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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
所在单位:School of Physics
- [201] 彭瑞. Self-doped p-n junctions in two-dimensional In2X3 van der Waals materials. MATERIALS HORIZONS, 7, 504, 2020.
- [202] 彭瑞. Intrinsic anomalous valley Hall effect in single-layer Nb3I8. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 102, 2020.
- [203] 梁岩. High-temperature quantum anomalous Hall insulator in two-dimensional Bi2ON. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 116, 2020.
- [204] 彭瑞. Stacking-dependent topological phase in bilayer MBi2Te4 (M = Ge, Sn, Pb). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 2020.
- [205] 申世英. Intrinsic triferroicity in a two-dimensional lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, 2021.
- [206] 张婷. Ferroelastic-ferroelectric multiferroics in a bilayer lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, 2021.
- [207] 梁岩. Intercorrelated ferroelectrics in 2D van der Waals materials. MATERIALS HORIZONS, 2021.
- [208] 赵佩. Single-layer LaBr2: Two-dimensional valleytronic semiconductor with spontaneous spin and valley polarizations. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 115, 2019.
- [209] 张婷. Direction-control of anisotropic electronic behaviors via ferroelasticity in two-dimensional alpha-MPI (M = Zr, Hf). MATERIALS HORIZONS, 6, 1930, 2019.
- [210] 梁岩. Out-of-plane ferroelectricity and multiferroicity in elemental bilayer phosphorene, arsenene, and antimonene. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 118, 2021.
- [211] 申世英. Single-Layer BI: A Multifunctional Semiconductor with Ferroelectricity, Ultrahigh Carrier Mobility, and Negative Poisson's Ratio. physical review applied, 15, 2021.
- [212] 彭瑞. Single-Layer Ag2S: A Two-Dimensional Bidirectional Auxetic Semiconductor. Nano Letters, 19, 1227, 2019.
- [213] 牛成旺. Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator with Nonsymmorphic Protection in Two Dimensions. Physical Review Letters, 124, 2020.
- [214] 王昊. A magnetic topological insulator in two-dimensional EuCd2Bi2: giant gap with robust topology against magnetic transitions. MATERIALS HORIZONS, 8, 956, 2021.
- [215] 牛成旺. Quantum anomalous Hall effect and gate-controllable topological phase transition in layered EuCd2As2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 99, 2019.
- [216] 胡相婷. Quantum spin Hall effect in antiferromagnetic topological heterobilayers. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 103, 2021.
- [217] 苗成成. Defect-engineered three-dimensional vanadium diselenide microflowers/nanosheets on carbon cloth by chemical vapor deposition for high-performance hydrogen evolution reaction. Nanotcchnology, 32, 2021.
- [218] 王佳佳. Oxygen-Vacancy-Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation. ChemSusChem, 13, 3488, 2020.
- [219] 王敏瑞. Enhancing the Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation Reaction of BiVO4 Photoanode by Employing Carbon Spheres as Electron Reservoirs. ACS Catalysis, 10, 13031, 2020.
- [220] 周鹏. Synthesis of novel cubic Ni2Mo3N and its electronic structure regulation by vanadium doping towards high-efficient HER electrocatalyst. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 337, 2020.