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当前位置: 戴瑛 >> 科学研究
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  • 部分主要项目:

    1. 新型二维材料的谷电子效应及调控62万国家自然科学基金面上项目,

       12074217,2021-01-2024-12。 主持,在研。

    2. 二维新能源复合材料的计算与仿真,500万,
    山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程竞争择优类),2019JZZY010302,2019-01-2021-12         主持, 在研。

    3. MoSSe范德华层状结构中的层间激子效应,20万, 山东省自然科学基金项目,    ZR2019MEM013,2019-07-2022-06  主持,在研

    4. 贵金属/半导体复合光催化材料的元激发对光吸收增强和载流子分离的作用,90万国家基金面上项目,11374190, 2014-2017, 主持,结题。

    5. 非过渡金属杂质、缺陷对拓扑绝缘体材料改性的理论研究,50万,国家基金面上项目,11174180, 2012-2015,主持,结题。

    6. 新型二维量子自旋霍尔体系奇异性质的研究, 12万, 教育部博士点基金。20120131110066,2013-2015,主持,结题。

    7.效光催化材料的设计与制备,  524万科技部973计划, 2013-2017,骨干,结题

    8. 光催化材料的内建电场的构建及其促进光生载流子分离的物理化学过程, 300万,国家自然基金重点项目,21333006,2013-01-2018-12,参与,结题。

    9. 光催化材料及其应用的基础研究,662万, 科技部973计划, 2007CB613302,2007-2012,骨干,结题


    11. TiO2的表面结构和电子结构与光催化性质相关问题研究,7万山东省自然科学基金项目,ZR2011AM009,2012-2014,主持,结题。

    12.金刚石基生物传感器基础研究,5.5万, 山东省自然科学基金项目,Y2007A18,2008-2010,主持,结题。

    13. 高温半导体金刚石n型掺杂机理研究,教育部博士点基金,2006-2008,主持,结题。

    14.金刚石半导体材料电子性质研究,30万,国家自然科学基金面上项目,10374060, 2004-2006  ,主持,结题。

    15. 金刚石电子器件开发的基础研究, 3 万,山东省自然科学基金项目,Y2003A01, 2004-2006年, 主持,结题.

  • 1. Light-induced quantum anomalous Hall effect in kagome noncollinear antiferromagnets
       Yingxi Bai, Xiaorong Zou, Zhiqi Chen, Runhan Li, Hang Yin,
       Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Chengwang Niu

        Phys.Rev.B, 111,054407 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.054407

    2. Valley-Contrasting Linear Dichroism and Excitonic Condensation inLaOBiS2 
        Dongyue Sun,Yushuo Xu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Wei Wei
        Nano Lett. 2025, 25, 2466.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05983

    3. Quantum anomalous Hall effect in a nonmagnetic bismuth monolayer
        with a high Chern number

        Zequn Zhang, Runhan Li, Yingxi Bai, Yilin Zhang, Baibiao Huang,
        Ying Dai and Chengwang Niu

        Mater. Horiz. 2025, https://doi.org/10.1039/d4mh017113g

    4. Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis at p‑Block Active Sites UsingVarious
        Nitrogen Sources: Theoretical Insights

        Shuhua Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Wei Wei

        J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2025, 16, 889−903, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c03301

    5. Circular Dichroism and Interlayer Exciton Hall Effect in TransitionMetal
        Dichalcogenides Homobilayers.

         Yushuo Xu, Dongyue Sun, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Wei Wei

          Nano Lett. 2025, 25, 3, 1150–1157, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05592

    6. Coupling Multi-Space Topologies in 2D FerromagneticLattice

        Zhonglin He, Wenhui Du, Kaiying Dou, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma

        Adv. Funct. Mater. 2025, 35, 2414922. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202414922

    7. Improving Nitric Oxide Reduction Reaction Activity of TMN4−CModel Catalysts
        by Axial Atom Coordination

        Yalei Sun, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Wei Wei

        J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2025, 16, 9−16. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c03296

    8. Ferro-Valleytricity with In-Plane Spin Magnetization

        Yibo Liu, Yangyang Feng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma.

         Nano Lett. 2025, 25, 2, 762–767.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05102


  • [16]  High-temperature excitonic condensation in two-dimensional lattice new !!

           Yushuo Xu, Yuanyuan Wang, Shiqiang Yu, Dongyue Sun, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Wei, Wei

              Adv. Sci. 2024,11, 2404436DOI: 10.1002/advs.202404436

    [15] Robust second-order topological insulator in 2D van der Waals magnet CrI3  new !!

          Xiaorong Zou, Yingxi Bai, Ying Dai,  Baibiao Huang and Chengwang Niu 

         Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 6416-6422. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4MH00734D

    [14] Atypical breathing driven two-dimensional valley multiferroicity    new !!

          Yangyang Feng, Jiangyu Zhao, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Yandong Ma

         Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 6391 - 6398, https://doi.org/ 10.1039/d4mh01087f

    [13] Strain-driven skyrmion–bimeron switching in topological magnetic monolayer CrSeBr new !!

          Junhuang Yang,Kaiying Dou,Xinru Li,Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang and  Yandong Ma 

          Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5374-5380. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4MH00734D

    [12] Engineering Topological Spin Hall Effect in 2D Multiferroic Material   new !!

          Kaiying Dou, Zhonglin He, Jiangyu Zhao, Wenhui Du, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,

          and Yandong Ma

         Adv. Sci. 2024, 11, 2407982. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202407982

    [11] Ferrovalleytricity in a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic lattice  new !!

           Shuyan Chai, Yangyang Feng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Liangzhi Kou and Yandong Ma

          Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 6082-6088https://doi.org/10.1039/d4mh00941j

    [10] Ferroelectrovalley in Two-Dimensional Multiferroic Lattices   new !!

           Jiangyu Zhao, Yangyang Feng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma

          Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 10490−10495. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c02277

    [9] Floquet engineering of orbital Hall effect and valleytronics in two-dimensional  new !!

         topological magnets,

           Runhan Li, Xiaorong Zou, Zhiqi Chen, Xiaoran Feng, Baibiao Huang,

         Ying Dai,Chengwang Niu  

          Mater. Horiz.11 (16),3819-3824,2024。DOI: 10.1039/d4mh00237g

    [8] Coupled electronic and magnonic topological states in two-dimensional ferromagnets

          Yingxi Bai, Lichuan Zhang, Ning Mao,Runhan Li, Zhiqi Chen, Ying Dai,

          Baibiao Huang, Chengwang Niu

          ACS Nano, 2024,18,13377. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.4c03529

    [7] Topology-EngineeredOrbitalHall Effectin Two-DimensionalFerromagnets

         Zhiqi Chen, Runhan Li, Yingxi Bai, Ning Mao, Mahmoud Zeer, Dongwook Go,

         Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Chengwang Niu 

            Nano Lett. 2024,24,4826 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c05129

    [6] Layer-coupled corner states in two-dimensionaltopological multiferroics

        Runhan Li, Xiaorong Zou, Yingxi Bai, Zhiqi Chen, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Chengwang Niu

        Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11,2242. https://doi.org/10.1039/d3mh01266b

    [5] Chiral Magnetic Quasiparticles with Zero TopologicalCharge in 2D Lattice

         Wenhui Du, Zhonglin He, Kaiying Dou, Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,and Yandong Ma

         Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34,2400971. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202400971

    [4] Improving nitric oxide reduction reaction through surface doping on superstructures

         Baokun Zhang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Zhao Qian, Rajeev Ahuja, Wei Wei,

         Nano Energy,2024,123,109396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109396

    [3] Engineering Layertronics in Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetic Multiferroic Lattice,

          Yibo Liu,Yangyang Feng,Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang, Yandong Ma  

         Nano Lett.  2024,24 (11) ,3507-3514,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c00436

    [2] Layer-Polarized Anomalous Hall Effects from Inversion-Symmetric Single-Layer Lattices

        Ting Zhang, Xilong Xu, Jinghua Guo, Ying Dai, and Yandong Ma

         Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 1009-1014. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04597

    [1] Engineering Gapless Edge States from Antiferromagnetic Chern Homobilayer

          Xiaorong Zou,Runhan Li, Zhiqi Chen,Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Chengwang Niu

          Nano Lett. 2024,24, 450–457 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04304

    [11] Anomalous dual valley Hall effect in the two-dimensional ferromagnetic honeycomb lattice new !!

          Xiudong Wang, Zhonglin He, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Xinru Li,and Yandong Ma

         Phys. Rev. B. 110, 155428 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.155428

    [10] PT Symmetry Breaking Induced Anomalous Valley Hall Effect in 2D      new !!

           Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor

          Jiexiang Wang, Yangyang Feng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Yandong Ma,and Xinru Li

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 9968−9973, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02451

    [9] Semiconducting triferroic multiferroics in van der Waals bilayer lattice   new !!

         Shuyan Chai , Qian Wu, Ting Zhang, Guangping Zhang , Ying Dai,
         Baibiao Huang and Yandong Ma,

         Phys. Rev. APPL. 22, 024052 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.22.024052

    [8] Small exciton effective mass in quintuple-layer Bi2Se2Te: A material platform towards   new !!

         high-temperature excitonic condensate

         Yuanyuan Wang , Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Yee Sin Ang , and Wei Wei,

         Phys. Rev. B.110, 054513 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.054513

    [7]  Triferroic coupling in two-dimensional WRuCl6         new !!                      

          Shiqiang Yu , Dongyue Sun, Yushuo Xu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Wei Wei

         Phys. Rev. B  110, 064417 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.064417

    [6] Sliding Ferroelectricity Engineered Coupling between Spin Hall Effect and Layertronics in 2D Lattice new !!

         Yangyang Feng,Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang,Yandong Ma

        J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 26, 6699–6704https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c01479

    [5]  Electrical control of noncollinear magnetism in VAl2S4 van der Waals structures

          Shiqiang Yu, Yushuo Xu, Ying Dai, Dongyue Sun, Baibiao Huang, and Wei Wei

         Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 212903 (2024), doi: 10.1063/5.0195872

    [4] Magnetic topological insulators with switchable edge and corner states in monolayer VSi2P4

         Xinming Wu, Zhiqi Chen, Yingxi Bai, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Chengwang Niu

        Phys. Rev. B 109, 235407(2024) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.235407

    [3] Manipulating corner states without topological phase transition in two-dimensional 

         intrinsic triferroic materials, 

         Xiaoran Feng, Runhan Li, Zhiqi Chen, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Chengwang Niu 

         Phys. Rev. B 109, 165308 (2024).

    [2]A mixed Weyl semimetal in a two-dimensional ferromagnetic BaCrSe2 monolayer,

         Bo Yuan, Wenli Sun, Yingxi Bai, Zhiqi Chen, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Chengwang Niu,  

         J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 296 (2024).

     [1]  Mixed Bloch-Néel type skyrmions in a two-dimensional lattice

          Zhonglin He, Kaiying Dou, Wenhui Du, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,Yandong Ma

           Phys. Rev. B 109, 0244202024. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.02442

  • [14]  Unveiling Pseudo-Inert Basal Plane for Electrocatalysisin 2D Semiconductors: Critical Role
           of Reversal-Activation Mechanism new!!

           Yanmei ZangQian WuShuhua WangBaibiao Huang
           Ying DaiThomas HeineYandong Ma

            Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 2303953

    [13] Strain-Valley Coupling in 2D Antiferromagnetic Lattice new!!

           Yibo Liu, Yangyang Feng, Ting Zhang, Zhonglin He, Ying Dai,
    Huang,and Yandong Ma

           Adv. Funct. Mater. 2305130,2023

    [12] Magnetic Weyl Semimetal in BaCrSe2 with Long-Distance Distribution of Weyl Points new!!

           Wenli Sun, Bingyang Li, Xiaorong Zou, Runhan Li, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Chengwang Niu
            Adv. Sci. 2023, 2301474,2023
    [11] Bloch-type magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional lattices,new!!

          Wenhui Du, Kaiying Dou, Zhonglin He, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Yandong Ma

          Mater. Horiz. 10, 5071,2023

    [10] Ferroelectrically tunable magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional multiferroics  

           Zhonglin He, Wenhui Du,  Kaiying Dou,  Ying Dai,  Baibiao Huang  and  Yandong Ma

            Mater. Horiz.2023,10, 3450-3457,DOI: 10.1039/d3mh00572k

    [9] Activating dual atomic electrocatalysts for the nitric oxide reduction reaction
          through the P/S element 

          Yanmei Zang, Qian Wu, Shuhua Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Yandong Ma

             Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 2160–2168

    [8] Layer Hall Effect in Multiferroic Two-Dimensional Materials  

          Yangyang Feng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Liangzhi Kou,Yandong Ma

           Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 11, 5367–5372

    [7] d0 Magnetic Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Lattice  

          Kaiying Dou, Zhonglin He, Wenhui Du, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Yandong Ma

         Adv. Funct. Mater.2023, 2301817

    [6] Layer-polarized anomalous Hall effects in valleytronic van der Waals bilayers  

         Ting Zhang,Xilong Xu,Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai,  Liangzhi Kou and Yandong Ma

          Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 483.

    [5] Robust Second-Order Topological Insulators with Giant Valley Polarization in

         Two-Dimensional Honeycomb Ferromagnets

         Runhan Li, Ning Mao, Xinming Wu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Chengwang Niu

           Nano Lett2023, 23, 1, 91–97

    [4] Tuning the Coordination Microenvironment of Central Fe Active Site to Boost Water Electrolysis

          and Oxygen Reduction Activity

          Shuhua Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Wei Wei

           Small, 2023, 19, 2205111

    [3] Multiple Topological Magnetism in van der Waals Heterostructure of MnTe2/ZrS2

         Zhonglin He, Kaiying Dou, Wenhui Du, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma

         Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 312−318

    [2] Theoretical Prediction of Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Crystal in Janus Monolayer CrSi2N2As2

         Kaiying Dou, Wenhui Du, Zhonglin He, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma

         ACS Nano 2023, 17, 1144−1152

    [1] Engineering Second-Order Corner States in 2D Multiferroics

         Yingxi Bai, Ning Mao, Runhan Li, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Chengwang Niu

          Small, 2023, 2206574.

    [20] Spin spiral order induced ferroelectricity in MnRe2O8 monolayer new!!

           Shiqiang Yu, Yushuo Xu, Ying Dai, Dongyue Sun, Baibiao Huang, and Wei Wei

           Phys. Rev. B 2023108, 174429

    [19]  High-Throughput Screening of Effective Dual Atom Catalysts for the Nitric Oxide
            Reduction Reaction

             Xiaowen SunYing DaiBaibiao HuangWei Wei

            J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 51, 11684–11690

    [18] Robust quantum anomalous Hall effect with tunable magnetization directions and

           Chern numbers new!!

     Xinming Wu, Runhan Li, Xiaorong Zou, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Chengwang Niu

            Phys. Rev. B 108, 115438,2023

    [17] Ferroelectric heterobilayer with tunable first- and higher-order topological states new!!
            Runhan Li, Ning Mao, Linke Cai, Yingxi Bai, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Chengwang Niu
            Phys. Rev. B 108, 125302,2023

    [16]Charge-Transfer-Driven Phase Transition of Two-Dimensional MoTe2 in
          Donor–Acceptor Heterostructures
           Shiqiang Yu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Wei Wei
           J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 35, 7946–7952

    [15] A mixed Weyl semimetal in a two-dimensional ferromagnetic BaCrSe2 monolayer new!!
           Bo Yuan, Wenli Sun, Yingxi Bai, Zhiqi Chen, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Chengwang Niu
             J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 296–300
    [14] Characteristic excitonic absorption of MoSi2N4 and WSi2N4 monolayer new!!

             Hongling Liu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Wei Wei

            J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 4051032023

    [13] Spin-valley splitting and spontaneous valley polarization inantiferromagnetic

            Mn2P2X3Y3 monolayers new!!

             Yushuo Xu ,Hongling Liu Ying Dai;Baibiao Huang;Wei Wei

            Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 242404 (2023)

    [12] Ohmic contacts of the two-dimensional Ca2N/MoS2 donor–acceptor heterostructure new!!

           Xinxin Wang, Shiqiang Yu, Yushuo Xu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Wei Wei

           Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 15433–15440

    [11] Coupling a Main-Group Metal with a Transition Metal to Create Biatom Catalysts for

            Nitric Oxide Reduction  

           Yanmei Zang, Qian Wu, Shuhua Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Yandong Ma

           Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 024003 ,2023

    [10] Direct formation of interlayer excitons in MoSSe/WSSe
           van der Waals heterobilayer
           Li, Fengping;  Wang, Yuanyuan;  Liang, Yan;  Dai, Ying;  Huang, Baibiao; Wei, W

            J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 304005,2023

    [9] Efficient urea formation from N2O + CO on dual-atom catalysts TM2/g-CN  

         Zebin Ren, Xinxin Wang, Shuhua Wang, Haona Zhang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Wei Wei

         J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 11507–11516

    [8] Second-order topological insulators and tunable topological phase transitions
          in honeycomb ferromagnets  

         Cai, Linke;  Li, Runhan;  Wu, Xinming;  Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying;  Niu, Chengwang

         Phys. Rev. B 107, 245116,2023

    [7] Nonvolatile electro-mechanical coupling in two-dimensional lattices  

          Xilong Xu,   Ting Zhang,  Ying Dai,   Baibiao Huang  and  Yandong Ma

          Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, 8, 958

    [6] Tunable second-order topological insulators in Chern insulators
          2H-FeX2 (X = Cl and Br)  

          Xiaoran Feng, Linke Cai, Zhiqi Chen,Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,Chengwang Niu 

         Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 193104,2023

    [5] Ohmic contacts of the two-dimensional Ca2N/MoS2 donor–acceptor heterostructure  

          Xinxin Wang,  Shiqiang Yu, Yushuo Xu, Baibiao Huang,  Ying Dai  and  Wei Wei 

           PhysChemChemPhys., 2023, 25, 15433

    [4] Intrinsic layer-polarized anomalous Hall effect in bilayer MnBi2Te4

      Rui Peng, Ting Zhang, Zhonglin He, Qian Wu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma

        Phys. Rev. B 107, 08541,2023

    [3] Spontaneous Valley Polarization in a Ferromagnetic Fe(OH)2 Monolayer

         Yushuo Xu, Shuhua Wang, Shiqiang Yu, Xinxin Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Wei Wei

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 49, 11543–11550

    [2] Ferroelectric higher-order topological insulator in two dimensions

        Ning Mao, Runhan Li, Xiaorong Zou, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Chengwang Niu
        Phys. Rev. B 107, 045125,2023

    [1] Tuning the Coordination Microenvironment to Boost the Electrocatalytic HER Activity of M3(C6O3S3)2

         Xiaowen Sun, Haona Zhang, Shuhua Wang, Zebin Ren, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai,  Wei Wei

         J. Phys. Chem.C. 2023,126(39),16606-16614

  • [7] Spontaneous Valley Polarization Caused by Crystalline Symmetry Breaking
         in Nonmagnetic LaOMX2 Monolayers

         Yushuo Xu,Yuanyuan Wang,Shuhua Wang,Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai,Wei Wei

        Nano Lett. 22, 9147,2022

    [6] Orbital Shift-Induced Boundary Obstructed Topological Materials with a Large Energy Gap

         Ning Mao,Runhan Li,Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang,Binghai Yan,Chengwang Niu

         Advanced Science9(27), 2202564,2022

    [5] Main-group metal elements as promising active centers for single-atom catalyst
         toward nitric oxide reduction reaction

          Qian Wu, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai, Thomas Heine and Yandong Ma 

         Npj 2D Materials and Applications, 6, 52,2022

    [4] 2D spontaneous valley polarization from inversion symmetric single-layer lattices

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    [1] Spontaneous Magnetic Skyrmions in Single-Layer CrInX3 (X = Te, Se)

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    [23] Intrinsic ferromagnetic triferroicity in bilayer T′-VTe2

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    [21] Doubled quantum spin Hall effect with high-spin Chern number in α-antimonene and α-bismuthene

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    [20]  Electronic Properties of Defective Janus MoSSe Monolayer

              Shuhui Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Yuanyuan Wang, Haona Zhang, 
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    [19]  Intrinsic valley-related multiple Hall effect in the two-dimensional
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    [18]  Structural engineering brings new electronic properties to Janus ZrSSe and HfSSe monolayers

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    [17] Switchable quantum anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic topological crystalline
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    [16] Switchable quantum anomalous and spin Hall effects in honeycomb magnet EuCd2As2

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    [15] Two-dimensional magnetoelectric multiferroics in a MnSTe/In2Se3 heterobilayer
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    [14] Excited-State Properties of CuInP2S6 Monolayer as Photocatalyst for Water Splitting

             Hongling Liu,Shiqiang Yu Yuanyuan Wang, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai* and Wei Wei*

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    [13] Hydrogen adsorption behavior on AXenes Na2N and K2N: a first-principles study

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    [12] Valley-dependent properties in two-dimensional Cr2COF MXene predicted from first principles

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    [11] Nitric oxide reduction reaction for efficient ammonia synthesis on
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    [10] Origin of the Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Grain Boundaries in MoS2 Monolayers

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    [9]  Witchable quantum anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic topological
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    [8]  Valley-contrasting physics in a two-dimensional px,y-orbital honeycomb lattice 

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    [7] High-Throughput Screening of Efficient Biatom Catalysts Based on Monolayer
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    [6] One-dimensional metallic grain boundary in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    [5] An organometal halide perovskite supported Pt single-atom photocatalyst for H2 evolution

         Yaqiang Wu,  Qian Wu,  Qianqian Zhang,a   Zaizhu Lou,  Kefeng Liu, Yandong Ma,
         Zeyan Wang,Zhaoke Zheng,  Hefeng Cheng,  Yuanyuan Liu,  Ying Dai, 
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    [4] Photocatalytic Selective Oxidation of HMF Coupled with H2 Evolution on Flexible
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    [3] Promoting Electrocatalytic Reduction of COto C2H4 Production by Inhibiting
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    [2] Photothermal synergy for efficient dry reforming of CH4 by an Ag/AgBr/CsPbBr3 composite

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         Qianqian Zhang,  Zeyan Wang,Zhaoke Zheng, Hefeng Cheng,Yuanyuan Liu,
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    [1] Borate-modulated amorphous NiFeB nanocatalysts as highly active and
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  • 5*  Intertwined ferroelectricity and topological state in two-dimensional multilayer.
          Liang, Y., Mao, N., Dai, Y., Kou, L. Z., Huang, B. B., Ma, Y. D.
         NPJ Comput. Mater. 7,172,2021

    4*  Intercorrelated ferroelectrics in 2D van der Waals materials  
         Liang, Yan,Shen, Shiying,Huang, Baibiao,Dai, Ying,Ma, Yandong
          Materials Horizons8, 1683-1689,2021

    3*  High-Throughput Screening of Synergistic Transition Metal Dual-Atom Catalysts
          for Efficient Nitrogen Fixation
          Xingshuai Lv,Wei Wei,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai,Thomas Frauenheim
          Nano Lett.  21, 1871−187,2021 (高被引论文)

    2*  Valley polarization caused by crystalline symmetry breaking,

         Yuanyuan Wang, Wei Wei, Fengping Li, Xingshuai Lv, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai

         Materials Horizons, 8, 244-249,2021.

    1* Magnetic topological insulator in two-dimensional EuCd2Bi2: giant gap with robust topology

         against magnetic transitions.

         Hao Wang, Ning Mao, Xiangting Hu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Chengwang Niu

         Materials Horizons, 8, 956-961,2021.

    [34] Quantum spin Hall effect in antiferromagnetic topological heterobilayers.

           Xiangting Hu, Ning Mao, Hao Wang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Chengwang Niu. 

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    [33] Single-Layer ScI2: A Paradigm for Valley-Related Multiple Hall Effect.

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    [32]  Antiferromagnetic topological crystalline insulator and mixed Weyl semimetal
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    [31] Antiferromagnetic Ferroelastic Multiferroics in Single-Layer VOX (X = Cl, Br) Predicted

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    [30] H4,4,4-graphyne with double Dirac points as highefficiency bifunctional

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    [29] Engineering antiferromagnetic topological insulators in two-dimensional NaMnBi
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    [27] Two-dimensional valleytronic semiconductor with spontaneous spin
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    [26] Nonvolatile ferromagnetism in bilayer CrI3 induced by heterointerface. 
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    [24] Magnetism-mediated transition between crystalline and higher-order topological phases in NpSb
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    [23] Spontaneous valley polarization in two-dimensional organometallic lattices
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    [22] Valley-related multiple Hall effect in single-layer VSi2P4.
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    [21] Engineering antiferromagnetic topological insulator by strain in two-dimensional
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    [20] Steric effects in the hydrogen evolution reaction based on the TMX4 active center:
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    [19] Two-dimensional transition metal borides as high activity and selectivity catalysts
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    [18] Borophosphene: A potential anchoring material for lithium-sulfur batteries
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    Applied Surface Science, 562, 150157, 2021

    [17] Coronene-based 2D metal-organic frameworks: A new family of promising single-atom catalysts
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    [16] Robust  Intrinsic Multiferroicity in a FeHfSeLayer
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    [15] Valley-contrasting physics in single-layer CrSi2N4 and CrSi2P4
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    [14] Stable valley-layer coupling and design principle in 2D lattice. 
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    [13] Single-atom catalysts of TM-porphyrin for alkali oxygen batteries: reaction mechanism
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    [12] Activating electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of two-dimensional
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    [10] Out-of-plane Ferroelectricity and Multiferroicity in
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    [9] Construction of New Active Sites: Cu Substitution Enabled Surface Frustrated Lewis Pairs over
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    [8] Efficient nitric oxide reduction to ammonia on a metal-free electrocatalyst

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    J Mater.Chem.A, 9(9),  5434-5441,2021

    [7] Intrinsic triferroicity in a two-dimensional lattice
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    [6] Ferroelastic-ferroelectric multiferroics in a bilayer lattice
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    [5] Electronic Properties of Monolayer and van der Waals Bilayer of Janus TiClI
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    J Phys.Chem.Lett., 12, 9, 2245-2251,2021

    [4] Interlayer coupling effect in van der Waals heterostructures of transition
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    [3] Large valley-polarized state in single-layer NbX2 (X = S, Se): Theoretical prediction
         Yanmei Zang, Yangdong Ma, Rui Peng, Hao Wang, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
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    [2] Boosting the electrocatalytic HER performance of Ni3N-V2O3 via the interface coupling effect
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         Applied Catalysis B-Environmental

    [1] Tailoring the composition and structure of Ni3S2 by introduction of Co towards high
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         Zhou, PengWu, Yaqiang Wang, Cong ;  Huang, Huining; Xing, Danning;  Liu, Yuanyuan; 
         Wang, Zeyan; Wang, Peng ; Zheng, Zhaoke;  Cheng, HefengDai,Ying; Huang Baibiao
         Chemical Engineering J.403,126285,2021.

  • 5*  Photoexcited charge carrier behaviors in solar energy conversion systems
         from theoretical simulations
         Wei Wei,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai 
         WIREs Computational Molecular Science,10,e1441,2020                   (Invited review)

    4*  Ferromagnetic Dual Topological Insulator in Two-Dimensional Honeycomb Lattice

         Hao Wang, Ning Mao, Chengwang Niu, Shiying Shen,Mike Whangbo, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai

         Materials Horizons, 7, 2431, 2020 

    3*. Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator with Nonsymmorphic Protection in Two Dimensions

         Chengwang Niu, Hao Wang, Ning Mao, Baibiao Huang, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Ying Dai
         Physical Review Letters
     124, 0664012020

    2*. Self-doped pn junctions in two-dimensional In2X3 van der Waals materials
         Rui Peng , Yandong Ma , Shuai Zhang , Baibiao Huang , Liangzhi Kou and Ying Dai
         Materials Horizons, 7, 504-5102020  (高被引论文)

    1*. Holey graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) supported bifunctional single atom
         electrocatalysts for highly efficient overall water splitting
         Xingshuai Lv
    Wei WeiHao WangBaibiao HuangYing Dai
    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental264, 118521,2020 (高被引论文)


    [35] Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator in Stable Exfoliated Two-Dimensional Materials

           Ning Mao, Hao Wang, Xiangting Hu, Chengwang Niu, Baibiao Huang, and Ying Dai
           Physical Review B 10211, 115412,2020

    [34] Two-dimensional valleytronics in single-layer t-ZrNY (Y = Cl, Br) predicted from 
           Zhang, T., Ma, Y. D.*, Xu, X. L., Lei, C. A., Huang, B. B., Dai, Y.*
            J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 20598,2020

    [33] Electronic properties of Janus MXY/graphene (M = Mo, W; X not equal Y = S, Se)
           van der Waals structures: a first-principles study
           Yu, Shiqiang; Wei, Wei; Li, Fengping; Huang, Baibiao ;  Dai, Ying
            Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,22(44),25675-25684, 2020

    [32] Highly effective and selective molecular nanowire catalysts for hydrogen
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           Wu, Qian; Peng, Rui; Huang, Baibiao ; Kou, Liangzhi ;Dai, Ying; Ma, Yandong 
           J. Mater. Chem. A8( 48),26075-26084, DEC 28 2020

    [31] Nitrogen-free TMS4-centers in metal-organic frameworks for ammonia synthesis 
           Xingshuai Lv, Wei Wei ,Hao Wang, Fengping Li, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Timo Jacob 
          J. Mater. Chem. A, 8(38), 20047-20053,2020

    [30] Promising valleytronic materials with strong spin-valley coupling in two-dimensional
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           Dou, Kaiying;  Ma, Yandong;  Peng, Rui;  Du, Wenhui; Huang, Baibiao;  Dai, Ying
             Applied Physics Letters, 117(17), 172405, 2020

    [29] Bias-Free Solar Water Splitting by Tetragonal Zircon BiVO4 Nanocrystal Photocathode
           and Monoclinic Scheelite BiVO4 Nanoporous Photoanode
           Liang, Xizhuang; Wang, Peng; Tong, Fengxia; Liu, Xiaolei; Wang, Cong; Wang, Minrui; 
           Zhang, Qianqian; Wang, Zeyan; Liu, Yuanyuan; Zheng, Zhaoke; Dai,Ying; Huang,Baibiao
           ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2008656, 2020

    [28]  Research progress and surface/interfacial regulation methods for electrophotocatalytic
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             X. Liu, P. Wang, X.Liang,  Q.Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Liu,  Z.Zheng, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
            MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY,18,100524, 2020 

    [27]  Co-3(hexaiminotriphenylene)(2): A conductive two-dimensional pi-d conjugated
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            Xing, Danning; Wang, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peng; Liu, Yuanyuan; Wang, Zeyan; Wang, Peng;
            Zheng, Zhaoke; Cheng, Hefeng; Dai, Ying; Huang Baibiao
            Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,278,119295,2020

    [26] Ni3B as a highly efficient and selective catalyst for the electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide
           Ma, Fahao; Wang, Shuhua; Liang, Xizhuang; Wang, Cong; Tong, Fengxia; Wang, Zeyan;

           Wang, Peng; Liu, Yuanyuan; Dai, Ying; Zheng, Zhaoke;
           Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,279,119371,2020

    [25]   Plasmon-induced dehydrogenation of formic acid on Pd-dotted Ag@Au hexagonal nanoplates
            and single-particle study
            Tong, FengxiaLou, ZaizhuLiang, XizhuangMa, FahaoChen, WeijieWang, Zeyan
            Liu, YuanyuanWang, PengCheng, HefengDai, Ying
            Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 277,119226, 2020

    [24] Exciton manipulation in rippled transition metal dichalcogenides
           Long, Chen,  Dai, Ying;  Li, Jianwei; Jin, Hao

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    [23]  Molybdenum Nitride Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution More Efficient than
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            Cong Wang, Xingshuai Lv, Peng Zhou,;xizhuang Liang, Zeyan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu,
            Peng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng, Ying Dai, Yingjie Li, Myung-Hwan Whangbo, Baibiao Huang
              ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 26, 29153–29161,2020,

    [22]   Oxygen-Vacancy-Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation
            Wang, JiajiaXu, Xilong; Liu, Yuanyuan; Zeyan Wang, Peng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng,
            Hefeng Cheng, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang
               CHEMSUSCHEM  13,3488-3494 ,‏ ,202

    [21] Prediction of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic ferroelasticity in AgF2 monolayer,
           Xilong Xu, Yandong Ma, Ting Zhang, Chengan Lei, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
           Nanoscale Horizons,Inpress,2020 

    [20] Intrinsic anomalous valley Hall effect in single-layer Nb3I8
           Rui Peng, Yandong Ma, Xilong Xu Zhonglin He, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai
           Physical Review B,102(3),035412, 2020 

    [19] Prediction of intrinsic electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction in Ti4X3 (X = C, N)
           Hongchao Yang ,Yandong Ma ,Xingshuai Lv,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
          Journal of Catalysis 387, 12-16,2020

    [18] Stacking-Independent Ferromagnetism in Bilayer VI3 with Half-Metallic Characteristic
           Long, Chen; Wang, Tao; Jin, Hao; Wang, Hao; Dai, Ying
           J. Phys. Chem. Lett.11(6),2185-2164, 2020 

    [17] Trifunctional Electrocatalysts with High Efficiency for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,
           Oxygen Evolution Reaction, and Na-O2 Battery in Heteroatom-Doped Janus Monolayer MoSSe
           Wu, Qian; Ma, Yandong; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Shuai; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
           ACS applied materials & interfaces ,12(21),24066-24073,2020

    [16] High-temperature quantum anomalous Hall insulator in two-dimensional Bi2ON
           Liang, Yan, Ma, Yandong, Zhao, Pei, Wang, Hao, Huang, Baibiao, Dai, Ying
           Applied Physics Letters, 116, 16, 2020

    [15] Stacking-dependent topological phase in bilayer MBi2Te4 (M = Ge, Sn, Pb)
           Peng, Rui, Ma, Yandong, Wang, Hao, Huang, Baibiao, Dai, Ying
           Phys. Rev. B, 101(11), 115427, MAR 27 2020

    [14] Synthesis of Synergistic Nitrogen-Doped NiMoO4/Ni3N Heterostructure for Implementation
           of an Efficient Alkaline Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
           Liu, Xiaolei, Guo, Yuhao , Wang, Peng, Wu, Qian, Zhang, Qianqian, Rozhkova, Elena A.,
           Wang, Zeyan, Liu, Yuanyuan, Zheng, Zhaoke, Dai, Ying,
           ACS Appl. Energy Mater.,3, (3), 2440-2449,2020

    [13] Tl2O/WTe2 van der Waals heterostructure with tunable multiple band alignments
           He,Zhonglin, Ma, Yandong,Lei, Chengan,Peng, Rui,Huang, Baibiao,Dai, Ying
           J. Chem. Phys., 152(7), 074703, FEB 21 2020 

    [12] One-step synthesis of Co-doped 1T-MoS2 nanosheets with efficient and
           stable HER activity in alkaline solutions
           Ma, Fahao,Liang, Yan,Zhou, Peng,Tong, Fengxia,Wang, Zeyan,Wang, Peng,
           Liu,Yuanyuan,Dai, Ying,Zheng, Zhaoke,Huang, Baibiao
           Mater. Chem. Phys.,244,122642, 2020

    [11] Valley polarization in monolayer CrX2 (X = S, Se) with magnetically
           doping and proximity coupling
           Lei, Chengan; Ma, Yandong; Zhang, Ting; Xu, Xilong ; Huang, Baibiao ; Dai, Ying.
           New Journal of Physics22(3),033002 2020

    [10] W supported on g-CN manifests high activity and selectivity for N-2 electroreduction to NH3 
           Wang, Shuhua,Wei, Wei, Lv, Xingshuai, Huang, Baibiao, Dai, Ying
           J. Mater. Chem. A, 8, 1378-1385,2020

    [9]   Two-Dimensional Ferroelastic Semiconductors in Nb2SiTe4 and Nb2GeTe4
           with Promising Electronic Properties
           Zhang, Ting,Ma, Yandong,Xu, Xilong,Lei, Chengan,Huang, Baibiao,Dai, Ying
           J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11,497-503,2020 

    [8]  Cu2O Nanoparticles with Both {100} and {111} Facets for Enhancing the Selectivity
          and Activity of CO2 Electroreduction to Ethylene
          Gao, Yugang,Wu, Qian,Liang, Xizhuang,Wang, Zeyan,Zheng, Zhaoke,Wang, Peng,
          Liu, Yuanyuan,Dai, Ying, Whangbo, Myung-Hwan,Huang, Baibiao
          Advanced Science, 7,19028020,2020 (高被引论文)

    [7]  Excited-State Properties of Janus Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
          Li, Fengping,Wei, Wei,Huang, Baibiao,Dai, Ying
          J. Phys. Chem. C,124, 1667-1673,2020 

    [6]  Design and synthesis of porous M-ZnO/CeO2 microspheres as efficient
          plasmonic photocatalysts for nonpolar gaseous molecules oxidation:
          Insight into the role of oxygen vacancy defects and M = Ag, Au nanoparticles
          Liang, Xizhuang,Wang, Peng,Gao, Yugang,Huang, Huining,Tong, Fengxia,Zhang, Qianqian,
          Wang, Zeyan,Liu, Yuanyuan,Zheng, Zhaoke,Dai, Ying, Huang,Baibiao
          Applied Catalysis B: Environmental ,260, 118151,2020 (高被引论文)

    [5] High-efficient electrocatalytic overall water splitting over vanadium doped
         hexagonal Ni0.2Mo0.8N
         Zhou, Peng,Lv, Xingshuai,Xing, Danning,Ma, Fahao,Liu, Yuanyuan,
         Wang, Zeyan,Wang, Peng,Zheng, Zhaoke,Dai, Ying,Huang, Baibiao
         Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,263, 118330,2020 (高被引论文)

    [4] Janus Bi2XYZ monolayers for light harvesting and energy conversion
         from first-principles calculations

         Wang, Yuanyuan; Wei, Wei; Li, Fengping; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
         Physica E117, 113823,2020

    [3] In situ extract nucleate sites for the growth of free-standing carbon nitride films
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    [2] Improving the HER activity of Ni3FeN to convert the superior OER electrocatalyst to
         an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting by doping with molybdenum
         Liu, Xiaolei,Lv, Xingshuai,Wang, Peng,Zhang, Qianqian,Huang, Baibiao,
         Wang, Zeyan,Liu, Yuanyuan,Zheng, Zhaoke,Dai, Ying
         Electrochimica Acta,333,135488,2020

    [1] Synthesis of novel cubic Ni2Mo3N and its electronic structure regulation by vanadium
         doping towards high-efficient HER electrocatalyst
         Peng Zhou ,Xingshuai Lv,Yugang Gao, Zhong Liang,Zhaoke Zheng,
         Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
         Electrochimica Acta,337,135689,2020

  • 1. Electronic Structure and Photocatalytic Splitting Water Properties of Ag2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4"
    Jing, Tao; Dai, Ying; Ma, Xiangchao; Wei, Wei; Huang, Baibiao
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (50), 27900–27908,2015

    2. Stable Si-based Pentagonal Monolayes: High Carrier Mobilities and Applications in Photocatalytic Water Splitting
    Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Mengmeng Li Wei Wei and Baibiao Huang
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A,3,24055 – 24063,2015

    3. Controlling the Electronic Structures and Properties of in-Plane Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides Quantum Wells
    Wei wei, Ying Dai, Chengwang Niu, Baibiao Huang
    Sci Rep. 5,17578,2015.

    4. Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Van der Waals GaS/GaSe Heterostructures
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai,* Chengwang Niu, Xiao Li, Yandong Ma and Baibiao Huang
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015, 3, 11548-11554

    5. Ideal Spintronics in Molecule-based Novel One-Dimensional Organometallic Nanowires
    Qilong Sun, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Wei Wei, Lin Yu and Baibiao Huang
    Sci.Rep. 2015, 5,12772

    6. Electronic structures of in-plane two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides heterostructures
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Qilong Sun, Na Yin, Sheng-hao Han, Baibiao Huang and Timo Jacob
    Phys Chem Chem Phys, 17, 29380-29386 2015

    7. Prediction of large-gap quantum spin hall insulator and rashba-dresselhaus effect in two-dimensional g-TlA (A = N, P, As, and Sb) monolayer films
    Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Wei Wei , Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang
    Nano Research, 2015,8(9),2954-2962 , 2015

    8. Quantum spin Hall effect and topological phase transition in two-dimensional square transition-metal dichalcogenides
    Ma, YD; Kou, LZ; Li, X; Dai, Y; Smith, SC ; Heine, T
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 085427 ,2015

    9. Synthesis of Ag9(SiO4)2NO3 through a reactive flux method and its visible-light photocatalytic performances
    Xianglin Zhu1, Zeyan Wang,Baibiao Huang, Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Xiaoyang Zhang and Xiaoyan Qin
    APL Mat. 3, 104413,2015;

    10. Vertical and Bidirectional Heterostructures from Graphyne and MSe2 (M = Mo, W)
    Qilong Sun, Ying Dai , Yandong Ma, Wei Wei, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 2694–2701,2015

    11. The Synergistic Effect between Effective Mass and Built-in Electric Field for the Transfer of Carriers in Nonlinear Optical Materials
    Mengmeng Li,Ying Dai, Xiangchao Ma, Zhujie Li and Baibiao Huang
    Phys Chem Chem Phys,17, 17710 – 17717, 2015

    12. Two-Dimensional Metalloporphyrin Monolayers with intriguing electronic and spintronic properties
    Qilong Sun, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Xinru Li, Wei Wei and Baibiao Huang
    J Mater. Chem. C. 3, 6901 – 6907,2015

    13. Density Functional Characterization of the Electronic Structures and Band Bending of Rutile RuO2/TiO2 (110) Heterostructures
    Wei, Wei; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao; Li, Xiaoke; Nagele, Florian; Over, Herbert; Whangbo, Myung-Hwan; Jacob, Timo
    J Phys. Chem.C, 119 (22), pp 12394–12399, 2015

    14. Enhancement of photocatalytic activity of two-dimensional GeH/graphene heterobilayer under visible light
    Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Xiang-Chao Ma, Lin Yu, Wei Wei ?and Bai-Biao Huang
    RSC Adv., ,5, 52264-52268,2015

    15. Two-dimensional inversion-asymmetric topological insulators in functionalized III-Bi bilayers
    Yandong Ma, Xiao Li, Liangzhi Kou, Binghai Yan, Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, and Thomas Heine
    Phys. Rev. B,91, 235306, 2015

    16. Effects of intrinsic defects and extrinsic doping on the electronic and photocatalytic properties of Ta3N5
    Tao Jing, Ying Dai, Xiangchao Ma, Wei Wei and Baibiao Huang
    RSC Advances, 5,59390 – 59397,2015

    17. One-Step Synthesis of Amorphous Silver Silicates with Tunable Light Absorption Spectra and Photocatalytic Activities in the Visible Region
    Zaizhu Lou,Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai,Gang Wang, Zaiyong Jiang,Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin and, Yanqing Li
    Chem. Eur. J,21(24),8706–8710, 2015

    18. Enhancing the Efficiency of Water Oxidation by Boron-Doped BiVO4 under Visible Light: Hole Trapping by BO4 Tetrahedra
    Li, Yanqing; Jing, Tao; Liu, Yuanyuan; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying ; Zhang, Xiaoyang; Qin, Xiaoyan ; Whangbo, Myung-Hwan

    19. One-pot solvothermal synthesis of S doped BiOCl for solar water oxidation
    Zaiyong Jiang, Yuanyuan Liu, Tao Jing, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai
    RSC Advances 5, 47261-47264,2015

    20. Synthesis of BiOBr-PVP hybrids with enhanced adsorption-photocatalytic properties
    Yanqing Li, Zeyan Wang,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai,Xiaoyang Zhang,Xiaoyan Qin
    Appl. Surf. Sci., 347, P258–264,2015

    21. Insights into How Fluorine-Adsorption and n-Type Doping Affect the Relative Stability of the (001) and (101) Surfaces of TiO2: Enhancing the Exposure of More Active but Thermodynamically Less Stable (001)
    Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Baibiao Huang, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, pp 1876–1882,2015

    22. Lateral heterojunctions within monolayer h-BN/Graphene: a First-principles study
    Qilong Sun, Y. Dai, Y. Ma, W. Wei and B. Huang
    RSC Advances, 5, 33037-33043, 2015

    23. Loss of Linear Band Dispersion and Trigonal Structure in Silicene on Ir(111)
    Wei, Wei; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao; Whangbo, Mike; Jacob, Timo
    J Phys. Chem. Lett. 6 (6), pp 1065–1070,2015

    24. Effect of different processes and Ti/Zn molar ratios on the structure, morphology, and enhanced photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of Ti3+?self-doped titanium–zinc hybrid oxides
    Rongrong Fu,Qingyao Wang,Shanmin Gao,Zeyan Wang,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai,Jun Lu
    Journal of Power Sources , 285, 449–459,2015

    25. In-Situ-Reduced Synthesis of Ti(3+) Self-Doped TiO2/g-C3N4 Heterojunctions with High Photocatalytic Performance under LED Light Irradiation.
    Li K, Gao S, Wang Q, Xu H, Wang Z, Huang B, Dai Y, Lu J
    ACS Appl Mater Interf., 7(17),9023, 2015

    26. Robust Two-Dimensional Topological Insulators in Methyl-Functionalized Bismuth, Antimony, and Lead Bilayer Films
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Liangzhi Kou, Thomas Frauenheim, and Thomas Heine
    Nano Lett.,15 (2), pp 1083–1089,2015 

    27. Hydrothermal synthesis of C3N4/BiOIO3 heterostructures with enhanced photocatalytic properties
    Wang, WJ; Cheng, HF; Huang, BB ; Liu, XL ; Qin, XY; Zhang, XY; Dai, Y
    J Colloid and Interf. Sci, 442,97-102, 2015

    28. Intriguing Structural and Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional MoS2/TM2CO2? (TM = Ti, Zr, or Hf) Hetero-bilayers: type-II semiconductors with tunable band gaps
    Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Qunqun Liu and Baibiao Huang
    Nnanotechnology,26(13) 135703, 2015

    29. The electronic and magnetic properties of transition-metal element doped three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetal in Cd3As2
    Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Yan-Dong Ma, Xin-Ru Li Wei Wei, Lin Yu and Bai-Biao Huang 
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 3547 – 3551,2015

    30. Synthesis and characterization of ZnS with controlled amount of S vacancies for photocatalytic H2 production under visible light
    Gang Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zhujie Li, Zaizhu Lou, Zeyan Wang, Ying Dai & Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Scitific Reports, 5 : 8544, 2015

    31. A Bismuth-Based Metal-Organic Framework as an Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalyst
    Wang, GZ; Sun, QL ; Liu, YY; Huang, BB ; Dai, Y ; Zhang, XY ?; Qin, XY
    Chem. Eur. J, 21(6),2364-2367,2015


  • 1. Origin of the Increased Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 Nanocrystal Composed of Pure Core and Heavily Nitrogen-Doped Shell: A Theoretical Study
    Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (24), 22815–22822,2014

    2. Strain-Induced Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Methyl-Substituted Germanane GeCH3
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Baibiao Huang & Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Sci Rep, 4,7297,2014

    3. GeH: A Novel Graphene-Like Material as Visible-light Driven Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution
    Zhenhua Liu , Baibiao Huang , Zaizhu Lou , Zhujie Li , Gang Wang , Zeyan Wang , Yuanyuan Liu , Sheng-Qing Xia , Xiaoyan Qin , Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    ChemComm, 50, 11046-11048,2014

    4. New Basic Insights into the Low Hot Electron Injection Efficiency of Gold-Nanoparticle-Photosensitized Titanium Dioxide
    Ma, Xiangchao; Dai, Ying; Yu, Lin; Huang, Baibiao
    ACS Applied Mater & Interf,6 (15), 12388–12394,2014

    5. Synthesis and activity of plasmonic photocatalysts (Review)
    Zaizhu Lou, Zeyan Wang,Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
    ChemCatChem, 6(9) 2456–2476,2014

    6. Ideal two-dimensional systems with a gain Rashba-type spin splitting: SrFBiS2 and BiOBiS2 nanosheets
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Na Yin, Tao Jing, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Mater. Chem. 2(40),8539-8545,2014

    7. Near-Infrared Photocatalytic Activity Induced by Intrinsic Defects in Bi2MO6 (M=W, Mo)
    Tao Jing, Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Xiangchao Ma and Baibiao Huang

    8. Emergence of electric polarity in BiTeX (X=Br and I) monolayers and the giant Rashba spin splitting
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Xinru Li and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys., 16 (33), 17603 - 17609,2014

    9. Ag6Si2O7: a Silicate Photocatalyst for the Visible Region
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Xiangchao Ma, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chem Mater. 26, 3873-3875,2014

    10. CuO/CuSCN valence state heterojunctions with visible light enhanced and ultraviolet light restrained photocatalytic activity
    Gang Wang, Baibiao Huang, Lu Wang, Zeyang Wang, Zaizhu Lou, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Chem. Commun., 50, 3814-3816,2014

    11. Celastrol-modified TiO2 nanoparticles: effects of celastrol on the particle size and visible-light photocatalytic activity
    Caihua Chen, Quanwen Liu, Shanmin Gao, Kai Li, Hui Xu, Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
    RSC Adv., ,4, 12098-12104,2014

    12. Microstructure Modulation of Semiconductor Photocatalysts for CO2 Reduction
    Liu, Yuanyuan; Wang, Zeyan; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying; Qin, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Xiaoyang
    Current Organic Chemistry, 18(5), 620-628(9),2014

    13. Enhanced visible photocatalytic activity of a BiVO4@b-AgVO3 composite synthesized by an in situ growth method
    Yanmei Yang, Yuanyuan Liu, Baibiao Huang, Rui Zhang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyan Qin and Xiaoyang Zhang
    RSC Adv., 4, 20058-20061,2014

    14. Layered photocatalyst Bi2O2[BO2(OH)] nanosheetswith internal polar field enhanced photocatalytic activity
    Rui Zhang Ying Dai, Zaizhu Lou, Zhujie Li, Zeyan Wang,a Yanmei Yang, Xiaoyan Qin,a Xiaoyang Zhanga and Baibiao Huang
    CrystEngComm, 16 (23), 4931 – 4934, 2014

    15. Ti3+:TiO2/TiF3 hybrid with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic reactivity
    Xiaodong Meng, Baibiao Huang, Xiangchao Ma, Zeyan Wang, Zhaoke Zheng,
    Junpeng Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    CrystEngComm, 16, 6538-6541,2014

    16. First-principles GGA+U study of the different conducting properties in pentavalent-ion-doped anatase and rutile TiO
    Yang, Kesong; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao; Feng, Yuan
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,47, 275101,2014

    17. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Honeycomb Transition Metal Monolayers: First-principles Insights
    Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 16, 13383-13389 , 2014

    18. On the Electron-hole Pair Generation of the Visible-light Plasmonic Photocatalyst Ag@AgCl: Enhanced Optical Transitions Involving Mid-gap Defect States of AgCl
    Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, Lin Yu, Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J Phys.Chem.C, 118 (23),  12133–12140 , 2014

    19. Immobilization of BiOX (X = Cl, Br) on activated carbon fibers as recycled photocatalysts
    Zaiyong Jiang, Baibiao Huang, Zaizhu Lou, Zeyan Wang, Xiaodong Meng, Yuanyuan Liu,
    Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Dalton Trans, 43, 8170-8173, 2014

    20. Ln(IO3)3 (Ln = Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Er, Yb) polycrystals as novel photocatalysts for efficient decontamination under ultraviolet light irradiation
    Wang, Wenjun; Cheng, Hefeng; Huang, Baibiao; Li, Xinru; Qin, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Xiaoyang; Dai, Ying
    Inorganic Chemistry, 53(10):4989-93, 2014

    21. Prediction of two-dimensional materials with half-metallic Dirac cones: Ni2C18H12 and Co2C18H12
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai Xinru Li, Qilong Sun, Baibiao Huang
    Carbon 73, 382-388,2014

    22. Noble-metal-free plasmonic photocatalyst: hydrogen doped semiconductors
    Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, Lin Yu and Baibiao Huang
    Sci.Rep,.4: 3986,2014

    23. Engineering BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) nanostructures for highly efficient photocatalytic applications. (Review)
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai
    Nanoscale, 6, 2009-2026,2014.

    24. Progress on extending the light absorption spectra of photocatalysts. (Review)
    Zeyan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Zaizhu Lou, Gang Wang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin
    PhysChemChemPhys,16, 2758-2774, 2014

    25. Realization of Controlling the Band Alignment via Atomic Substitution
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , and Baibiao Huang
    Carbon ,69, 495-501,2014

    26. Tuning Photocatalytic Performance of the Near-Infrared-Driven Photocatalyst Cu2(OH)PO4 Based on Effective Mass and Dipole Moment
    Zhujie Li, Ying Dai, Xiangchao Ma, Yingtao Zhu and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys,16(7),3267-3273 , 2014

    27. Effective Bandgap Engineering in Wrinkled Germanane via Tiny Electric Field
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Ying-Bo Lu, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 2 (6), 1125 - 1130, 2014

    28. Graphene/g-C3N4 Bilayer: Considerable Band Gap Opening and Effective Band Structure Engineering
    Xinru Li, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Shenghao Han and Baibiao Huang 
    PhysChemChemPhys, 16(9),4230-4235,2014


  • 1. First Near-Infrared-Light-Driven Photocatalyst Cu2(OH)PO4
    Gang Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiangchao Ma, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Angew Chem Inter Edit, 52(18),4810-4813,2013 (VIP)

    2. Strain-Engineered Modulation on the Electronic Properties of Phosphorous-Doped ZnO,
    Ying-Bo Lu, Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Yingtao Zhu, and Baibiao Huang
    ChemphysChem, ,14,3916-3924, 2013 

    3. Insights into the Role of Surface Distortion in Enhancing the Photocatalytic Quantum Efficiency of Anatase TiO2
    Ma, Xiangchao; Dai, Ying; Guo, Meng; Huang, Baibiao
    J. Phys. Chem.C, 117(46),24496-24502, 2013

    4. The Relative Photooxidation and Photoreduction Activities of the {100}, {101}, and {001} Surfaces of Anatase TiO2
    Ma, Xiangchao; Dai, Ying; Guo, Meng; Huang, Baibiao
    Langmuir, 29 (44), 13647–13654 , 2013

    5. Enhanced many-body effects in 2- and 1-dimensional ZnO structures: A Green's function perturbation theory study
    Wei Wei Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Timo Jacob
    J Chem. Phys. 139 ( 14),144703, 2013

    6. Efficient Separation of Photogenerated Electron-Hole Pairs by the Combination of a Heterolayered Structure and Internal Polar Field in Pyroelectric BiOIO3 Nanoplates,
    Wenjun Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiangchao Ma, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai, Myung-Hwan Whangbo,
    Chem. Eur. J., 19, 14777-14780, 2013

    7. Interface kinetic diffusion reaction leading to fast and continuous generation of AgCl nanocubes in NaCl solution,
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Rui Zhang, Ying Dai, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Dalton Trans., 42, 15219-15225,2013.

    8. Synthesis of Bi2O2CO3/Bi2S3 hierarchical microspheres with heterojunctions and their enhanced visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of dye pollutants,
    Wenjun Wang, Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Xiaojing Lin, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai,
    J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 402, 34-39, 2013

    9. Chemical Adsorption Enhanced CO2 capture and photoreduction over a Copper porphyrin based metal organic framework
    Yuanyuan Liu, Yanmei Yang, Qilong Sun, Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 7654−7658, 2013

    10. Electronic and Molecular Behaviors of a Novel Ionic Paramagnetic Ruthenium (III) Complex
    Qilong Sun, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Xiangchao Ma and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 15 (37), 15392 - 15398,2013

    11. First-principles study of one-dimensional sandwich wires [(P) 5 TM] (TM=Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co)
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Xinru Li, Zhujie Li and Baibiao Huang
    J Phys.: Condensed Matter, 25, 395503, 2013

    12.Synergistic modification of electronic and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanotube by implantation of Au and N
    Yingtao Zhu, Ying Dai, Kangrong Lai, Baibiao Huang
    ChemphysChem, 14(12),2800-2807,2013

    13. Dirac Cones in Two-Dimensional Lattices: Janugraphene and Chlorographene"
    Ma, Yandong; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 2471-2476, 2013

    14. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of One Dimensional Sandwich Polymers: [(Ge5)TM]∞ (TM= Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe)
    Xinru Li, Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 1,4565-4569, 2013

    15. Fast-generation of Ag3PO4 concave microcrystals from electrochemical oxidation of bulk silver sheet
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Rui Zhang, Yanmei Yang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai, 
    CrystEngComm, 15, 5070-5075, 2013

    16. Tailoring AgI nanoparticles for the assembly of AgI/BiOI hierarchical hybrids with size-dependent photocatalytic activities,
    Hefeng Cheng, Wenjun Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Jie Zhan, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai,
    J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 7131-7136, 2013.

    17. Engineering a Topological Phase Transition in b-InSe via Strain
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Lin Yu, Chengwang Niu, and Baibiao Huang
    New Journal of Phys. 15, 073008, 2013

    18. Fullerene Interfaced with TiO2 (110) Surface May not Form Efficient Photovoltaic Heterojunctions: First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Structures
    Long, Run; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 4, pp 2223–2229 , 2013

    19. Novel Two-Dimensional Tetragonal Monolayer: Metal-TCNQ Networks
    Ma, Yandong; Dai, Ying; Wei, Wei; Yu, Lin; Huang, Baibiao
    J. Phys.Chem.A,117, 5171,5177, 2013

    20. Material realization of topological crystalline insulators: Role of strain and spin-orbit coupling
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Lin Yu, and Baibiao Huang}
    Mater.Express, 3(2),  159-165(7) 2013

    21. Many-body effects in silicene, silicane, germanene and germanane,
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Timo Jacob.
    PhysChemChemPhys, 15, 8789-8794, 2013

    22. Investigation of magnetic properties induced by group-V element in doped ZnO
    Ying-Bo Lu, Ying Dai, Meng Guo,Lin Yu,and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 15,5208-5214, 2013

    23. Tunable electronic and dielectric behavior of GaS and GaSe monolayers
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 15,7098-7105, 2013

    24. The roles of growth conditions on the topotactic transformation from TiOF2
    nanocubes to 3D hierarchical TiO2 nanoboxes
    Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xianglin Zhu, Yuanyuan Liu, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin,
    CrystEngComm, 15, 3436-3441,2013

    25. Synthesis of Bi2O2CO3/Bi2S3 hierarchical microspheres with heterojunctions and their enhanced visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of dye pollutants,
    Wenjun Wang, Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Xiaojing Lin, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai,
    J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 402, 34-39,2013

    26. Enhanced photocatalytic H2 production on hierarchical rutile TiO2 microspheres
    Shaoying Wang, Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai,
    RSC Adv., 3, 5156-5161.2013

    27. One-pot solvothermal synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4@SnO2 nanocomposites,
    Xiaojing Lin, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Wenjun Wang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin,?
    Mater. Lett., 99, 146-149.2013

    28. Realization of insulating massive Dirac fermion state in Bi2Te3 by co-substitution of magnetic and
    non-magnetic elements
    ChengWang Niu, Ying Dai,Lin Yu, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 102,092402, 2013

    29. Optical Transition and Photocatalytic Performance of d1 Metallic Perovskites
    Yingtao Zhu, Ying Dai, Kangrong Lai, Zhujie Li, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Phys.Chem.C, 117,5593-5598, 2013

    30. Insights into the adsorption and energy transfer of Ag cluster on the
    AgCl (100) surface
    Xiangchao Ma,Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Yingtao Zhu,and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 15(22),8722-8731, 2013

    31. Tunable topological surface and realization of insulating massive Dirac fermion state in Bi2Te2Se with co-substitution
    Chengwang Niu,Ying Dai, Meng Guo Yandong Ma, Baibiao Huang, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 114 - 120

    32. Metallic zinc- assisted synthesis of Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 with tunable phase composition and visible-light photocatalytic activity
    Zhaoke Zheng , Baibiao Huang , Xiaodong Meng , Junpeng Wang , Shaoying Wang , Zaizhu Lou , Zeyan Wang , Xiaoyan Qin , Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Chem. Commun.,,49, 868-870, 2013

    33. Engineering intriguing electronic and magnetic properties in novel one-dimensional staircase-like metallocene wires
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , and Baibiao Huang
    J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 941 - 946

    34. Synergistic effects of codopants on photocatalytic O2 evolution in BiVO4
    Kangrong Lai , Yingtao Zhu , Jibao Lu, Ying Dai , Baibiao Huang
    Solid State Sci. 24 ,79-84 (2013)

    35. N- and Mo-doping Bi2WO6 in photocatalytic water splitting
    Kangrong Lai , Yingtao Zhu , Jibao Lu, Ying Dai , Baibiao Huang
    Comput. Mater. Sci. , 2013, 67, 88-92


  • 1. Evidence of the Existence of Magnetism in Pristine VX2 Monolayers (X=S, Se) and Their Strain-Induced Tunable Magnetic Properties
    Ma, Yandong; Dai, Ying; Guo, Meng; Niu, Chengwang; Zhu, Yingtao; Huang, Baibiao
    ACS Nano, 6(2),1695-1701,2012.  DOI: 10.1021/nn204667z
    Highlighted by Nature Nanotechnology Vol.7, 141,2012 (高被引论文)

    2. Realization of tunable Dirac cone and insulating bulk states in topological insulators (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, Yingtao Zhu, Yandong Ma , Lin Yu, Shenghao Han and Baibiao Huang
    Scientific reports 2,976 (2012)

    3. A Novel 3D AgCl Hierarchical Superstructure Synthesized via Wet Chemical Oxidization Method
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huan,Xiangchao Ma,Xiaoyang Zhang,Xiaoyan Qin,Zeyan Wang,? Ying Dai, Yuanyuan Liu
    Chemistry - A European Journal , 18, 16090-16096(2012)

    4. Topological phase transition and unexpected mass acquisition of Dirac Fermion in TlBi(S1-xSex)2
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai Yingtao Zhu, Jibao Lu, Yandong Ma, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl Phys.Lett. 101,182101 (2012)

    5. Controlled synthesis of Ag2O microcrystals with facets-dependent photocatalytic activities
    Gang Wang , Xiangchao Ma , Baibiao Huang , Hefeng Cheng , Zeyan Wang , Jie Zhan , Xiaoyan Qin , Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    J Mater Chem. 22,21189-21194 (2012)

    6. Oxygen Vacancy Induced Band-Gap Narrowing and Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO
    Wang, Junpeng; Wang, Zeyan; Huang, Baibiao; Ma, Yandong; Liu, Yuanyuan; Qin, Xiaoyan ;Zhang, Xiaoyang; Dai, Ying
    ACS Appl Mater Inter , 4(8) 4024-4030 ( 2012)

    7. Tuning of the Surface Exposing and Photocatalytic Activity for AgX (X=Cl and Br): A Theoretical Study
    Ma, Xiangchao; Dai, Ying; Lu, Jibao; Guo, Meng; Huang, Baibiao
    J Phys Chem C. 2012, 116 (36), pp 19372–19378 (2012)

    8. An anion exchange approach to Bi2WO6 hollow microspheres with efficient visible light photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to methanol
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Yuanyuan Liu, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Chem. Commun, 48, 9729-9731,(2012)

    9. Magnetic properties of phthalocyanine-based organometallic nanowire
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Zhenkui Zhang, Lin Yu, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 062405 (2012)

    10. Intrinsic defect in BiNbO4: A density functional theory study
    Kangrong Lai,Yingtao Zhu, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang
    J. Appl. Phys. 112, 043706 (2012)

    11. Graphene-Diamond Interface: Gap Opening and Electronic Spin Injection
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Meng Guo, and Baibiao Huang
    Phys.Rev.B. 85, 235448 (2012)

    12. Manipulation of topological surface states and its mechanism in Bi2Se3 family by 2p light elements
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, Zhenkui Zhang, Yandong Ma, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett.100, 252410 (2012)

    13. Intriguing Behavior of Halogenated Two-Dimensional Tin
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Meng Guo, Chengwang Niu, and Baibiao Huang
    J Phys Chem C.116 (23), pp 12977–12981 (2012)

    14. Halogenated Two-Dimensional Germanium: a Candidate Material Being of Quantum Spin Hall State
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Chengwang Niu, and Baibiao Huang
    J Mater.Chem. 22,12587-12591 (2012)

    15. The role of effective mass of carrier in the photocatalytic behavior of silver halide based Ag@AgX(X=Cl, Br, I): a theoretical study
    Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang
    ChemPhysChem.13(9), 2304-2309 (2012)

    16. Topotactic Transformation of Single-Crystalline TiOF2 Nanocubes to Ordered Arranged 3D Hierarchical TiO2 Nanoboxes
    Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Zhao Li, Zhaoke Zheng, Hefeng Cheng and Liwen Guo
    CrystEngComm 14, 4578-4581 (2012)

    17. α-Fe2O3 hollow structures: formation of single crystalline thin shells
    Bing Xu, Baibiao Huang, Hefeng Cheng, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Chem.Comm., 48, 6529-6531(2012), DOI: 10.1039/C2CC33032F

    18. Plasmonic Photocatalysts: Harvesting Visible Light with Noble Metal Nanoparticles
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai, Mike Whangbo
    PhysChemChemPhys.,14,9813-9825, 2012,(Review)

    19. Hydrogenated titania: synergy of surface modification and morphology improvement for enhanced photocatalytic activity
    Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Jibao Lu, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chem.Comm.,48, 5733-5735 ( 2012,)

    20. Insights into the chemical and optical properties of carbon-doped TiO2:A density-functional study
    Jibao Lu, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Kangrong Lai, Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 100, 102114 ( 2012)

    21. One-step synthesis of AgCl concave cubes by preferential overgrowth along <111> and <110> directions
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Hefeng Cheng, yuanyuan Liu, Shaoying Wang, Junpeng Wang, Ying Dai
    Chem.Comm. 48,3488-3490 (2012)

    22. Surface termination effect on the quantum confinement and electron affinities of 3C-SiC quantum dots: A first-principles study
    Zhenkui Zhang, Ying Dai, Lin Yu, Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Nanoscale,4(5),1592-1597 (2012)

    23. Electronic and magnetic properties of the two-dimensional C4H-type polymer with strain effects, intrinsic defects and foreign atom substitutions
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Chengwang Niu, Zhenkui Zhang, and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 14 (10), 3651 - 3658 (2012)

    24. First-principles characterization of ferromagnetism in N-doped SrTiO3 and BaTiO3
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 100(6),062409 (2012)

    25. Crystal facets controlled synthesis of graphene@TiO2 nanocomposites by a one-pot hydrothermal process
    Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Yuanyuan Liu, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Junpeng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng and Hefeng Cheng
    CrystEngComm, 14,1687-1692 (2012)

    26. Synthesis and characterization of activated carbon-coated SiO2/TiO2?xCx nanoporous composites with high adsorption capability and visible light photocatalytic activity
    Yubao Wang, Juzheng Zhang, Xin Liu, Shanmin Gao, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Yanbin Xu
    Mater Chem Phys, 135(2–3), 579-586( 2012)

    27. Structure and Electronic Properties and phase stabilities of the Cd1–xZnxS Solid Solution in the range of 0 ≤ x ≤ 1
    Jibao Lu, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Wei Wei, Yandong Ma, Shenghao Han, and Baibiao Huang
    ChemPhysChem. 13(1),147-154 (2012)

    28. A controlled anion exchange strategy to synthesize Bi2S3 nanocrystals/BiOCl hybrid architectures with efficient visible light photoactivity
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Chem. Commun., 48,97-99 (2012)

    29. Atomic Pt and molecular H2O adsorptions on SrTiO3 with and without Nb-doping: electron trapping center and mediating roles of Pt in charge transfer from semiconductor to water
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai Meng Guo, Yandong Ma, Baibiao Huang
    J Solid State Chem. 187,64-69 (2012)

    30. Effects of oxygen vacancy and N-doping on the electronic and photocatalytic properties of Bi2MO6 (M=Mo, W)
    Kangrong Lai , Wei Wei, Yingtao Zhu, Meng Guo, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    J Solid State Chem. 187, 103-108 (2012)

    31. Tuning electronic structure and photocatalytic properties by Ag incorporated on (001) surface of anatase TiO2
    Yingtao Zhu, Wei Wei, Kangrong Lai, Meng Guo, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Appl.surf.sci. 258,4806-4812 (2012)

    32. Tailoring the band gap of GaN codoped by VO for enhanced solar energy conversion from first-principles calculations
    Meng Guo, Ying Dai , BaiBiao Huang
    Comput. Mater. Sci. 54, 101-104 (2012)

    33. Electronegativity and charge-balance for the high visible-light photocatalytic activity in non-metal doped anatase TiO2
    Jibao Lu, Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Kesong Yang and Baibiao Huang
    Int. J.photoenergy,2012, 928503 (2012)

    34. The synthetic effects of iron with sulfur and fluorine on photoadsorption and photocatalytic performance in codoped TiO2
    Xiaohua Li, Jibao Lu, Ying Da,Meng Guo, and Baibiao Huang
    Int. J.photoenergy,2012,203529 (2012)



    1. Magnetic properties of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)iron: Experimental and theoretical investigation
    Pang Zhiyong; Lin Liang; Wang Fenggong; Fang Shaojie; Dai Ying; Han Shenghao
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 153306 (2011)

    2. Hierarchical TiO2 Microspheres: Synergetic Effect of {001} and {101} Facets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity
    Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Jibao Lu, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, and Ying Dai
    Chem. Eur. J. 17, 15032 – 15038(2011)

    3.One-step synthesis of AgBr microcrystals with different morphologies by ILs-assisted hydrothermal method
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Zeyan Wang, Zhaoke Zheng, Hefeng Cheng, Peng Wang and Ying Dai
    Cryst.Eng,Comm,13, 1789-1793 (2011) 

    4. Quantum anomalous Hall effect in doped Ternary Chalcogenide topological insulators TlBiTe2 and TlBiSe2
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, Lin Yu, Meng Guo, Yandong Ma, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 99,142502 (2011); Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology , Vol. 24(16),2011

    5. First-principles study of the graphene@MoSe2 heterobilayers,
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , Wei Wei, Chengwang Niu, Lin Yu, and Baibiao Huang,
    J Phys. Chem.C, 115 (41), pp 20237–20241 (2011)

    6. Effective increasing of optical absorption and energy conversion efficiency of anatase TiO2 nanocrystals by hydrogenation
    Jibao Lu, Ying Dai, Hao Jin, and Baibiao Huang,
    PhysChemChemPhys,13, 18063-18068(2011)

    7. The Role of Cu-Doping in SnO2 Sensing Properties Toward H2S
    Wei, Wei; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao
    J Phys. Chem.C,115 (38), pp 18597–18602 (2011)

    8. Graphene adhesion on MoS2 monolayer: An ab initio study
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai , and Baibiao Huang
    Nanoscale, 3, 3883-3887 (2011)

    9. Electronic and magnetic properties of perfect, vacancy-doped, and nonmetal adsorbed MoSe2, MoTe2 and WS2 monolayers
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Wei Wei,Chengwang Niu, Jibao Lu, and Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys, 13 (34), 15546 - 15553 (2011)

    10. A New Photocatalyst: Bi2TiO4F2 Nanoflakes Synthesized by a Hydrothermal Method
    Shaoying Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu, Wei Wei, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Dalton Transactions, 40, 12670-12675 (2011)

    11. Facile Two-Step in Situ Synthesis of Visible-Light Plasmonic Photocatalysts M@TiO2 (M = Au, Pt, Ag) and Evaluation of Their Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzene to Phenol
    Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang,Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J Mater. Chem , 21,9079-9087 (2011)

    12. One-Pot Miniemulsion-Mediated Route to BiOBr Hollow Microspheres with Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Activity
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai,
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(29), 8039-8043 (2011)

    13. Composition-dependence of the photocatalytic activities of BiOCl1-xBrx solid solutions under visible light
    Yuanyuan Liu, Won-Joon Son,Jibao Lu, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai,Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(34),9342-9349 (2011)

    14. Preparation, characterization, and photocatalytic properties of silver carbonate
    Chengwei Xu, Yuanyuan Liu, Baibiao Huang, Hui Li, Xiaoyan Qinb, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 257(20), 8732-8736(2011)

    15. Density functional investigation of structural, electronic and optical properties of Ge-doped ZnO
    Ying-bo Lv, Ying Dai, Kesong Yang, Zhenkui Zhang, Wei Wei, Meng Guo and Baibiao Huang
    Physica B,406(20), 3926-3930 (2011)

    16. Mn induced ferromagnetism and modulated topological surface states in Bi2Te3
    Chengwang Niu, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Wei Wei, Yandong Ma, and Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 98,252502 (2011) ,Vir.J.Nan.Sci.&Tech. 24(1), July 4,( 2011)

    17. Strain-induced magnetic transitions in half-fluorinated single layers of BN, GaN and grapheme
    Yandong Ma, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Chengwang Niu, Lin Yu and Baibiao Huang,
    Nanoscale , 3, 2301 (2011)

    18. Density Functional Characterization of Pure and Alkaline Earth Metal-Doped Bi12GeO20, Bi12SiO20, and Bi12TiO20 Photocatalysts ,
    Jibao Lu, Ying Dai, Yingtao Zhu and Baibiao Huang,
    ChemCatChem 3(2), 378–385, 2011

    19.In situ ion exchange synthesis of the novel Ag/AgBr/BiOBr hybrid with highly efficient decontamination of pollutants
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Peng Wang, Zeyan Wang, Zaizhu Lou, Junpeng Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhangand Ying Dai
    ChemComm. 47, 7054-7056, 2011

    20. First-principles study of the electronic and magnetic properties of oxygen-deficient rutile TiO2 (110) surface,
    J.B. Lu, H. Jin, Y. Dai, and B.B. Huang
    J Solid State Chem.,184(5), 1148-1152 , 2011

    21. Ag adsorption on Cd-terminated CdS (0001) and S-terminated CdS(000) surfaces: First-principles investigations
    Yandong Ma; Ying Dai; Wei Wei; Xianghong Liu; Baibiao Huang
    J Solid State Chem. 184, 747-752,2011

    22. Magnetism in non-transition-metal doped CdS studied by density functional theory ,
    Ma Yandong, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,
    Comp. Mater. Sci., 50(5),1661-1666,  2011

    23. Magnetic properties of the semifluorinated and semihydrogenated 2D sheets of group-IV and III-V binary compounds
    Yandong Ma,Ying Dai , Meng Guo, Chengwang Niu, Lin Yu and Baibiao Huang
    Appl. Surf. Sci.257(17), 7845-7850, 2011

    24. Atomic Cu adsorption on defect-free SrTiO3 (001) surface 
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Kangrong Lai, Meng Guo and Baibiao Huang
    Chem.Phys.Lett.510, 104–108, 2011

    25, Ag-mediated charge transfer from electron-doped SrTiO3 to CO and NO: a first-principles study
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Chengwang Niu and Baibiao Huang
    Surface Science, 605, 1331-1335, 2011

    26. High Gas Sensitivity Of Pure Cdin2o4 Hollow Spheres For Hydrocarbons
    Jiaoxian Yu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai , Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Zeyan Wang, Shaoying Wang
    Solid State Sciences, 13,1315-1319,2011

    27. Au Adsorption and Au-mediated Charge Transfer on the SrO-termination of SrTiO3 (001) Surface,
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang, 
    Appl.Surf.Sci.257, 6607–6611, 2011

    28. One-step synthesis of AgBr microcrystals with different morphologies by ILs-assisted hydrothermal method,
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Zeyan Wang, Zhaoke Zheng, Hefeng Cheng, Peng Wang and Ying Dai
    CrystEngComm, 13, 1789-1793, 2011

    29. Highly efficient visible light plasmonic photocatalysts Ag@Ag(Cl,Br) and Ag@AgCl-AgI
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai, Zeyan Wang and Zaizhu Lou
    ChemCatChem 3(2),  360–364, 2011

    30. Facile synthesis of Zn-rich (GaN)1-x(ZnO)x solid solutions using layered double hydroxides as precursors,
    Junpeng Wang,Baibiao Huang,Zeyan Wang, Peng Wang,Hefeng Cheng,Zhaoke Zheng, Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang,Ying Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J Mater. Chem, 21, 4562-4567 , 2011

    31. The synthesis of the near-spherical AgCl crystal for visible light photocatalytic applications,
    Zaizhu Lou, Baibiao Huang, Peng Wang, Zeyan Wang, ?Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Hefeng Cheng, Zhaoke Zheng and Ying Dai
    Dalton Transactions 40,4104-4110, 2011

    32. Facile synthesis of SrTiO3 hollow microspheres built as assembly of nanocubes and their associated photocatalytic activity
    Zhaoke Zheng; Baibiao Huang; Xiaoyan Qin; Xiaoyang Zhang; Ying Dai, 
    J.Colloid & Interface Sci. 358(1), 68-72, 2011

    33. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Amorphous C-Si-O particles
    Liren Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Jiyong Wei, Ying Dai, Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J.Luminescence, 131(2), 218-224, 2011


  • 2010年:

    1. Synergistic effect of crystal and electronic structures on the visible-light-driven photocatalytic performances of Bi2O3polymorphs
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Jibao Lu, Zeyan Wang, Bing Xu, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010,12, 15468-15475

    2. Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Cu-Doped ZnO Films Probed by Soft X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism.
    T. S. Herng, D.-C. Qi, T. Berlijn, J. B. Yi, K. S. Yang,Y. Dai, Y. P. Feng, I. Santoso, C. Sa′nchez-Hanke,X.Y. Gao, Andrew T. S. Wee, W. Ku, J. Ding, and A. Rusydi
    Phys.Rev.Lett. 105, 207201 (2010)

    3. Effects of Oxygen Vacancy on the Magnetic Properties of Cr-doped SnO2: Density Functional Investigation
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, , Meng Guo, Zhenkui Zhang and Baibiao Huang
    J.Solid state chem. 183,3073, 2010

    4. Semiconductor photocatalysts for the visible light absorption from wide-gap semiconductors with dopant modification
    Meng Guo and Ying Dai
    Z.Kristallogr 225(11),  528-530, 2010

    5. Relationship between microstructure and photocatalytic properties of nanomaterials. Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Peng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng und Hefeng Cheng
    Z.Kristallogr, 225(11), 520-527.2010.

    6. Preparation, electronic structure, and photocatalytic properties of Bi2O2CO3 nanosheet. Yuanyuan Liu, Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Kesong Yang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin and Ying Dai
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 257[1], 172-175,2010,

    7. Amino acid-assisted synthesis of ZnO twin-prisms and functional group's influence on their morphologies. Haixia Liu, Baibiao Huang,Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Jiyong Wei, Ying Dai, Peng Wang and Myung-Hwan Whan
    Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 507[1],326-330,2010

    8. Preparation of CdSe Nanocrystals with Special Morphologies
    Zhang JZ, Gao SM, Huang BB, Dai Y., Wang J., Lu J.
    Progress In Chemistry, 22[10],1901-1910, 2010

    9. Density Functional Study of B-Doped Anatase TiO2,
    Yang, Kesong; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao
    J.Phys.Chem.C. 114,19830 2010

    10. Electronic and magnetic properties of C- doped Mg3N2: a density functional theory study
    C.W. Niu, Kesong Yang, Lü Yingbo, Wei Wei, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang
    Solid State Commun. 45-46, 2223-2226, 2010

    11. Density Functional Study Of Magnetic Properties In Zn-Doped Sno2
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, , Meng Guo, Zhenkui Zhang and Baibiao Huang
    J.Appl. Phys. 108,093901, 2010

    12. Visible-light-driven photocatalytic S- and C- codoped meso/nanoporous TiO2
    Pu Xu, Tao Xu, Jun Lu, Shanmin Gao, Narayan S. Hosmane, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai and Yubao Wang
    Energy Environ. Sci,3, 1128 - 1134, ., 2010. DOI: 10.1039/c001940m

    13. Strategic Synthesis of Hierarchical TiO2 Microspheres with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity
    Zhaoke Zheng,Baibiao Huang,Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang,Ying Dai
    Chemistry - A Eur. J.16,11266, 2010, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201001280

    14. Highly Efficient Visible Light Plasmonic Photocatalyst Ag@Ag(Br,I).
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    15. Investigation of Ferromagnetism in Al-doped 4H-SiC by Density Functional Theory
    Lin Yu, Hao Jin, Donghong Liu, Ying Dai,Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang,Zhenkui Zhang
    Chem.Phys.Lett.  496,276-279,2010

    16. Density Functional Theory Study of Ag Adsorption on SrTiO3 (001) Surface
    Wei Wei; Ying Dai; Meng Guo; Yingtao Zhu; Baibiao Huang
    J.Phys.Chem.C. 114 (24), 10917–10921,2010

    17. Codoping Synergistic Effects in N-doped SrTiO3 for High Energy Conversion Efficiency
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Hao Jin, Shenghao Han, Baibiao Huang
    Phys.chem.Chem.Phys.12, 7612 - 7619, 2010

    18. Facile Template-free Synthesis of Bi2O2CO3 Hierarchical Microflowers and Their Associated Photocatalytic Activity
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Kesong Yang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    ChemPhysChem 11(10),2167-2173,2010

    19. Synthesis of anatase TiO2 tubular structures made up of microcrystallites with high percentage of {001} facets by a simple one-step hydrothermal template process
    Xiaoning Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chem. Eur. J. 16(24),7106-7109,2010

    20. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants over basic bismuth (III) nitrates/BiVO4 composite
    Yuanyuan Liu; BaibiaoHuang,Zeyan Wang; Xiaoyang Zhang; Xiaoyan Qin; Ying Dai
    J. Col. Interf. Sci.,348(1),211-215, 2010

    21. Study of electronic structure and negative electron affinity of nanodiamonds passivated by CHn species
    Zhenkui Zhang, Ying Dai
    J.Theor.Comp.Chem. 9(1), 353-363,2010

    22. I2-Hydrosol-Seeded Growth of (I2)n-C-codoped Meso/nanoporous TiO2 for Visible Light-Driven Photocatalysis
    Pu Xu,Jun Lu, Tao Xu,Shanmin Gao, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
    J. Phys. Chem.C  114 (20), 9510–9517,2010

    23. Origin of magnetism in undoped MoO2 studied by first-principles calculations
    Fenggong Wang, Zhiyong Pang, Liang Lin, Shaojie Fang, Ying Dai, and Shenghao Han
    Phys. Rev. B 81, 134407,2010

    24. One-Step Synthesis of the Nanostructured AgI/BiOI Composites with Highly Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Performances,
    Hefeng Cheng, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyan Qin and Xiaoyang Zhang
    Langmuir, 26 (9), 6618–6624,2010

    25. Origin of d0 magnetism in II-VI and III-V semiconductors by substitutional doping at anion site
    Kesong Yang,Rongqin Wu,Lei Shen, Yuan Ping Feng,Ying Dai,and Baibiao Huang
    Phys. Rev. B 81,125211,2010

    26. Study of ammonia molecule adsorbing on diamond (100) surface,
    Yandong Ma, Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 256,4136-4141,2010

    27. Quantum confinement effect on the vacancy-induced spin polarization in carbon, silicon and germanium nanoparticles: Density functional analysis
    Zhenkui Zhang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 96,062505,2010

    28. Effects of carbon on the weak ferromagnetism in doped GaN
    Lin Yu, Zeyan Wang, Meng Guo, Donghong Liu, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Chem.Phys.Lett. 487(4-6),251,2010

    29. Magnetism in Co-doped tris-8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum studied by first-principles calculations, Fenggong Wang, Zhiyong Pang, Liang Lin, Shaojie Fang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 96,053304, 2010

    30. Density functional characterization of antiferromagnetism in oxygen-deficient anatase and rutile TiO2
    Kesong Yang,Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang Yuanping Feng,
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    31. Synthesis of Highly Efficient Ag@AgCl Plasmonic Photocatalysts with Various Structures
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zaizhu Lou, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai, Zhaoke Zheng, Xiaoning Wang
    Chemistry - A Eur. J.16,538,2010


    1. Highly Efficient Photocatalyst: TiO2 Microspheres Produced from TiO2 Nanosheets with a High Percentage of Reactive {001} Facets
    Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai,Minhua Jiang, Peng Wang, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 15(46),12576, 2009

    2. Selective ethanol formation from photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide in water with BiVO4 photocatalyst
    Yuanyuan Liu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Minhua Jiang, Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Catalysis Communications, Vol.11,(3), 210-213,2009

    3.Magnetism in undoped MgO studied by density functional theory,
    Fenggong Wang, Zhiyong Pang, Liang Lin, Shaojie Fang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han
    Phys.Rev.B.80, 144424, 2009

    4. Density functional studies of the magnetic properties in nitrogen doped TiO2,
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chem.Phys.Lett.481(1-3),99-102, 2009

    5. Density Functional Characterization of the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of N-doped, La-doped and N/La-Codoped SrTiO3
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang
    J Phys.Chem.C. 113(33),15046,2009

    6. Energetic and electronic properties of X (Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) doped TiO2 from first-principles Run Long, Ying Dai, Guo Meng, Baibiao Huang
    PhysChemChemPhys. 11,8165-8172,2009. 10.1039/b903298c

    7. First-Principles Study of S Doping at the Rutile TiO2(110) Surface.
    Run Long, Niall J. English and Ying Dai
    J. Phys. Chem. C,113 (40), p17464–17470, 2009

    8. Density Functional Characterization of Electronic Structure and Visible-light Absorption of Cr-Doped Anatase TiO2
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    ChemPhysChem 10,2327-2333, 2009

    9. Crystal Faces of Cu2O and Their Stabilities in Photocatalytic Reactions,
    Zhaoke Zheng, Baibiao Huang, Zeyan Wang, Meng Guo, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Peng Wang and Ying Dai
    J Phys.Chem.C. 113(32),14448,2009

    10. Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity of the Metastable Bi20TiO32 Synthesized by a High-temperature Quenching Method,
    Hefeng Cheng; Baibiao Huang; Ying Dai; Xiaoyan Qin; Xiaoyang Zhang; Zeyan Wang; Minhua Jiang
    J. Solid State Chem. 182,2274-2278,2009

    11. Theoretical study of the magnetic interaction of Cr-doped ZnO with and without vacancies, Fenggong Wang, Zhiyong Pang, Liang Lin, Shaojie Fang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han
    J. Magn.Magn. Mater., 321,(19),3067-3070, 2009

    12. The first-principles study of halogen impurity in diamond
    C. X. Yan, Y. Dai, B. B. Huang, R. Long
    J.phys. D. Appl.phys,42, 145407,2009

    13. Ferromagnetism of undoped GaN mediated by through-bond spin polarization between nitrogen dangling bonds
    Hao Jin, Ying Dai, BaiBiao Huang and M.-H. Whangbo
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 94,162505,2009 ,Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech.,May 4, 2009

    14. First Principle Characterization of Bi-based Photocatalysts: Bi12TiO20, Bi2Ti2O7 and Bi4Ti3O12 , Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    J.Phys.Chem.C, 113,5658, 2009.

    15. Highly Photocatalytic ZnO/In2O3 Heteronanostructures Synthesized by a Coprecipitation Method Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Peng Wang, Haixia Liu and Jiaoxian Yu
    J.Phys.Chem.C, 113 (11), 4612–4617,2009

    16. Density Functional Characterization of the Visible-light Absorption in Substitutional C-anion and C-cation doped TiO2
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo,
    J.Phys.Chem.C, 113,2624,2009

    17. Highly efficient visible-light plasmonic photocatalyst Ag@AgBr
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Zeyan Wang, Jiyong Wei, Jie Zhan, Shaoying Wang, Junpeng Wang and Myung-Hwan Whangbo,
    Chem. Eur. J. , 15(8),1821-1824,2009.

    18. Ag/AgBr/WO 3 ·H 2 O: Visible-Light Photocatalyst for Bacteria Destruction.
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Inorganic Chemistry 48 (22), 10697-10702,2009

    19. Geometric and electronic properties of Sn-doped TiO2 from first-principles calculations, Run Long, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,
    J.Phys.Chem.C, 113,651-653,2009.

    20. Density functional characterization of the electronic structure and optical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO3
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Hao Jin, Baibiao Huang,
    J.Phys.D Appl.Phys. 42, 055401,2009

    21. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity of Novel Cage-like Ferric Oxide Hollow Spheres
    Jiaguo Yu*, Xiaoxiao Yu, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Dai
    Cryst. Growth Des., 9 (3), 1474–1480,2009(合作)

    22. Structural and electronic properties of iodine doped anatase and rutile TiO2, Run Long, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Comp. Mater.Sci. ,45(2) 223-228 (2009)

    23. Shallow Donors in Diamond: Be and Mg, C. X. Yan, Y. Dai, B. B. Huang, R. Long ,
    Comp. Mater.Sci. 44, 1286.2009

    24. Theoretical characterization of carrier compensation in P-doped diamond
    C. X. Yan, Y. Dai, M. Guo, B. B. Huang
    Appl. Surf. Sci., 255(7), 3994-4000,2009

    25. Effect of Excess Hydrogen on the Electronic Properties of Passivated Diamond,
    C. X. Yan, Y. Dai, R. Long, H. Jiang, B.B.Huang, R. Q. Zhang , W. J. Zhang and I. Bello
    J.Phys.Chem.Solid, 70,307,2009

    26. 可见光光催化研究新进展
    黄柏标 王朋 张晓阳 秦晓燕 戴瑛
    科学通报. Vol. 54 (6):847-847,2009



    1. Enhanced ferromagnetism and tunable saturation magnetization of Mn/C-codoped GaN nanostructures synthesized by carbothermal nitridation.
    Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Lin Yu, Ying Dai, Peng Wang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Jiyong Wei, Jie Zhan, Xiangyang Jing, Haixia Liu and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    J.Am.Chem.Soc. 130(48), 16366-16373, 2008

    2. Ag@AgCl: A Highly Efficient and Stable Photocatalyst Active under Visible Light ,
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai , Jiyong Wei, Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41,7931,2008

    3. Composite semiconductor H2WO4.H2O/AgCl as an efficient and stable photocatalyst under visible light,
    Peng Wang, Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai, Hao Jin, Jiyong Wei and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
    Chem.Eur.J, 14, 10543, 2008

    4. Density Functional Characterization of the Band Edges, the Band Gap States, and the Preferred Doping Sites of Halogen-Doped TiO2,
    Kesong Yang,Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo,
    Chem.Mater.,20,6528,2008 10.1021/cm801741m

    5. On the possibility of ferromagnetism in carbon-doped anatase TiO2,
    Kesong Yang,Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo,
    Appl.Phys.Lett. 93, 132507,2008

    6. Origin of the Visible Light Absorption of GaN-Rich Ga1-x ZnxN1-xOx (x= 0.125) Solid Solution,
    Wei Wei, Ying Dai, Kesong Yang, Meng Guo, and Baibiao Huang
    J.Phys.Chem.C, 112(40), 15915–15919,2008

    7. Density functional characterization of B doping at rutile TiO2(110) surface, Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Wei Wei and Baibiao Huang
    J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 41 195411,2008.

    8. First principles studies for formation mechanism and properties of ethylene molecule adsorbing on diamond (100) Surface
    Hao Jin, Ying Dai, Run Long, Meng Guo, Baibiao Huang, and Ruiqin Zhang
    J.Chem.Phys. 128, 114710 (2008)

    9. Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of N-doped SnO2,
    Xueqin Sun, Run Long, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao,*,Ying Dai,*, and Baibiao Huang
    J.Phys.Chem.C 112, 9861,2008

    10. The electronic properties and electron affinity of the hydrogenated nanodiamonds with surface reconstructions
    Zhenkui Zhang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
    Appl.Surf.Sci.,255,2623-2626, 2008

    11. Study of vacancy on diamond (100) (2×1) surface from first-principles
    Run Long, Ying Dai, LinYu, Hao Jin, Baibiao Huang

    12. First-principles Calculations for Geometrical Structures and Electronic Properties of Si-doped TiO2, Kesong Yang, Ying Dai and Baibiao Huang
    Chem. Phys. Lett., 456, 71 (2008)

    13. Atomic geometry and electronic structure of defects in Zn3N2
    Long, R. Dai, Y. Yu, L. Huang, B. B.and Han,S.H.
    Thin Solid Films, 516,1297 (2008)

    14. First-principles Study of heavily B-doped silicon
    Long,R. Dai,Y. Huang, B.B. Sun,X.Q.
    Comput. Mater. Sci., 42, 161 (2008)

    15. Characterization of diamond (100) surface with oxygen termination
    Long, R. Dai, Y. Guo, M.
    Appl.Surf.Science, 254(9),2851(2008)

    16. Effect of B-complexes on lattice structure and electronic properties in heavily boron-doped diamond
    Run Long, Ying Dai, Meng Guo, Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang, Ruiqin Zhang and Wenjun Zhang
    Diam.Relat. Mater., 17, 234 (2008)

    17. Investigation of Low-Resistivity from Hydrogenated Lightly B-doped Diamond by Ion Implantation
    C.X. Yan, Y.Dai, M.Guo, L.Yu, D.H.Liu, B.B.Huang, R.Q.Zhang, W.J.Zhang, I.Bello
    Sci.Technol Adv Mat.9 (2008) 025014

    18. Structural, electrical and optical properties of zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering
    Maoshui Lv, Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Ying Dai, Lina Ye, Chuanfu Cheng, Shenghao Han
    Thin Solid Films, 516(8), 2017-2021,2008

    19. Theoretical study of structural, optical and electrical properties of zirconium-doped zinc oxide, Fenggong Wang, Maoshui Lv, Zhiyong Pang, Tianlin Yang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han
    Appl.Surf.Sci. 254, 6983,2008

    20. Structural,Elastic,and Electronic Properties of ReB2: A First-Principles Calculation, Run Long, Ying Dai, Hao Jin, and Baibiao Huang,
    Research Letters in Physics ,1. 2008,2008


    1. Study of Nitrogen-concentration Influence on N-doped TiO2 Anatase from First-principles Calculations,
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,
    J. Phys. Chem. C. 111(32), 12086-12090, 2007.

    2. Origin of the photoactivity in boron-doped anatase and rutile TiO2 calculated from first principles.
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, and Baibiao Huang,
    Phys. Rev. B. 76, 195201, 2007.

    3. Understanding Photocatalytic Activity of S- and P-doped TiO2 under Visible Light from First-Principles.
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang,
    J. Phys. Chem. C. 111, 18985, 2007.

    4. Structural and electronic properties of oxygen-adsorbed diamond (100) Surface, Run Long, Ying Dai and Lin Yu,
    J. Phys. Chem. C. 111(2), 855-859, 2007

    5. Structural, electronic and optical properties of oxygen defect in Zn3N2,
    Run Long, Ying Dai, Lin Yu, Meng Guo, and Baibiao Huang,
    J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 3379-3383, 2007

    6. Effect of boron on the superconducting transition of heavily-doped diamond, Y. Dai, Run Long, B. B. Hang, Zhenkui Zhang.
    Diam. Relat. Mat. 16/2,353-358, 2007

    7. Theoretical study of differences between surface and bulk electronic states in Cu clusters, Y. Dai, B. B. Huang, R. Long, L. Yu,
    Solid States Phenomena. 121-123, 1189-1192, 2007

    8. Native defects and impurities in Zn3N2: first-principles studies using gradient-correction approximation,
    Long, R. Dai, Y. Guo, M. Zhang, Z. K. and Yang, K. S.
    Physica Scripta ,T129,340-344 ,2007

    9. Transparent conducting molybdenum-doped zinc oxide films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Maoshui Lv, Ying Dai, Lina Ye , Shenghao Han ,
    Appl.Surf. Sci., 253(6),3345,2007

    10. Ar Pressure Dependence of the Properties of Molybdenum-doped ZnO Films Grown by RF Magnetron Sputtering,
    Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Maoshui Lv, Ying Dai, Lina Ye and Shenghao Han,
    J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 23(4),509,2007

    11. Effect of RF power on the properties of transparent conducting zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering,
    Lü Mao-Shui, Pang Zhi -Yong, Xiu Xian-Wu, Dai Ying and Han Sheng-Hao,
    Chinese Phys. 16(2), 548-552,2007

    12. 沉淀法制备不同形貌和结构的纳米BiVO4,
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    Chin. J Inorg. Chem.,23(7),1153,2007





  • 1. Theoretical study of N-doped TiO2 rutile crystals,
    Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Shenghao Han,
    J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 24011,2006.

    2. Effects of surface oxygen on the electronic properties of silicon nanoclusters, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Lin Yu, Shenghao Han, Dadi Dai.
    Int. J of Nanosci., 5, 13,2006

    3. Influence of the deposition pressure on the properties of transparent conducting zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Maoshui Lv, Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han,
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 5687,2006

    4. P-型金刚石欧姆接触的研究,
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    5. B离子注入引起的金刚石薄膜体积膨胀现象,

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    6. 硼/氢掺杂金刚石薄膜导电特性研究,
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    7. Na2SO4辅助水热合成SnO2纳米晶, 高善民、杨玮,姜炜,于忠玺,戴瑛,黄柏标,精细化工, 23,113,

    CuAlO2纳米晶的水热-分解制备及表征, 高善民、张江、王群、戴瑛、黄柏标,

    8. β-甲壳质纳米颗粒的制备与热稳定性, 张江 高善民 戴瑛 黄柏标,
    精细化工, 23,113,2006

    9. N-type electric conductivity of nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond films,
    Ying Dai, Dadi Dai, Cuixia Yan, Baibiao Huang, and Shenghao Han,
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    10. Efects of hydrogen on electronic properties of doped diamond,
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    11.  Size-dependent metal-nonmetal change of groups IB and IIB metal clusters,
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    12. Fermi-energy and minimum diameter for metallic silver cluster,
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    14. Transparent conducting zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering,
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    15. The mechanism of p-type-to-n-type conductivity conversion in boron doped diamond,
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    16. Complex donors in nitrogen-doped diamond.
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    17. Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Dadi Dai. The role of dangling-bond, hydrogen and adsorbate in diamond surface conduction,
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    18. Y. Dai and S. H. Han et al. Surface passivants effects on electronic states of the band edge in Si-nanocrystals,
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    19. Study of dangling-bond effect of n-type doping in diamond by means of density functional theory,
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    20. Multiphoton selective dissociation of a HF molecule in intense laser fields by Lie algebra method,
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    21. Theoretical research of multiphoton transition of HF in static electric and laser fields.
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    22. Lie Algebraic method of multiphoton rovibrational transition of diatomic molecule in intense laser fields.
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    23.  Enhancement of the point defect pinning effect in mo-doped Bi2212 single crystals of reduced anisotropy.
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    24. Study on multiphoton processes in intense laser fields using the quadratic anharmonic Lie algebraic hamiltonian of diatomic molecule.
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    25. 镧系水合离子的密度泛函理论研究,
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    26.  密度泛函理论处理激发态和多重态结构,
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    27. 大体系中局域活性泛函空间的构造方法
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    28.  (CH3)3M/PH3 (M=Ga,In) 体系的密度泛函理论研究,
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    29. Me_3In?PH_3加合物的密度泛函理论研究,
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    30. Algebraic method for treating the multiphoton selective Excitation of the linear triatomic molecule HCN in intense laser fields.
    Y. Dai,S. L. Ding.
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    31. Y. Dai,S. L. Ding. Lie Algebraic Approach to Multiphoton Excitation of Diatomic Molecules in Intense Laser Fields,
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    32. 用二次型非谐振子模型研究强激光场中双原子分子多光子选择激发,
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    33. 强激光场中NO分子多光子选择激发-含时薛定鄂方程的代数解法,
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    34. Mn((15-冠-5)NCS)2 的晶体和分子结构,
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  • [1] Calculations and Simulations of Low-Dimensional Materials: Tailoring Properties for Applications

        Ying Dai, Wei Wei, Yandong Ma,Chengwang Niu.  2022, Wiley 出版社


    [2] 2017年, 译著 《二维纳米材料》,国防工业出版社