Paper Publications
- [73] WANG Kefang , Cao Fenglin , Li Ping and gaoqingling. 护理本科生心理健康状况与应对方式、社会支持的相关性研究. 护理学杂志, 2003.
- [74] Cao Fenglin. Perceived cognitive impairment in Chinese patients with breast cancer and its relationship with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and fatigue. psychooncology, 24, 676, 2015.
- [75] Cao Fenglin. 课程及教师评估问卷CAPE 的信度及效度分析. 《中国高等医学教育》, 0, 45, 2010.
- [76] Cao Fenglin. Nursing students' post-traumatic growth, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22, 326, 2015.
- [77] Cao Fenglin. 精神分裂症患者青少年亲属前瞻、回溯记忆及遗传素质与侵害交互作用. 《中国公共卫生》, 31, 990, 2015.
- [78] Cao Fenglin. Effect of the interplay between trauma severity and trait neuroticism on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among adolescents exposed to a pipeline explosion. Plos one, 10, e0120493, 2015.
- [79] Cao Fenglin. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in first-time myocardial infarction patients: roles of attachment and alexithymia. Journal of advanced nursing, 71, 2575, 2015.
- [80] Cao Fenglin. 急救医疗服务对急性心肌梗死患者再灌注治疗的研究现状. 社区医学杂志, 8, 17, 2010.
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