

  • 2013-9 — 2018-6
  • 2009-9 — 2013-6
  • 2024-09 — 至今
     海洋研究院  山东大学 
  • 2020-11 — 2024-08
     海洋研究院  山东大学 
  • 2018-09 — 2020-11
     海洋研究院  山东大学 

(1) 张天旭.海洋温差循环满液式换热器传热计算方法及试验研究.山东大学学报:工学版.2024

(2) 王星耀.Transient hydrodynamics coefficients analysis of a six-degree-of-freedom underwater manipulator.Ocean Engineering.2024,312

(3) 薛钢.集成水力翼板的深海着陆器水动力特性研究与结构优化.《机械工程学报(中文版)》.2024 (06)

(4) Li, Zhitong.Hydrodynamic performance analysis and diving trajectory prediction of a novel deep-sea lander with flapping hydrofoils.Ocean Engineering.2024,310

(5) 王登帅.Design and Control of Hydraulic Power Take-Off System for an Array of Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters.可持续性.2023,15 (22)

(6) 薛钢.集成水力翼板的深海着陆器水动力特性研究与结构优化.基于铣削力精确建模的工件表面.2024 :1-15

(7) 刘延俊.Dynamic Model Identification of Ships and Wave Energy Converters Based on Semi-Conjugate Linear Regression and Noisy Input Gaussian Process.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2021,9 (2)

(8) 刘铁生.Optimization of wind-wave hybrid system based on wind-wave coupling model.IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION.2024

(9) 许志豪.The Numerical Investigation of Solid–Liquid Two-Phase Flow Characteristics Inside and Outside a Newly Designed 3D Sediment Trap.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2024,12 (1)

(10) 秦健.Design and Performance Evaluation of an Enclosed Inertial Wave Energy Converter with a Nonlinear Stiffness Mechanism.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2024,12 (1)

(11) 张振全.Wave excitation force prediction for arrays of wave energy converters in directional waves.Ocean Engineering.2024,304

(12) Li, Zhitong.Hydrodynamic performance optimization and adjustment prediction of a novel deep-sea towed body with adjustable hydrofoils.Ocean Engineering.2024,296

(13) 秦健.Energy capture performance enhancement of point absorber wave energy converter using magnetic tristable and quadstable mechanisms.Renewable Energy.2024,221

(14) 张振全.Cooperative model predictive control for Wave Energy Converter arrays.Renewable Energy.2023,219

(15) 王星耀.Underwater Object Detection Algorithm Based on Adding Channel and Spatial Fusion Attention Mechanism.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2023,11 (6)

(16) 王元之.Influence of Hydraulic PTO Parameters on Power Capture and Motion Response of a Floating Wind-Wave Hybrid System.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2022 (10)

(17) 刘铁生.Shape Optimization of Oscillating Buoy Wave Energy Converter Based on the Mean Annual Power Prediction Model.energies.2022 (15)

(18) 张凯戈.Research on a Three-Dimensional Fuzzy Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the Mechanical Arm of an Iron Roughneck.PROCESSES.2023 (11)

(19) 薛钢.Control Parameters Optimization of Accumulator in Hydraulic Power Take-Off System for Eccentric Rotating Wave Energy Converter.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2023 (11)

(20) 薛钢.Experiment for Effect of Attack Angle and Environmental Condition on Hydrodynamics of Near-Surface Swimming Fish-Like Robot.Applied Bionics and Biomechanics.2023 (10)

(21) 薛钢.Experimental Investigation of Mooring Performance and Energy-Harvesting Performance of Eccentric Rotor Wave Energy Converter.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2022 (10)

(22) 张振全.Research on wave excitation estimators for arrays of wave energy converters.Energy .2023 (264)

(23) 张振全.Hybrid Model Predictive Control of a Two-Body Wave Energy Converter with Mechanically Driven Power Take-Off.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2023 (11)

(24) 秦健.Design and performance evaluation of novel magnetic tristable wave energy converter.Ocean Engineering.2023 (285)

(25) 薛钢.Research on the effects of complex terrain on the hydrodynamic performance of a deep-sea fishlike exploring and sampling robot moving near the sea bottom.Frontiers in Marine Science.2023 (10)

(26) 薛钢.海底底质声学现场探测设备机械系统研究.《大连理工大学学报》.2017 (03):252

(27) 刘延俊.波浪能发电装置浮体形状参数对俘能性能影响.山东大学学报(工学版.2020 (第50卷第6期)

(28) 黄淑亭.Hydrodynamic response and power performance of a heave and pitch buoy wave energy converter under bimodal Ochi?Hubble wave spectrum.CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING.2022 (36)

(29) 黄淑亭.Dynamic model identification of ships and wave energy converters based on semi-conjugate linear regression and noisy input Gaussian process.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2021 (194)

(30) 薛钢.Effect of Mooring Mode and Internal Mass Block Layout on Eccentric Rotating Wave Energy Converter Model.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.2022 (0)

(31) 薛钢.Research on Trajectory Tracking Control of Underwater Vehicle Manipulator System Based on Model-Free Adaptive Control Method.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2022 (10)

(32) 刘延俊.内置偏心转子式波浪能发电装置的动力学研究.天津大学学报(自然科学版).2021 (55)

(33) 刘延俊.基于半潜式平台的微阵列浮子捕能特性研究.《水力发电学报》.2022 (51)

(34) 薛祎凡.Online identification of a ship maneuvering model using a fast noisy input Gaussian process.Ocean Engineering.2022,250

(35) 薛钢.Optimization on motion-robust and energy-saving controller for hydraulic penetration system of seabed equipment.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART M-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT.2021

(36) 王伟.Capture Power Prediction of the Frustum of a Cone Shaped Floating Body Based on BP Neural Network.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2021,9 (6)

(37) 薛祎凡.Identification and Prediction of Ship Maneuvering Motion Based on a Gaussian Process with Uncertainty Propagation.Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.2021,9 (8)

(38) 张伟.电液伺服波浪发电模拟试验台的仿真研究.Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica.2016,37 (3)

(39) 刘延俊.Research on the Operational Stability and Energy Consumption of the Profiling Float.Journal of Coastal Research.2020 (99)

(40) 张伟.The Simulation and Experiment on Hydraulic and Energy Storage Wave Power Technology.Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.2016,13 (3)

(41) 司伟伟.Energy Consumption Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis for Deep-Argo Otarriinae Profiling Float.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2020,2020 (1)

(42) 陈志.Study of Wave Load Computation Based on Diffraction Theory.2019

(43) 薛祎凡.Hydrodynamic parameter identification for ship manoeuvring mathematical models using a Bayesian approach.Ocean Engineering.2019,195 (1)

(44) 李志彤.Multi-objective optimization of the shell in autonomous intelligent argo profiling float.Ocean Engineering.2019

(45) 张伟.Experimental and Simulative Study on Accumulator Function in the Process of Wave Energy Conversion.Polish Maritime Research.2016,23 (3)

(46) 吴瀚崚.大型轴类锻件矫直机液压系统的设计与分析.《机床与液压》.2018,46 (20)

(47) 郭凤祥.Optimum Design of the Hydraulic System with Supercharger in Argo Based on AMESim.2018

(48) 刘梦超.参数化单元边界元法解势流速度场问题.《中国舰船研究》.2018,13 (5)

(49) 刘恒宇.Stability of the Cone Probe Driven by Hydraulic Motor Based on Fuzzy PID.2020

(50) 吴瀚崚.Design and Experimental Research on Deep Water Pressure Resistance System of Argo Float.Journal of Coastal Research.2018

(51) 季念迎.基于数值模拟的造波机设计与实现方法研究.Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao/Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument.2017,38 (9)

(52) 李志彤.Numerical research on hydrodynamic characteristics of fish-like flexible oscillating hydrofoil.2018

(53) 薛钢.Motion model of fish-like underwater vehicle and its effect on hydrodynamic performance.2018

(54) 薛钢.Optimal Design and Numerical Simulation on Fish-like Flexible Hydrofoil Propeller.Polish Maritime Research.2016,23 (4)

(55) 薛钢.Numerical Analysis of Hydrodynamics for Bionic Oscillating Hydrofoil Based on Panel Method.Applied Bionics and Biomechanics.2016,2016 (2016)

(56) 薛钢.Evolvement rule and hydrodynamic effect of fluid field around fish-like model from starting to cruising.ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS.2020,14 (1)

(57) 薛钢.Energy recovery and conservation utilizing seawater pressure in the working process of Deep-Argo profiling float.Energy.2020,195 (195)

(58) 薛祎凡.System identification of ship dynamic model based on Gaussian process regression with input noise.Ocean Engineering.2020 (107862)


1. 纤维增强转子水轮机波浪能发电装置研制, 2022/08/01-2024/07/31

2. 集成水翼的深海运载器的运动驱控与波浪供能融合机制, 2024/08/23-2028/12/31

3. GFJG-JCJQKM20240059, 2024/07/01-2024/11/30

4. 利用海洋可再生能源供电的长自持仿生多关节深潜器研发, 2023/12/01-2026/11/30

5. 深海航行器高效推进及浮力调节系统研发, 2023/09/28-2025/12/31

6. 基于水面目标主动识别的自动隐蔽海洋浮标系统, 2023/03/01-2026/03/31

7. 水下清洗机器人爬行、清洗及导航功能模块研发, 2023/07/25-2025/12/31

8. 适应深海极端环境的高效可靠传动系统研发, 2023/05/20-2025/12/31

9. 深海液压传动系统服役行为及柔顺控制研究, 2023/04/29-2024/12/31

10. 集成翼板的拖体缩比物理模型研制及流体动力学特性实验, 2023/02/01-2023/04/30

11. 基于深海移动平台的海底岩芯及沉积物取样作业装备, 2021/12/31-2024/12/31

12. 农业机械核心智能化技术研究与产业化, 2022/02/08-2025/02/28

13. 农业机械电液控制系统参数匹配优化研究, 2022/02/01-2025/02/28

14. 基于主动速度控制的Argo浮标协同观测技术, 2022/01/28-2024/01/25

15. 深海液压浮力驱动系统研发, 2021/09/01-2023/12/31

16. 多关节潜器运动仿真及控制算法调试, 2021/06/01-2022/07/31

17. 金属板材生产工艺技术创新, 2021/07/01-2023/12/31

18. (包干项目)基于流场辨识与扰动观测的仿鱼机器人自主运动控制研究, 2020/12/12-2023/12/31

19. 未辨识受限空间内仿鱼机器人自适应流场反演方法研究, 2020/09/18-2023/12/31

20. 基于扰动观测与姿态辨识的动力贯入式海底浅表层原位力学/声学精确测试技术研究, 主持

21. 基于自适应速度调控机制的深海Argo浮标长航时能量优化与浅表层精细观测研究, 主持

22. 动力贯入式海底沉积物原位高精度测试方法研究, 主持

23. Deep-Argo海洋剖面浮标长航时能量优化与浅表层精细观测研究, 主持

24. 基于流场辨识与扰动观测的仿鱼机器人自主运动控制研究, 主持

25. 基于水下移动平台的七轴冗余机械臂系统控制特性研究, 主持

26. 基于液压传动系统的海底沉积物原位高精度测试方法研究, 主持

27. 适于中国海域的漂浮内转子式波浪能发电装备研发(课题一:适应复杂海况的高效稳定波浪能发电及集成应用技术研究), 主持

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