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- 高旭雯. Luminophore-Surface-Engineering-Enabled Low-Triggering-Potential and Coreactant-Free Electrochemiluminescence for Protein Determination. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 95, 6948-6954, 2024.
- 邹桂征. Spectrum-Resolved Electrochemiluminescence to Multiplex the Immunoassay and DNA Probe Assay. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 94, 15801-15808, 2024.
- 王东洋. Valence-State-Engineered Electrochemiluminescence from Au Nanoclusters. ACS nano, 17, 355, 2024.
- 高旭雯. Dual-potential encoded electrochemiluminescence for multiplexed gene assay with one luminophore as tag. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 236, 2024.
- 王旭洋. 铜氨配离子结构与稳定性的理论研究. 大学化学, 39, 384-389, 2024.
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