Personal Information:
  • Name (Pinyin):
    Wang Dengxu
  • E-Mail:
  • Date of Employment:
  • School/Department:
  • Education Level:
    With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Gender:
  • Degree:
  • Status:
  • Academic Titles:
    中国化工学会硅能源与化工专委会委员,中国感光学会非线性光功能材料与器件技术专业委员会委员,Front. Chem.副编辑和客座编辑,Polymers编委和客座编辑
  • Alma Mater:
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Applied Chemistry;
Chemistry and Physics of Polymers;
Materials Physics and Chemistry;

长期从事有机硅材料的理论和应用研究,作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金、GF项目(含重点)、山东省自然科学基金(含重点)、企业委托等项目23项,在MacromoleculesACS Macro Lett.ACS SensorsChem. Mater.、Chem. Eng. J.Sens. Actuators B Chem等期刊上发表论文40余篇,申请发明专利24项(授权16项,含两项美国专利),参与中国有机硅行业十四五规划(2020年)和山东省新材料重点领域——先进化工材料创新突破实施方案(2019年)编制工作。


       1. 新型有机硅材料设计与合成技术研究



       2. 有机硅单体高值化利用技术


       3. 高端领域用有机硅材料研发




1.    ***项目,****研究、2022/10-2024.09、主持

2.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于巯基-环氧反应构建新型有机硅材料2023/01-2026/12、主持

3.    山东省自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、基于羟基-双键反应的有机硅合成方法研究2021/01-2023/12、主持

4.    ***项目,****2017/06-2021/12、共同主持(重点项目)

5.    山东大学青年学者未来计划,2019/08-2024/07、主持

6.    山东省自然科学基金面上项目,POSS基多孔材料的多功能化构筑及其与聚硅氧烷的复合探索2019/07-2022/06、主持

7.    国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于分子设计的有机硅荧光多孔材料的制备及应用研究2016/01-2018/12、主持

8.    山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于POSS单元的有机硅荧光多孔材料的制备及其性能研究2015/07-2017/07、主持

9.    山东大学基本科研业务费资助项目,2014/01-2016/12、主持

10. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2012/05-2013/10、主持

11. 山东省博士后创新项目专项资金,2011/11-2013/10、主持

12-23. 与国内知名企业、GF单位合作承担横向课题12项。




1.    Huo, Q.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*, Liu, H. Daylight visualization of latent fingerprints exceeding level 3 details through contradictory electrostatic and hydrogen-bonding interactions. ACS Sens. 2025, 10, 1166-1177.

2. Hou, Q.; Wu, W.; Tang, J.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*, Multifunctional poly(siloxane-thioether)s for consecutive detection of Fe3+ ions and L-cysteine, and transfer of organic dyes from aqueous to organic phases. Colloids Surfaces A 2025, 711, 136408.


1.    Wu, W.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.* Synthesis of functionalized polysiloxanes with nonconventional fluorescence and amphiphilicity by thiol-epoxy click reaction. Colloids Surfaces A 2024, 691, 133926.

2.    Guo, L.; Huo, Q.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Porous organic polymers incorporating BODIPY moieties for efficient removal of organic dyes from aqueous solutions. Polym. Chem., 2024, 15, 1194-1203.

3.    Wang, R.; Feng, S.; Liu, H.; Yi, G.; Wang, D.* Synthesis of functionalized disiloxanes with nonconventional fluorescence via oxa-Michael addition reaction. New. J. Chem., 2024, 48, 244-251.



1.    Tang, J.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.* Facile Synthesis of Sulfur-Containing Functionalized Disiloxanes with Nonconventional Fluorescence by Thiol-Epoxy Click Reaction. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2023, 24, 7785.

2.    Jia, S., Feng, S.; Wang, D.* Facile synthesis of functionalized polysiloxanes with nonconventional fluorescence by oxa-Michael addition reaction, Des. Monomers Polym., 2023, 26, 223-234.

3.    Chen, Z.; Feng, S.*; Wang, D.* Organosilicon Fluorescent Materials. Polymers 2023, 15, 332. (Invited Review)

4.    Qian, J.; Dong, F.*; Chen, X.; Xu, X.; Zhang, D.; Li, F.; Gao, Y.; Sun, H.; Pang, L.; Tang, X.*; Wang, D.* Facile Preparation of Polysiloxane-Modified Asphalt Binder Exhibiting Enhanced Performance. Polymers 2023, 15, 3795.



1.    Lv, Z.; Chen, Z.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. A sulfur-containing fluorescent hybrid porous polymer for selective detection and adsorption of Hg2+ ions. Polym. Chem. 2022, 13, 2320.



1.    Huang, Y.; Yan, J.; Wang, D.*; Feng, S.; Zhou, C*. Construction of Self-Healing Disulfide-Linked Silicone Elastomers by Thiol Oxidation Coupling Reaction. Polymers 2021, 13, 3729.

2.    冯圣玉, 谌梓煦, 王灯旭*. 聚硅氧烷基荧光材料. 《山东大学学报(理学版) 2021, 56, 99.

3.    Kong, S.; Wang, R.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.* Tannic Acid as a Natural Crosslinker for Catalyst-Free Silicone Elastomers From Hydrogen Bonding to Covalent Bonding. Front. Chem. 2021, 9, 778896.

4.    Zhou, B.; Chen, Z.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Engineering Functionality in Organic Porous Networks by Multicomponent Polymerization. Macromolecules 2021, 54, 7642.

5.    Chen, Z.; Wang, D.*; Feng, S.; Liu, H. An Imidazole Thione-Modified Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane for Selective Detection and Adsorptive Recovery of Au(III) from Aqueous Solutions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2021, 13, 23592.

6.    Cao, J.; Wang, D.; Wang, L.; Feng, S.* A Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic Silicone Sponge with Hierarchical Structures. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2021, 42, 2000761.

7.    Cao, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, D.; Sun, R.; Guo, M.; Feng, S.* A Super-Amphiphilic 3D Silicone Sponge with High Porosity for the Efficient Adsorption of Various Pollutants. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2021, 42, 2000603.

8.    Guo, X.; Rabeah, J.; Sun, R.; Wang, D.; Mejía, E.* Fluorescent Hybrid Porous Polymers as Sustainable Heterogeneous Photocatalysts for Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2021, 13, 42889.



1.    Chen, Z.; Sun, R.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Porosity-Induced Selective Sensing of Iodide in Aqueous Solution by a Fluorescent Imidazolium-Based Ionic Porous Framework. ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2020, 12, 11104.

2.    Sun, R.; Feng, S.; Zhou, B.; Chen, Z.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Flexible Cyclosiloxane-Linked Fluorescent Porous Polymers for Multifunctional Chemical Sensors. ACS Macro Lett. 2020, 9, 43.

3.    Unglaube, F.; Huenemoerder, P.; Guo, X.; Chen, Z.; Wang, D.; Mejia, E*. Phenazine Radical Cations as Efficient Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Cross-Dehydrogenative Aza-Henry Reaction. Helvet. Chim. Acta 2020, 103, e2000184.

4.    Yan, J.; Cao, J.; Xue, L.; Feng, S.; Zhang, H.; Wang, D.* Thiol Oxidative Coupling Synthesis of Silicone Foams for Oil/Water Separation. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2020, 2, 1634.



1.    Liu, H.; Chen, Z.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. A Selenone-Functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane for Selective Detection and Adsorption of Hg2+ ions in Aqueous Solutions. Polymers 2019, 11, 2084.

2.    Liu, H.; Sun, R.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Rapid synthesis of a silsesquioxane-based disulfide-linked polymer for selective removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 359, 436.

3.    王灯旭, 曹金风, 韩栋栋, 李文思, 冯圣玉. 有机硅合成新方法. 化学进展 2019, 31, 110.

4.    Cao M.; Y. Y.; Gao W.; Feng S.; Wang D., Wan M., Liu C., Wang L., Zhang H.*. Incidence and Risk Factors of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-related Complications in Patients with Diabetes: A Retrospective Study. Eur. J. Clin. Biomed. Sci. 2019, 5, 58.

5.    Lu, H.; Hu, Z.; Wang, D.; Chen, K.; Feng, S. Self-Recoverable Dual-Network Silicon Elastomer Applied in Cell Adhesives. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2019, 1, 2826.



1.    Sun, R.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Fluorescence-Tuned Silicone Elastomers for Multicolored Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes: Realizing the Processability of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Hybrid Porous Polymers. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30, 6370.

2.    Sun, R.; Huo, X.; Lu, H.; Feng, S.; Wang, D.*; Liu, H. Recyclable fluorescent paper sensor for visual detection of nitroaromatic explosives. Sensors Actuat. B: Chem. 2018, 265, 476.

3.    Li, W.; Wang, D.; Han, D.; Sun, R.; Zhang, J.; Feng, S.* New Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes-Based Fluorescent Ionic Liquids: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Application in Sensors for Detecting Nitroaromatic Explosives. Polymers 2018, 10 (8), 917.

4.    Cao, J.; Wang, D.; An, P.; Zhang, J.; Feng, S.* Highly compression-tolerant and durably hydrophobic macroporous silicone sponges synthesized by a one-pot click reaction for rapid oil/water separation. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 18025.



1.    Wang, D.; Klein, J.; Mejía, E.* Catalytic Systems for the Cross-linking of Organosilicon Polymers. Chem. Asian J. 2017, 12, 1180.

2.    Wang, D.; Mejía, E.* POSS-Based Nitrogen-Doped Hierarchically Porous Carbon as Metal-Free Oxidation Catalyst. ChemistrySelect 2017, 2, 3381.

3.    Wang, D.*; Sun, R.; Feng, S.; Li, W.; Liu, H.* Retrieving the original appearance of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based porous polymers. Polymer 2017, 130, 218.



1.    Wang, D.*; Feng, S.*; Liu, H.* Fluorescence-Tuned Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Porous Polymers. Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 14319.

2.    Wang, D.*; Yang, W.; Feng, S.; Liu, H.* Amine post-functionalized POSS-based porous polymers exhibiting simultaneously enhanced porosity and carbon dioxide adsorption properties. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 13749.

3.    王国刚; 窦润涛; 赵悦菊; 张培林; 王灯旭*; 冯圣玉. 新型变压器用氟硅橡胶密封材料的制备及其性能研究. 化工新型材料 2016, 70.

4.    王国刚; 窦润涛; 赵悦菊; 王建辉; 王灯旭*; 冯圣玉. 新型高导热绝缘包覆母排材料的制备及性能. 材料科学与工程学报 2016, 34, 824.



1.    王灯旭; 左育静; 卢杭; 封玲珑; 李爱华; 冯圣玉*. 国际有机硅化学研究的若干热点问题. 有机硅材料 2015, 29, 125.

2.    Wang, D.; Li, L.; Yang, W.; Zuo, Y.; Feng, S.*; Liu, H.* POSS-based luminescent porous polymers for carbon dioxide sorption and nitroaromatic explosives detection. RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 59877.

3.    Wang, D.; Yang, W.; Feng, S.*; Liu, H.* Constructing hybrid porous polymers from cubic octavinylsilsequioxane and planar halogenated benzene. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 3634.

4.    Wang, D.; Wang, L.; Xue, L.; Zhou, D.; Feng, S.*; Zhao, X.* Tetrahedral silicon-based luminescent molecules: Synthesis and comparison of thermal and photophysical properties by various effect factors. J. Organomet. Chem. 2013, 735, 58.

5.    Wang, D.; Xue, L.; Li, L.; Deng, B.; Feng, S.*; Liu, H.*; Zhao, X.* Rational Design and Synthesis of Hybrid Porous Polymers Derived from Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes via Heck Coupling Reactions. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2013, 34, 861.

6.    Wang, D.; Yang, W.; Li, L.; Zhao, X.; Feng, S.*; Liu, H.* Hybrid networks constructed from tetrahedral silicon-centered precursors and cubic POSS-based building blocks via Heck reaction: porosity, gas sorption, and luminescence. J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 13549.

7.    Wang, D.; He, H.; Chen, X.; Feng, S.*; Niu, Y.; Sun, D.* A 3D porous metal-organic framework constructed of 1D zigzag and helical chains exhibiting selective anion exchange. CrystEngComm 2010, 12, 1041.

8.    Wang, D.; Niu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Han, J.; Feng, S.* Tetrahedral silicon-centered imidazolyl derivatives: Promising candidates for OLEDs and fluorescence response of Ag (I) ion. J. Organomet. Chem. 2010, 695, 2329.

9.    Wang, D.; Sun, W.; Feng, S. Silicon-Containing Metal Compounds. Prog. Chem. 2008, 20, 1651.



1.    王灯旭,郭丽华,冯圣玉,一种用于有机染料吸附的有机多孔聚合物及其制备方法,ZL 202211375173.2,申请日:20221104日,授权时间:2024927日;

2.    王灯旭,冯圣玉,赵培健,张圣有,伊港,一种双乙烯基封端聚硅氧烷的制备方法,ZL 202310074193.4,申请日:20230207日,授权时间:202486日;

3.    Dengxu Wang, Rui Wang, Shengyu Feng, Preparation method of functional silanes, US 11608348B2, 申请日:2022627日,授权时间:2023321日;

4.    王灯旭,王瑞,冯圣玉,刘海龙,伊港,一种官能化二硅氧烷的制备方法,ZL 202110953307.3,申请日:20210819日,授权时间:202282日;

5.    王灯旭,孔森,冯圣玉,王丽丽,王文雨,一种基于改性多酚交联的高强度有机硅弹性体的制备方法,ZL 202110721921.7,申请日:20210628日,授权时间:202282日;

6.    Dengxu Wang, Sen Kong, Shengyu Feng, Preparation method of organic silicone elastomers crosslinked by polyphenols, US 11319447B2, 申请日:2021915日,授权时间:202253日;

7.    王灯旭,王瑞,冯圣玉,一种功能性硅烷的制备方法,ZL 202110953440.9,申请日:20210819日,授权时间:202256日;

8.    王灯旭,周丙炎,冯圣玉,刘鸿志,一种功能性有机多孔聚合物及其制备方法与应用,ZL 202011439850.3,申请时间:20201210日,授权时间:2021921日;

9.    王灯旭,孔森,冯圣玉,一种基于多酚化合物交联的有机硅弹性体的制备方法,ZL 202011063395.1,申请时间:20200930日,授权时间:2021723日;

10. 王灯旭,孙瑞雪,冯圣玉,刘鸿志,一种快速检测Fe3+的方法,ZL 201711140355.0,申请时间:20180417日,授权时间:20210622日;

11. 王灯旭,孙瑞雪,冯圣玉,刘鸿志,一种荧光硅烷偶联剂及其制备方法与在室温硫化硅橡胶中的应用,ZL 201810474333.6,申请时间:20180517日,授权时间:20221202日;

12. 冯圣玉,霍晓娟,王灯旭,张洁,封玲珑,一种制备侧链改性聚硅氧烷的方法,ZL 201710762939.5,申请时间:20170830日,授权时间:20200424日;

13. 王灯旭,颜建攀,冯圣玉,曹金风,孙瑞雪,一种有机硅泡沫材料的制备方法,ZL 201910159259.3,申请时间:20190628日,授权时间:2020313日;

14. 王灯旭,冯圣玉,刘鸿志,一种同时提高多孔性和二氧化碳储存量的POSS基多孔材料的制备方法,ZL 201510053403.7,申请时间:20150202日,授权时间:2017616日;

15. Mejia Esteban; Wang Dengxu; Kragl Udo; Gutacker Andrea; Hemery Therese; Duracu Adrian, Silanes and curable composites comprising said silanes. EP16188603A. 2016.09.13.

16. 冯圣玉,周德波,李朝霞,张洁,朱庆增,贝逸翎,王灯旭,一种α-取代丙烯酰氧基甲基三烷氧基硅烷的制备方法,ZL 201410748378.X,授权时间:2018413日。

  • 2006-9 — 2011-6
    Shandong University
    Polymer Chemistry and Physics
    Doctoral Degree
  • 2002-9 — 2006-7
    Shandong University
    Applied Chemsitry

Our research mainly focuses in the fields of organosilicon chemistry, polymers and materials.

  I. Design, synthesis and applications of novel organosilicon functional materials

      1. Organosilicon porous materials

      2. Organosilicon fluorescent materials

      3. Organosilicon elastomers

      4. Organosilicon self-healing materials

II. Novel synthetic methodologies of organosilicon materials

     1. Heck coupling reaction

     2. Thiol-ene click reaction

III. Special organosilicon materials

Research direction

No contents


1. 桂聪. Efficient fabrication of conductive sponges for wearable flexible sensors .Chemical Engineering Journal.2024,499

2. 桂聪. 3D Macroporous and Mesoporous Sponge for Selective Pollutant Removal .ACS Applied Polymer Materials.2023,6 (1):475-483

3. 郭丽华. Porous organic polymers incorporating BODIPY moieties for efficient removal of organic dyes from aqueous solutions .POLYMER CHEMISTRY.2024

4. 吴伟龙. Synthesis of functionalized polysiloxanes with nonconventional fluorescence and amphiphilicity by thiol-epoxy click reaction .Colloids and Surfaces A.2024,691

5. 黄艳华. Construction of Self-Healing Disulfide-Linked Silicone Elastomers by Thiol Oxidation Coupling Reaction .POLYMERS.2021,13 (21)

6. 曹金风. Highly compression-tolerant and durably hydrophobic macroporous silicone sponges synthesized by a one-pot click reaction for rapid oil/water separation .Journal of Materials Chemistry A.2018 (6)

7. 岳峥. Synthesis of polyacrylonitrile-block-polydimethylsiloxane-blockpolyacrylonitrile triblock copolymers via RAFT polymerization .CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS.2012,23 (23):989

8. 汤静. Facile Synthesis of Sulfur-Containing Functionalized Disiloxanes with Nonconventional Fluorescence by Thiol-Epoxy Click Reaction .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES .2023,24 (9):7785

9. 谌梓煦. Organosilicon Fluorescent Materials .Polymers.2023,15 (2):332

10. 颜建攀. Thiol Oxidative Coupling Synthesis of Silicone Foams for Oil/Water Separation .ACS Applied Polymer Materials.2020,2 (4):1634

11. 曹金风. Functional polysiloxanes: a novel synthesis method and hydrophilic applications .new journal of chemistry.2017, 41 (16):8546

12. 曹金风. Highly compression-tolerant and durably hydrophobic macroporous silicone sponges synthesized by a one-pot click reaction for rapid oil/water separation .Journal of Materials Chemistry A.2018,24 (37):18025

13. 吕卓. A sulfur-containing fluorescent hybrid porous polymer for selective detection and adsorption of Hg2+ ions .POLYMER CHEMISTRY.2022,13 (16):2320

14. 孔森. Tannic Acid as a Natural Crosslinker for Catalyst-Free Silicone Elastomers From Hydrogen Bonding to Covalent Bonding .FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY.2021,9 :778896

15. 曹金风. A Super-Amphiphilic 3D Silicone Sponge with High Porosity for the Efficient Adsorption of Various Pollutants .MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Journal.2021,42 (7)

16. 曹金风. A Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic Silicone Sponge with Hierarchical Structures .MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Journal.2021,42 (9)

17. 谌梓煦. An Imidazole Thione-Modified Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane for Selective Detection and Adsorptive Recovery of Au(III) from Aqueous Solutions .ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2021,13 (20):23592

18. 周丙炎. Engineering Functionality in Organic Porous Networks by Multicomponent Polymerization .Macromolecules.2021,54 (16):7642

19. 颜建攀. Thiol Oxidative Coupling Synthesis of Silicone Foams for Oil/Water Separation .ACS Applied Polymer Materials.2020,2 :1631

20. 谌梓煦. Porosity-Induced Selective Sensing of Iodide in Aqueous Solution by a Fluorescent Imidazolium-Based Ionic Porous Framework .ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2020,12 :11104

21. 孙瑞雪. Flexible Cyclosiloxane-Linked Fluorescent Porous Polymers for Multifunctional Chemical Sensors .ACS Macro Letters.2020,9 :43

22. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu , liuhongzhi  and liuhailong. A Selenone-Functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane for Selective Detection and Adsorption of Hg2+ ions in Aqueous Solutions .POLYMERS.2019,11 (12)

23. fengshengyu  and Wang Dengxu. Self-recoverable Dual-network Silicon Elastomer Applied in Novel Cell Adhesives .ACS Appl. Polym. Mater..2019,1 :2826

24. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu , liuhongzhi  and liuhailong. Rapid synthesis of a silsesquioxane-based disulfide-linked polymer for selective removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions .Chemical Engineering Journal.2019,359 :436

25. Wang Dengxu , fengshengyu  and 王灯旭. Novel Organosilicon Synthetic Methodologies .PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY.2019,31 (1):110

26. Wang Dengxu , zhangjie , fengshengyu  and caojinfeng. Highly compression-tolerant and durably hydrophobic macroporous silicone sponges synthesized by a one-pot click reaction for rapid oil/water separation .journal of materials chemistry A.2018,6 (37):18025

27. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu , liuhongzhi  and 孙瑞雪. Fluorescence-Tuned Silicone Elastomers for Multicolored Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes: Realizing the Processability of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Hybrid Porous Polymers .Chemistry of Materials.2018,30 (18):6370

28. Wang Dengxu , zhangjie , fengshengyu  and Li, Wensi. New Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes-Based Fluorescent Ionic Liquids: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Application in Sensors for Detecting Nitroaromatic Explosives .Polymers.2018,10 (8)

29. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu , liuhongzhi  and 孙瑞雪. Recyclable fluorescent paper sensor for visual detection of nitroaromatic explosives .Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical.2018,265 :476

30. Wang Dengxu , fengshengyu , liuhongzhi  and 王灯旭. Retrieving the original appearance of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-based porous polymers .polymer.2017, 130 :218

31. 王灯旭. Catalytic Systems for the Cross-Linking of Organosilicon Polymers .Chemistry-An asian journal.2017,12 (11):1180

32. Wang Dengxu  and 王灯旭. 新型变压器用氟硅橡胶密封材料的制备及其性能研究 .《化工新型材料》.2016,44 (11):70

33. fengshengyu  and 王灯旭. 新型高导热绝缘包覆母排材料的制备及性能 .《材料科学与工程学报》.2016,34 (5):824

34. Wang Dengxu , fengshengyu , liuhongzhi  and 王灯旭. Fluorescence-Tuned Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Based Porous Polymers .Chem. Eur. J.2016

35. liuhongzhi , Wang Dengxu  and fengshengyu. Amine post-functionalized POSS-based porous polymers exhibiting simultaneously enhanced porosity and carbon dioxide adsorption properties .Rsc Adv..2016,6 :13749

36. Wang Dengxu  and fengshengyu. 国际有机硅化学研究的若干热点问题 .《有机硅材料》.2015,29 (2):125

37. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu  and zhangjie. Multifunctional Alkoxysilanes Prepared by Thiol-Yne “Click” Chemistry: Their Luminescent Properties and Modification on Silicon Surface .RSC advances.2014,4 :62827

38. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu  and liuhongzhi. Hybrid Porous Polymers Constructed from Octavinylsilsesquioxane and Benzene via Friedel–Crafts Reaction: Tunable Porosity, Gas Sorption, and Postfunctionalization .journal of materials chemistry A.2014,2 :2160

39. liuhongzhi , fengshengyu  and 王灯旭. POSS-based luminescent porous polymers for carbon dioxide sorption and nitroaromatic explosives detection .RSC ADV.2014,4 (104):59877

40. fengshengyu  and Wang Dengxu. Synthesis of ester-capped carbosilane dendrimers via a hybrid divergent-convergent method .CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS.2014,25 (11):1419

41. Wang Dengxu  and fengshengyu. New cyano functionalized silanes: Synthesis, characterization and diphenylamine detection .Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.2014,767 :40

42. Wang Dengxu , fengshengyu , liuhongzhi  and 王灯旭. Constructing hybrid porous polymers from cubic octavinylsilsequioxane and planar halogenated benzene .POLYMER CHEMISTRY.2014,5 (11):3634

43. Wang Dengxu  and fengshengyu. Hybrid porous polymers constructed from octavinylsilsesquioxane and benzene via Friedel–Crafts reaction: tunable porosity, gas sorption, and postfunctionalization .J. Mater. Chem. A.2014,2 (7):2160

44. Wang Dengxu , zhaoxian , liuhongzhi  and fengshengyu. Hybrid Networks Constructed from Tetrahedral Silicon-Centered Precursors and Cubic POSS-Based Building Blocks via Heck Reaction: Porosity, Gas Sorption, and Luminescence .J. Mater. Chem. A.2013,1 :13549

45. Wang Dengxu , luhaifeng  and fengshengyu. New Cyano Functionalized Silanes with Aggregation-Induced Emission Enhancement Properties .Appl. Organomet. Chem.2013,27 :529

46. Wang Dengxu , zhaoxian , liuhongzhi  and fengshengyu. Rational Design and Synthesis of Hybrid Porous Polymers Derived from Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes via Heck Coupling Reaction .Macromol.Rapid Commun.2013,34 :861

47. Wang Dengxu , zhaoxian  and fengshengyu. Tetrahedral Silicon-Based Luminescent Molecules: Synthesis and Comparison of Thermal and Photophysical Properties by Various Effect Factors .Journal of Organometallic Chemistry.2013,735 :58

48. fengshengyu , Wang Dengxu  and zhangjie. Synthesis and characterization of silicon-containing hyperbranched polymers viathiol-ene click reaction .J. Organomet. Chem..2013,732 :1

49. Wang Dengxu , zhangjie  and fengshengyu. Facile, Versatile and Efficient Synthesis of Functional Polysiloxanes via Thiol-Ene Chemistry .European Polymer Journal.2013,49 :1050

Research project

1. 聚硅氧烷-聚缩醛共聚物的制备及性能探索, 2024/09/15-2025/12/31

2. GFJG-GF2023045KM20230070, 2023/10/20-2024/12/30

3. 高压电缆附件用液体硅橡胶材料逆向解析, 2023/11/16-2026/04/30

4. GFJG-KM20230022, 2022/10/01-2024/10/31

5. 电力/电子行业用苯基硅树脂研制, 2023/02/10-2025/06/30

6. 基于巯基-环氧反应构建新型有机硅材料, 2022/09/07-2026/12/31

7. 基于巯基-环氧反应构建新型有机硅聚合物及性能研究, 2022/04/25-2023/10/25

8. GFJG-KM20210040, 2021/09/28-2022/12/31

9. 基于羟基-双键反应的有机硅合成方法研究, 2020/12/16-2023/12/31

10. 系列官能化聚硅氧烷的技术开发, 2020/04/27-2022/04/26

11. 有机硅材料科技合作, 2019/01/08-2022/01/08

12. POSS基多孔材料的多功能化构筑及其与聚硅氧烷的复合探索, 2019/04/26-2022/06/30

13. 系列高性能有机硅产品技术开发, 2019/04/25-2022/12/31

14. 经由K-F反应制备含膦酸酯基的含硅聚合物及阻燃性能研究, 2017/08/01-2020/06/30

15. 导热绝缘材料性能测试, 2014/10/01-2017/12/31

16. 对PC等塑料基材有粘着性加成型硅橡胶产品的开发, 2018/11/24-2020/11/23

17. 甲基二氯硅烷深度开发利用, 2018/08/01-2020/08/01

18. 荧光硅烷偶联剂的制备技术, 2018/06/01-2020/05/31

19. 基于POSS单元的有机硅荧光多孔材料的制备及其性能研究, 2015/07/01-2017/07/31

20. 基于分子设计的有机硅荧光多孔材料的制备及其性能研究, 2015/08/17-2018/12/31

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