Reaction. MATERIALS, 15, 2022.
- [40] 胡健睿. Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of Directional Spectrum Emissivity and Its Pattern for Random Rough Surfaces with a Matrix Method. SYMMETRY-BASEL, 13, 2021.