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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [61] 王兵. Proper selection of cutting parameters and cutting tool angle to lower the specific cutting energy during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016.
- [62] 王兵. Acoustic emission signal analysis during chip formation process in high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy and Inconel 718 superalloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017.
- [63] 王兵. Effect of scratching speed on phase transformations in high-speed scratching of monocrystalline silicon. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020.
- [64] 王兵. Effect of speed on material removal behavior in scribing of monocrystalline silicon. PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISIONENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2020.
- [65] 王兵. Modeling and simulation of phase transformation and crack formation during scribing of mono-crystalline silicon. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020.
- [66] 王兵. A hybrid post-processing method for improving the surface quality of additively manufactured metal parts. Annals of CIRP, 2021.
- [67] 王兵. Investigations on deformation and fracture behavior of workpiece material during high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2016.
- [68] 王兵. Influences of Cutting Speed and Material Mechanical Properties on Chip Deformation and Fracture during High-Speed Cutting of Inconel 718. Materials, 2018.
- [69] 王兵. Influences of tool structure, tool material and tool wear on machined surface integrity during turning and milling of titanium and nickel alloys: a review. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 2018.
- [70] 王兵. The effects of stress triaxiality and strain rate on the fracture strain of Ti6Al4V. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2019.
- [71] 王兵. A Modified Johnson–Cook Constitutive Model and Its Application to High Speed Machining of 7050-T7451 Aluminum Alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2019.
- [72] 王兵. Electrochemical corrosion behavior of a magnesium calcium alloy in simulated body fluids with different glucose concentrations. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020.
- [73] 王兵. A quantitative analysis of the transition of fracture mechanisms of Ti6Al4V over a wide range of stress triaxiality and strain rate. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2020.
- [74] 王兵. Advancements in material removal mechanism and surface integrity of high speed metal cutting: A review. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2021.
- [75] An approach for reducing cutting energy consumption with ultra-high speed machining of Super Alloy Inconel 718. Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf.-Green Tech., 7, 35-51, 2020.
- [76] Effect of scratching speed on phase transformations in high-speed scratching of monocrystalline silicon. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 772, 138836, 2020.
- [77] Modeling and simulation of phase transformation and crack formation during scribing of mono-crystalline silicon. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 175, 105527, 2020.
- [78] Effect of speed on material removal behavior in scribing of monocrystalline silicon. Precis. Eng., 66, 315-323, 2020.
- [79] The effects of stress triaxiality and strain rate on the fracture strain of Ti6Al4V. Eng. Fract. Mech., 219, 106627, 2019.
- [80] A modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model and its application to high speed machining of 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy. ASME J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 141, 011012, 2019.