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- . EFFECTIVE DECORRELATION OF HECKE EIGENFORMS. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2025.
- 黄炳荣. Joint distribution of Hecke eigenforms. ArXiv Preprint, 23 pp, 2024.
- 华晟昊 , 黄炳荣 and 李良汛. Joint value distribution of Hecke--Maass forms. ArXiv Preprint, 22 pp, 2024.
- 黄炳荣 and 李良汛. Mixed moments of GL(2) and symmetric square L-functions. ArXiv preprint, 25 pp, 2024.
- 黄炳荣. Uniform bounds for GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 23, 1607--1650, 2024.
- 黄炳荣. Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 377, 6669--6693, 2024.
2022.08, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Topics in Analytic Theory of Automorphic L-functions. 10 hours.
2021.07, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Analytic theory of automorphic forms on GL(2). 8 hours. Video Notes
2024.03, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden, Value distribution of Hecke eigenforms.
2023.12, Xiamen University, Moments of quadratic twisted L-functions.
2023.09, Queen Mary University of London, Value distribution of GL(2) Maass forms.
2023.08, Wuhan University, Averages of coecients of L-functions.
2023.05, NWU, Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms.
2023.04, USTC, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2023.02, Wuhan, Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms.
2022.08, SDU, Effective joint equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2022.08, MNNU, L-函数的亚凸界.
2022.07, UNBC, Quantum variance for automorphic forms. Video
2022.06, ICTS, Quantum variance for automorphic forms. Video
2022.04, CNU, L-函数的亚凸性界.
2021.12, PANT - Kyoto 2021, On the Rankin-Selberg problem.
2021.07, HKU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2021.06, Jintan, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2021.05, ZJU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2020.04, XJTU, Sup-norm and nodal domains of dihedral Maass forms.
2018.07, QMUL, Sup-norm and nodal domains of dihedral Maass forms.
2018.06, SDU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2018.05, Technion, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.04, HKU, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2017.08, SDUW, Kuznetsov trace formulas and their applications.
2017.06, AMSS, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2014.08, SDUW, Exponential sums over primes in short intervals.
2024.03, The Stockholm Analysis Seminar at KTH and SU, Value distribution of automorphic forms.
2023.11, Sichuan University, Value distribution of Maass forms.
2023.10, Shenzhen University, Averages of coefficients of L-functions.
2023.06, 河南大学, L-函数的亚凸性界.
2023.03, Shandong Normal University, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2023.02, Wuhan University, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2022.12, International Seminar on Automorphic Forms, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2022.11, Webinar on Analysis and PDE, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2022.11, Washington State University, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos and L-functions.
2022.10, Hefei University of Technology, Arithmetic Quantum Chaos.
2022.09, Modern Dynamics Seminar @ Tsinghua University, Effective joint equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2022.06, Stanford Student Analytic Number Theory Seminar, Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms.
2022.06, Wuhan University, Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms.
2022.05, Nankai University, Effective joint equidistribution of primitive rational points.
2022.05, Henan University, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2022.04, Renyi Institute, Uniform bounds for GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions. Video
2022.04, AMSS, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2022.03, UIUC, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2021.12, 南信大, L-函数的亚凸性界.
2021.11, YMSC @ Tsinghua, On the Rankin-Selberg problem.
2021.05, Westlake University, Sup-norms of automorphic forms.
2021.04, SDU, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2020.11, SDUW, Effective equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2020,11, SDNU, Quantum variance for automorphic forms.
2020.05, XJTU, On the Rankin--Selberg problem.
2019.10, AMSS, Zeros of L-functions and random matrix theory.
2019.04, Technion, Equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres.
2019.03, TAU, Prime angles for quadratic fields.
2019.01, SDU, Quantum variance for Eisenstein series.
2018.05, TAU, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.04, IECL, Prime lattice points in ovals.
2018.01, TAU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2017.11, TAU, Zero density theorems, I & II.
2017.09, HQU, Some analytic aspects of L-functions.
2017.06, XJTU, Super-positivity of a family of L-functions.
2017.05, SDU., The subconvexity problem of L-functions and their applications.
2015.11, Columbia, Hybrid sup-norm bounds for Eisenstein series.
Feb. 04-Apr. 12, 2024, Analytic Number Theory Program, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden.
Sep. 25-29, 2023, New perspectives in the analytic theory of automorphic forms, University of Oxford, UK.
Sep. 11-15, 2023, Automorphic Forms and L-functions of higher rank, Queen Mary University of London, UK.
Jul. 10-14, 2023, RHB70 - To Honour the 70th Birthday of Roger Heath-Brown, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK.
Jul. 5-7, 2023, Random Matrices from Quantum Chaos to the Riemann Zeta Function - A Celebration in Honour of Jon Keating's 60th Birthday, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK.
May 19-22, 2023, 第十六届国际数论及相关问题会议, Xi'an, China.
Apr. 08-09, 2023, 樱花数下 中国科大 — 西安交大数论会议, Hefei, China.
Apr. 01-02, 2023, 樱花数下 西安交大 — 中国科大数论研讨会, Xi'an, China.
Feb. 18-22, 2023, 2022 中国数学会学术年会, Wuhan, China.
Aug. 22-29, 2022, Workshop on Number Theory and Dynamical Systems, SDU, Shandong, China.
Aug. 08-21, 2022, Workshop on Analytical Number Theory and Autonomic Forms, NCWU, Henan, Chian. (Online)
Aug. 05-09, 2022, Conference on L-Functions and Related Themes, MNNU, Fujian, China.
Jun. 27-Jul. 01, 2022, L-functions, Circle-Method and Applications (HYBRID), ICTS, India. (Online)
2022 年 4 月 7-8 日,2022 年首都师范大学数论研讨会,北京。 (Online)
Dec. 06-10, 2021, PANT - Kyoto 2021(the 10th Pan Asian Number Theory Cnference), RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan. (Online)
Nov. 05-07, 2021, Symposium on Number Theory and Representation Theory, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. (Online)
Jul. 21-27, 2021, HKU Number Theory Days 2021, HKU, Hong Kong, China. (Online)
Jul. 12-22, 2021, 2021 Summer School on Number Theory, XJTU, Xi'an, China.
Jun. 25-30, 2021, Jintan conference on number theory (The 8th National Conference on Number Theory), Jintan, China.
May 14-16, 2021, Symposium on Number Theory and Representation Theory, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Apr. 17-18 and May 08-09, 2020, Number Theory in the Sky, XJTU, China. (Online)
Sep. 14-15 and Oct. 19-20, 2019, Analytic Number Theory Seminar, AMSS, Beijing, China.
July 8-12, 2019, Second Symposium on Analytic Number Theory, Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, Italy.
June 17-21, 2019, Arithmetic, geometry, and modular forms: a conference in honour of Bill Duke, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Mar. 12, 2019, Automorphic forms & representation theory: A conference in memory of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, WIS, Israel.
Feb. 18-21, 2019, Function field arithmetic conference, TAU, Israel.
Nov. 19-23, 2018, Workshop on "Geometric and Analytic Number Theory", Göttingen, Germany.
Sep. 3-7, 2018, Conference on "Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie (ELAZ)", MPIM, Germany.
Jul. 23-27, 2018, Analytic Number Theory and Quantum Chaos Workshop: ''L-functions and Multiplicative Functions'', QMUL, UK.
Jun. 25-29, 2018, Hausdorff Summer School: L-functions, Open Problems and Current Methods, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany.
Jun. 18-22, 2018, Automorphic Forms and L-functions – A Conference in Celebration of Dorian Goldfeld’s 71 Birthday, SDU, Qingdao, China.
Jun. 04-07, 2018, Heilbronn: Perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis, Bristol, UK.
May 24, 2018, The 2018 IMU annual meeting, Technion, Israel.
Apr. 19-21, 2018, Number Theory and its connections with Random Matrices and Extreme Values, HKU, China.
Aug. 6-7, 2017, Automorphic Representations and L-functions, SDUW, China.
Jul. 3-7, 2017, Analytic Methods in Diophantine Problems, SDUW, China.
Jun. 15-18, 2017, Workshop on Number Theory and Dynamics, AMSS, China.
Apr. 22-23, 2017, Diophantine Equations and Related Topics, XMU, China.
Apr. 03-07, 2017, NCG workshop: Number theory, FDU., China.
Feb. 06-10, 2017, Introductory Workshop: Analytic Number Theory, MSRI, USA.
2015 and 2016
Jun. 13-16, 2016, L-functions and arithmetic, A conference celebrating Karl Rubin's 60th birthday, Harvard, USA.
May 21-24, 2016, Analysis and Beyond: Celebrating Jean Bourgain's Work and Impact, IAS, USA.
Nov. 9-13, 2015, Computational Aspect of L-functions, ICERM, USA.
Jul. 20-24, 2015, PANTC 2015, in honor of the 70th birthday of Prof. John Henry Coates, TSIMF, Sanya, Hainan, China.
May 16-19, 2015, The 7th National Conference on Number Theory, SDU, China.
May 11-15, 2015, Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry in honor of Professor Nicholas Katz's 71st birthday, MCM and AMSS, Beijing, China.
2014 and earlier
Aug. 11-16, 2014, Workshop on Number Theory, SDUW, China.
Jul. 9-23, 2014, Summer school Analytic Number Theory, IHES, France.
Jan. 7-9, 2014, Number Theory Conference in Honor of Peter Sarnak, SDU, China.
Jul. 16-26, 2012, China-France Summer School on Number Theory, SDUW, China.
Aug. 1-12, 2011, Workshop on Number Theory, SDUW, China.