Paper Publications
- [65] Cao Fenglin and 王艳荣. 中文儿童期不良经历问卷修订版的效度与信度. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2018.
- [66] Cao Fenglin and 林萍珍. 中文简版正念能力量表在多民族大学生中应用的信度和效度. 护理研究, 2018.
- [67] Cao Fenglin and limeng. Variability of ecological executive function in children and adolescents genetically at high risk for schizophrenia: a latent class analysis. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY, 28, 237, 2019.
- [68] Li Yuli , loufenglan and Cao Fenglin. A conceptual model of posttraumatic growth of nursing students with a disabled parent. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 406, 2019.
- [69] Li Yuli and Cao Fenglin. Children’s Bonding with Parents and Grandparents and Its Associated Factors. Child Indicators Research, 2016.
- [70] Li Yuli , loufenglan and Cao Fenglin. Psychometric properties of the Shortened Chinese Version of Family Resilience Assessment Scale. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2016.
- [71] Li Yuli , loufenglan and Cao Fenglin. Posttraumatic growth and parental bonding in young adults of parents with physical disabilites: testing mediation model of resilience. Psychology Health & Medicine, 23, 661, 2018.
- [72] WANG Kefang , Cao Fenglin and gaoqingling. 反复性自然流产病人应对方式与心理健康状况的相关分析. 护理学杂志, 2004.
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