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  • 于丽 ( 教授 )

    个人主页 http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/yuli/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师






2015.1~2016.1     美国犹他大学          国家公派访问学者

2009.12~至今       山东大学化学与化工学院  教授

2004.11~2009.12  山东大学化学与化工学院  副教授

2002.10~2004.11  山东大学化学与化工学院  讲师

2007.7~2010.10    胜利石油管理局 二站博士后

2002.10~2004.10  山东大学胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室 一站博士后

1999.9~2002.7     浙江大学化学系            理学博士

1996.9~1999.7     曲阜师范大学化学系     理学硕士

1994.9~1996.7   曲阜师范大学化学系     理学学士






1. 液晶/纸基生物传感器及气体荧光传感器的开发及应用(如检测生物标志物、重金属离子、VOCs、高毒性有机危害物)

2. 功能性表面活性剂的设计合成及其分子有序聚集体(如蠕虫状胶束、凝胶、液晶、囊泡和乳液)的构筑及应用

3. 功能性表面活性剂参与构筑的微纳杂化材料及应用(如催化化学反应、去除环境污染物)


担任中国化学会高级会员、山东省生物诊断分析产业创新创业共同体专家委员会委员、山东省工业技术研究院生物传感协同创新中心共建项目委员、Frontiers in Chemistry特刊的Co-editor。长期担任Chem. Commun., Analytical Chemistry,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sens. Actuators. B 等多个国际知名期刊及《化学学报》、《物理化学学报》等国内重要学术期刊的评审专家。



















17.基于硫酸酯的绿色离子液体型表面活性剂/牛血清白蛋白复合物研究(ZR2011BM017), 山东省自然科学基金(2011-2013).




21.气液界面上双调控作用制备贵金属纳米材料 (2009TS018),山东大学自主创新基金(2009-2011)    










1. 生物传感器件制造技术平台构建与产业化应用示范,山东省新旧动能转换重大工程重大课题攻关项目(2019)


3.具有三次采油驱油和稠油降粘双功能处理剂的研究 (2004GG2203094),山东省科技攻关计划(2004-2006)





1. 一种基于液晶平台快速可视化筛选全氟和多氟烷基化合物吸附剂的方法(申请号:202410952880.6),位次:1/4





6. 一种基于凝血酶适配体调节的酶级联反应的DNase I生物传感器(专利号:ZL 202211373890.1),位次:1/6

7.一种基于DNA凝胶的铅离子快速检测方法(专利号:ZL 202210069876.6),位次:1/4

8.一种基于铜离子响应焦磷酸根的碱性磷酸酶或甲胎蛋白检测方法(专利号:ZL 202210076454.1),位次:1/5

9.一种用于含聚采出液中硫酸盐还原菌的杀菌剂及其制备方法与应用(专利号:ZL 202111555921.0),位次:1/4

10.一种基于悬滴法检测乙酰胆碱酯酶及其抑制剂的方法(专利号:ZL 202110635960.5),位次:1/4

11.一种基于纳米金荧光检测溶菌酶的方法及其应用(专利号:ZL 201910282960.4),位次:1/6

12.基于液晶传感平台检测和鉴别半胱氨酸和高半胱氨酸的方法(专利号:ZL 201910555664.7),位次:1/5

13.一种基于荧光猝灭检测双氧水的稀土铕-壳聚糖薄膜及其检测方法(专利号:ZL 201810237741.X),位次:1/5

14.一种基于荧光猝灭铜离子的检测方法(专利号:ZL 201510613490.7),位次:1/6

15.一种基于微乳液相转移法降解重铬酸钾的方法(专利号:ZL 201510613665.4),位次1/6

16.液晶传感器在检测有机磷农药和氨基甲酸酯类农药中的应用(专利号:ZL 201510613597.1),位次:1/5

17. 一种天然羧酸盐-聚合物微球二元复合调驱体系及其制备与应用(专利号:ZL 201110130518.3),位次:1/7

18.一种透镜状高纯球霰石型碳酸钙晶体及其制备方法(专利号:ZL 201110162938.X),位次:1/7


20. 一种可溶性生长刺激表达基因2蛋白测定试剂盒及其制备方法和应用(专利号:ZL 202211514241.9),位次:4/4

21.一种阴离子蠕虫状胶束驱油体系及其制备方法(专利号:ZL 200710116123.1),位次:3/5

22.双子烷基羧酸盐表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用(专利号:ZL 200710014251.5),位次:3/9

23.双子烷基羧酸盐无碱驱油剂组合物及其应用(专利号:ZL 200710014252.X),位次:3/8

24.利用硬模板制备空盒状二氧化硅材料的方法(专利号:ZL 200810159784.7),位次:4/4 





















1. Hydrodynamic fluidic pump empowered sensitive recognition and active transport of hydrogen peroxide in 1D channels, Shuya Liu, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Yanze Wei,* Qiongzheng Hu,* and Li Yu*, Adv. Sci. 2024, 12, 2408755.

2. Single-chain conjugated polymer guests confined inside metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): boosting the detection and degradation of a sulfur mustard simulant, Shuya Liu, Yongxian Guo, Yifei Jiang, Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, Anal. Chem. 2024, 96, 2333-2340.

3. Hydrogel-integrated multimodal biosensor for the detection of glucose and carcinoembryonic antigen, Wenjun Tai , Qiongzheng Hu* , Xinfeng Dong , Fengyang Zhao, Wenli Wu, Yunshan Wang*, Li Yu*, Sensors & Actuators: B. 2024, 412, 135800. 

4. Detection of H2O2 and catalase on a paper-based flow sensor constructed with borate cross-linked PVA hydrogel, Ruotong Li, Ranran Cheng, Jinpeng Liu , Yanhui Bi, Ping Song, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*Talanta2024, 276,126244.

5. Distance-based paper sensor for DNase I detection based on aptamer-mediated enzyme cascade reaction, Shan Gao , Wenjun Tai , Jinpeng Liu, Qiang Zhang , Yong Wei , Ping Song , Li Yu*J. Mol. Liquids, 2024, 401, 124700.

6. Microsyringe-assisted visual volume detection based on phase separation: the case of chymosin

milk-clotting activity study, Shan Gao, Ruotong Li,Wenjun Tai, Ping Song, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*Anal. Methods, 2024, 16, 5105-5111.

7. Development of surface droplet evaporation-based sensing platform for screening lipase inhibitors, Chongyang Mu, Mashooq Khan, Jinpeng Liu, Xinfeng Dong, Zhengtong Wang, Ping Song, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal2024, 205, 111256. 


1. Development of the viscosity biosensor for the detection of DNase I based on the flow distance on the paper with DNA mucus, Xia Li, Qing Duan, Mashooq Khan, Danhong Yang, Qian Liu, Fangchao Yin, Qiongzheng Hu*Li Yu*, Talanta, 2024, 266, 124994.

2. Paper-based sensors for visual detection of alkaline phosphatase and alpha-fetoprotein via the distance readout, Wenjun Tai, Fangchao Yin, Yanhui Bi, Jin-Ming Lin, Qiang Zhang, Yong Wei, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu*, Sensors & Actuators: B. 2023, 384, 133666.

3. Water in liquid crystal emulsion-based sensing platform for colorimetricdetection of organophosphorus pesticideBenyou Li, Wenli Wu, Jin-Ming Lin, Tao Wang, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu *, Food Chemistry, 2023, 436, 137732.

4. High-throughput screening of lipase inhibitors as anti-obesity drugs on liquid crystal-infused porous surfacesJinpeng Liu, Mashooq Khan, Yong Wei, Anna Liu, Tao Wang, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu*, Sensors & Actuators: B, 2023, 387, 133837.

5. The development of a paper-based distance sensor for the detection of Pb2+ assisted with the target-responsive DNA hydrogel, Jinpeng Liu, Yanhui Bi*, Wenjun Tai, Yong Wei, Qiang Zhang, Anna Liu, Qiongzheng Hu, Li Yu*, Talanta 2023, 257, 124344.

6. Highly sensitively detection of amine vapors released during shrimp spoilage by fluorescent molecules locked in covalent organic framework, Jingru Mi, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Shuya Liu, Mei Zhao, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu*, Food Chemistry, 2023, 424, 136370.


1.Enzyme-like Nanomaterials-integrated Microflfluidic Technology for Bioanalysis, Fengyang Zhao, Wenli Wu**, Mei Zhao, Shichao Ding, Yuehe Lin, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu*, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2023, 158, 116833. 

2.π-Electronic Coassembled Microflake Sensors with Fö rster Resonance Energy Transfer Enhanced Discrimination of Methanol and Ethanol, Shuya Liu, Xiaoling Liu, Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 13980-13988.

3.Portable liquid crystal droplet array in the capillary for rapid and sensitive detection of organophosphate nerve agents, Jie Liu, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao,and Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal 2022, 178, 107334.

4.A Label-Free Colorimetric Assay Based on Gold Nanoparticles for the Detection of H2O2 and Glucose, Cong Zheng, Da Wu, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao and Li Yu* , Chemosensors, 2022, 10, 100.

5.Construction of a liquid Crystal-based Sensing Platform for the Sensitive Detection of Catalase in Human Serum, Shaoqing Lu,Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal, 2022, 181, 107705. 

6.Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Photonic Hydrogel Films Immobilized with Urease Used for the Detection of Hg2+, Jie Liu, Wenjun Tai, Deliang Wang, Jie Su and Li Yu*, Chemosensors2022 , 10, 140.


1.Highly sensitive and label-free detection of catalase by a H2O2-responsive liquid crystal sensing plaplatform, Shaoqing Lu, Yongxian Guo, Lubin Qi, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, Sensors and Actuators B 2021, 344, 130279.

2. A pendant droplet-based sensor for detection of acetylcholinesterase and its inhibitors, Benyou Li, Yongxian Guo, Yifei Jiang, Jin-Ming Lin, Qiongzheng Hu*, and Li Yu*, ChemComm. 2021, 57,8909-8912. 

3. A stable liquid crystals sensing platform decorated with cationic surfactant for detecting thrombin, Hui Ma#, Shaoqing Lu#, Qinghua Xie, Tao Wang, Haifeng Lu, Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal 2021,170,106698.

4. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanofifibers Formed by Bottom-Up Hierarchical Self-AssemblyLiangkai Zhang, Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Long Wang, Juan Wu, and Li Yu*J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 1441-1446.

5. Research on Competitive Enzymatic Hydrolysis-Assisted Liquid Crystal-based Acetylcholine Sensor, Ronghua Zhang, Qiongzheng Hu, Qi Kang, Lubin Qi, Yiping Pang , Li Yu*,Chinese J. Anal. Chem.202149(2), e21014-e21019.


1.  Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Tumor Markers in Blood by Functional Liquid Crystal Sensors Assisted with Target-Induced Dissociation of Aptamer, Lubin Qi, Shuya Liu, Yifei Jiang, Jin-Ming Lin, Li Yu*, and Qiongzheng Hu*Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 3867-3873.

2. Liquid crystal-based sensing platform for detection of Pb2+ assisted by DNAzyme and rolling circle amplificationJie Liu, Qiongzheng Hu*, Lubin Qi, Jin-Ming Lin, Li Yu*,. J. Hazardous Mater. 2020, 400, 123218.

3. Surface-Active Ionic-Liquid-Encapsulated Polyoxometalate Nanospheres: Construction, Self-Assembly, Adsorption Behavior, and Application for Dye Removal, Lubin Qi, Yanjun Gong, Ming Fang, Zhiwei Jia, Ni Cheng, and Li Yu*ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 375-383.

4. Morphological transformation of ultrasonically obtained nanofibers during living self-assembly, Liangkai Zhang, Yanjun Gong, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, Yiping Pang, Qiongzheng Hu and Li Yu*, New J. Chem.2020, 44, 10813-10818.

5. A new strategy for the detection and discrimination of sulfhydryl amino acids through liquid crystals sensing platform with Cu(ClO4)2, Hui Ma, Ronghua Zhang, Qi Kang, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, Xuezhi Li, Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal2020, 159, 105568.

6. Detection of organophosphorus pesticides with liquid crystals supported on the surface deposited with polyoxometalate-based acetylcholinesterase responsive supramolecular spheres, Lubin Qi, Wenli Wu, Qi Kang, Qiongzheng Hu*, Li Yu*Food Chemistry 2020, 320, 126683.


1. Detection of Biomarkers in Blood Using Liquid Crystals Assisted with Aptamer-Target Recognition Triggered in Situ Rolling Circle Amplifification on Magnetic Beads,Lubin Qi, Qiongzheng Hu,* Qi Kang,Yanhui Bi, Yifei Jiang, and Li Yu*, Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 11653-11660.

2. Rhodamine-assisted fluorescent detection for lysozyme based on the inner filter effect of gold nanoparticles, Cong Zheng, Tao Wang, Qi Kang, Jianhong Xiao, and Li Yu*, Microchemical Journal, 2019, 150, 104118.

3. Label-free, rapid, and sensitive detection of carboxylesterase using surfactant-doped liquid crystal sensor, Lele Zhou, Qi Kang, Ming Fang, and Li Yu *, J. Mol. Liquids, 2019, 296, 111921

4. Liquid crystals-based sensor for the detection of lithocholic acid coupled with competitive host-guest inclusion, Hui Ma, Qi Kang, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, and Li Yu *, Colloids and Surfaces B, 2019, 173, 178-184.

5. A liquid crystals-based sensing platform for detection of α-amylase coupled with destruction of host-guest interaction, Hui Ma, Qi Kang, Tao Wang, and Li Yu *, Colloids and Surfaces B 2019, 173, 616-622.

6. A liquid crystal based method for detection of urease activity and heavymetal ions by using stimulus-responsive surfactant-encapsulated phosphotungstate clusters, Lubin Qi, Qiongzheng Hu, Qi Kang, and Li Yu *, Microchimica Acta 2019, 186, 27.

7. Construction of a Liquid Crystal-Based Sensing Platform for Sensitive and Selective Detection of L-Phenylalanine Based on Alkaline Phosphatase, Lele Zhou, Qiongzheng Hu, Qi Kang, Ming Fang, and Li Yu *, Langmuir 2019, 35, 461-467.


1. Fabrication of Liquid-Crystal-Based Optical Sensing Platform for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide and Blood Glucose, Lubin Qi#, Qiongzheng Hu#, Qi Kang, and Li Yu*, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 11607-11613.

2. Simple and label-free liquid crystal-based sensor for detecting trypsin coupled to the interaction between cationic surfactant and BSA, Yi Wang#, Lele Zhou#, Qi Kang, and Li Yu *, Talanta 2018, 183, 223-227.

3. Alignment of nematic liquid crystals decorated with gemini surfactants and interaction of proteins with gemini surfactants at fluid interfaces, Tongtong Tian, Qi Kang, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, and Li Yu *, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2018, 518, 111-121.

4. Construction of liquid crystal droplet-based sensing platform for sensitive detection of organophosphate pesticide, Lele Zhou, Qiongzheng Hu, Qi Kang, and Li Yu *, Talanta 2018, 190, 375-381.

5. Fabrication of Biocompatible, Luminescent Supramolecular Structures and Their Applications in the Detection of Dopamine,Yongxian Guo#, Jie Lu#, Qi Kang, Ming Fang, and Li Yu *, Langmuir 2018, 34, 9195-9202.

6. Luminescent, stabilized and environmentally friendly [EuW10O36]9-Chitosan films for sensitive    detection of hydrogen peroxide, Jie Lu, Qi Kang, Jianhong Xiao, Tao Wang, Ming Fang, and Li Yu *, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 200, 560-566.

7. Ultrasensitive detection of glutathione based on liquid crystals in the presence of g-glutamyl transpeptidase, Lele Zhou, Qi Kang, Qiongzheng Hu, and Li Yu *, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1040, 187-195.

8. Photo-responsive Supra-Amphiphilic Aggregates with Differential Morphology and Fluorescent Property Mediated by the Substituent Position in the Counterions of Bola-Amphiphiles, Yongxian Guo#, Jie Lu#, Qi Kang, Tao Wang, and Li Yu *, ChemistrySelect 2018, 3, 2982-2988.

9. Supramolecular gels: using an amide-functionalized imidazolium-based surfactant, Ni Cheng, Qi Kang, Jianhong Xiao, Na Du, and Li Yu *, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2018, 511, 215-221.

10. Effect of Head Group on the Aggregation Behavior of Surface Active Ionic Liquids with Aromatic Counterions in Aqueous Solutions, Hui Ma, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, Na Du and Li Yu *, Fluid Phase Equilibrium, 2018, 456, 140-150.


1. pH-responsive Polyoxometalate-based Supramolecular Hybrid Nanomaterials and Application as Renewable Catalyst for Dyes, Yanjun Gong, Yongxian Guo, Qiongzheng Hu, Chen Wang, Ling Zang, and Li Yu *, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 3650-3658.

2. Photocatalyzed Reduction of Chromium(VI) and Thermal-Driven Heterogeneous Separation
Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, YongxianGuo,and Li Yu *, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 4511-4516.

3. Self-assembly of Imidazolium-based Surface Active Ionic Liquids in Aqueous Solution: the Role of Different Substituent Group on Aromatic Counterions, Hui Ma,  Huichun Ke, Tao Wang, Jianhong Xiao, Na Du, and Li Yu *, J. Mol. Liquids, 2017, 240, 556-563.

4. Simple and sensitive detection of pesticides using the liquid crystal droplet patterns platform, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Li Yu*, Sensors and Actuators B 2017, 238, 676-682.

5. A polyoxometalate-based supramolecular chemosensor for rapid detection of hydrogen sulfide with dual signals, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Lubin Qi, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2017, 485, 280-287.


1. Reversible photoresponsive molecular alignment of liquid crystals at fluid interfaces with persistent stabilityTongtong Tian#, Qiongzheng Hu#, Yi Wang, Yanan Gao, and Li Yu*Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 6340-6344.

2. A nonionic surfactant-decorated liquid crystal sensor for sensitive and selective detection of proteins, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Yan'an Gao, Li Yu*, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2016, 937, 119-126.

3. Multi-stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Structures Based on Azobenzene Surfactant-Encapsulated Polyoxometalate, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Yan’an Gao, Jianhong Xiao,Tao Wang, and Li Yu*, Langmuir 2016, 32, 9293-9300.

4. Stimuli-Responsive Polyoxometalate/Ionic Liquid Supramolecular Spheres: Fabrication, Characterization and Biological Applications. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Chen Wang, Ling Zang, and Li Yu*, Langmuir, 2016,32(2), 421-427.

5. A liquid crystal-based sensor for the simple and sensitive detection of cellulase and cysteine, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, Colloids and Surfaces B, 2016, 147, 100-105.

6. Effect of Imidazolium-Based Surface-Active Ionic Liquids on the Orientation of Liquid Crystals at Various Fluid/Liquid Crystal Interfaces,Tongtong Tian, Qiongzheng Hu, Yi Wang, Yan’an Gao,and Li Yu*, Langmuir 2016, 32, 11745-11753.

7. Rational design of photo-responsive supramolecular nanostructures based on azobenzene-derived surfactant-encapsulated polyoxometalate complex, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Zhidan Yu, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, RSC Adv. 2016, 6(18), 14468-14473.

8. Photoluminescent Eu-containing Polyoxometalate/Gemini Surfactant Hybrid Nanoparticles for biological applications, Yanjun Gong, Fengqiao Bai, Zhidan Yu, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu and Li Yu*, RSC Adv. 2016, 6(11), 8601-8604.


1. A cationic surfactant-Decorated liquid crystal sensing platform for simple and sensitive detection of acetylcholinesterase and its inhibitor. Yi Wang#, Qiongzheng Hu#, Yongxian Guo, Li Yu*, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 72, 25-30.

2. Efficient and selective removal of dyes using imidazolium-based supramolecular gels. Ni Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yongxian Guo, Yong Wang, Li Yu*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(19), 10258-10265.

3. Fabrication of pH- and temperature-directed supramolecular materials from 1D fibers to exclusively 2D planar structures using an ionic self-assembly approach. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Tao Wang, Wenwen Xu, Yanhui Bi and Li Yu*. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3(14), 3273-3279.

4. Wormlike Micelles with Photoresponsive Viscoelastic Behavior Formed by Surface Active Ionic Liquid/Azobenzene Derivative Mixed Solution. Yanhui Bi, Hongtu Wei, Qiongzheng Hu, Wenwen Xu, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. Langmuir, 2015, 31(13), 3789-3798.

5. Experimental and DFT studies on the aggregation behavior of imidazolium-based surface-active ionic liquids with aromatic counterions in aqueous solution. Wenwen Xu, Tao Wang, Ni Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yanhui Bi, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. Langmuir, 2015, 31(4), 1272-1282.

6. Rational Design of Multiple-Stimulus-Responsive Materials via Supramolecular Self-Assembly. Yanjun Gong, Tiliu Jiao, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Wenwen Xu, Yanhui Bi, and Li Yu*.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119(28), 16349-16357.

7. Aggregation Behavior of Imidazolium-Based Surface-Active Ionic Liquids with Photoresponsive Cinnamate Counterions in the Aqueous Solution. Yanhui Bi, Liuchen Zhao, Qiongzheng Hu, Yan’an Gao, and Li Yu*. Langmuir,  2015, 31(46), 12597-12608.

8. Solvent and Substituent Effects on the Aggregation Behavior of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids with Aromatic Counterions and the Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in their Hexagonal Liquid Crystalline Phase. Wenwen Xu, Qiwen Yin, Yan’an Gao, and Li Yu*. Langmuir,  2015, 31(46), 12644-12652.

9. Supramolecular structures ranging from nano- to macro-scale with fluorescent and organic semiconducting properties. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu and Li Yu*. RSC Adv. 2015, 5(41), 32435-32440.


1. Gels and lyotropic liquid crystals: using an imidazolium-based catanionic surfactant in binary solvents. Ni Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. Langmuir2014, 30(30), 9076-9084.

2. Self-aggregation of new alkycarboxylate-based anionic surface active ionic liquids: experimental and theoretical investigations. Ni Cheng, Pengming Yu, Tao Wang, Xiang Sheng, Yanhui Bi, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2014, 118(10), 2758-2768.

3. Microemulsion-like aggregation behaviour of an LCST-type ionic liquid in water. Rui Wang, Wenguang Leng, Yanan Gao* and Li Yu*. RSC Adv. 2014, 4(27), 14055-14062.

4. Aggregation behavior of anionic surface active ionic liquids withdouble hydrocarbon chains in aqueous solution: Experimental andtheoretical investigations. Ni Cheng, Xiaoyuan Ma, Xiang Sheng, Tao Wang, Rui Wang, Jingjing Jiao, Li Yu*. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2014, 453, 53-61.


1. Salt-free catanionic surface active ionic liquids 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium alkylsulfate: Aggregation behavior in aqueous solution. Jingjing Jiao, Bing Han, Meijia Lin, Ni Cheng, Li Yu*, Min Liu. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 412, 24-30.

2. Electrolyte effect on the aggregation behavior of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dodecylsulfate in aqueous solution. Jingjing Jiao, Yanfang Zhang, Liying Fang, Li Yu*, Limei Sun, Rui WangNi Cheng. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 402, 139-145.

3. Interaction between zwitterionic surface activity ionic liquid and anionic surfactant: Na+ driven wormlike micelles. Xiaoqing Wang, Ruitao Wang, Yan Zheng, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117(6), 1886-1895.

4. Surface adsorption and micelle formation of imidazolium-based zwitterionic surface active ionic liquids in aqueous solution. Xiaoqing Wang, Jie Liu, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang, Limei Sun. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 391, 103-110.

5. Studies of interparticle interactions among some L-a-amino acids and 1,2 (1,3)-propanediols in aqueous solution at 298.15 K. Rui Wang, Ni Cheng, Jingjing Jiao, Min Liu, Li Yu*. Thermochim. Acta, 2013, 565, 34-38.

6. Crystallization of calcium carbonate controlled by Pluronic P123 in room-temperature ionic liquid. Yingyuan Zhao, Ni Cheng, Min Liu, Li Yu*. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291(12), 2851-2859.

7. Facile synthesis of calcium carbonate with an absolutely pure crystal form using 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dodecyl sulfate as the modifier. Yingyuan Zhao, Wei Du, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291(9), 2191-2202.


1. Interaction of bovine serum albumin with ester-functionalized anionic surface-active ionic liquids in aqueous solution: a detailed physicochemical and conformational study. Xiaoqing Wang, Jie Liu, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. J. Phys. Chem. B2012, 116(41), 12479-12488.

2. Aggregation behaviors of dodecylsulfate-based anionic surface active ionic liquids in water. Jingjing Jiao, Bin Dong, Huina Zhang, Yingyuan Zhao, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui WangLi Yu*. J. Phys. Chem. B2012, 116(3), 958-965.

3. Decorating multi-walled carbon nanotubes with Au nanoparticles by amphiphilic ionic liquid self-assembly. Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Li Yu*, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui Wang. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2012, 408, 1-7.

4. The preparation of calcium carbonate crystals in pluronic F68 solution. Yingyuan Zhao, Xiaoqing Wang, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang, Li Yu*. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 169, 144-151.

5. Dispersion of carbon nanotubes with the aid of surface-active ionic liquids 1-dodecyl-3-methyl-pyrrolidinium bromide. Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Li Yu*, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui Wang. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 171, 6-10.

6. Aggregation behavior of COOH-functionalized imidazolium-based surface active ionic liquids in aqueous solution. Xiaoqing Wang, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Rui Wang, Hui Chen. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 173, 103-107.














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