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当前位置: 戴瑛 >> 科学研究 >> 2019年主要论文

8*   Robust type-II band alignment in Janus-MoSSe bilayer with
      extremely long carrier lifetime induced by intrinsic electric field

      Chen Long, Ying Dai, Zhi-Rui Gong, Hao Jin.
      Physical Review B,99,115316 2019                                              (高被引)

7*  Metal-Free B@g-CN: Visible/Infrared Light-Driven Single Atom Photocatalyst
     Enables Spontaneous Dinitrogen Reduction to Ammonia
     Xingshuai Lv,Wei Wei,Fengping Li,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai 
     Nano letters.  19,6391-6399,2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02572

6*  2D materials with intrinsic auxeticity: progress and perspectives

     Rui Peng, Yandong Ma,Qian Wu, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
     Nanoscale,11,11413, 2019                                                             ( Invited review)

5*  Direction-Control of Anisotropic Electronic Behaviors via Ferroelasticity
     in Two-Dimensional α-MPI (M = Zr, Hf)
     Ting Zhang, Yandong Ma, Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
     Materials Horizons, 6, 1930 - 1937,2019. DOI: 10.1039/c9mh00633h

4*  Achieving high energy density for lithium-ion battery anodes by Si/C nanostructure design
     Xingshuai Lv, Wei, Wei,Huang, Baibiao, Dai, Ying
     Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 2165–2171,2019                          (高被引)

3*   Two-dimensional Janus PtSSe for photocatalytic water splitting 
      under the visible or infrared light.
     Peng,Rui, Ma,Yandong,Huang,Baibiao,Dai,Ying
     Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 603-610,2019. JAN 14 2019         (高被引)

2*  Polymorph selection towards photocatalytic gaseous CO2 hydrogenation
     Tingjiang Yan,Lu Wang,Yan Liang,Meysam Makaremi,Thomas E. Wood,Ying Dai,
     Baibiao Huang,Abdinoor A.Jelle,Yuchan Dong,Geoffrey A.Ozin
     Nature Communications,10,2521,2019

1*  Single-Layer Ag2S: A Two-Dimensional Bidirectional Auxetic Semiconductor 
     Rui Peng,Yandong Ma,Zhonglin He,Baibiao Huang,Liangzhi Kou, and Ying Dai
     Nano Letter,  19(2), 1227–1233, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b04761 (高被引)


40.  Single-layer LaBr2: Two-dimensional   valleytronic   semiconductor  with  spontaneous
       spin and valley polarizations 
       Zhao, P., Ma, Y. D.*, Lei, C. A., Wang, H., Huang, B. B., Dai, Y.*
       Applied Physics Letters, 115, 261605,2019. 

39.   Single-Layer Cu2WS4 with Promising Electrocatalytic Activity 
        toward Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.
        Wu, Q., Ma, Y. D.*, Peng, R., Huang, B. B., Dai, Y.*
        ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 45818-45824,2019

38.  Enhanced stability and stacking dependent magnetic/electronic properties of
       2D monolayer FeTiO3 on a Ti2CO2 substrate
       Cui Jin, Jing Shang, Xiao Tang, Xin Tan,  Sean C. Smith, Chengwang Niu,
       Ying Dai*  and  Liangzhi Kou  *
       Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 15308-15314,2019

37.  Prediction of Two-Dimensional PC6 as a Promising Anode Material
       for Potassium-Ion Battery.  
       Dou, K. Y., Ma, Y. D.*, Zhang, T., Huang, B. B., Dai, Y.* 
       Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21, 26212-26218, 2019.

36.  Dual topological insulator and insulator-semimetal transition
       in mirror-symmetric honeycomb materials
       Mao, Ning; Hu, Xiangting; Niu, Chengwang; Huang, Baibiao,Dai, Ying
       Physical Review B, 100(20),205116, 2019

35.  Nonmetal-Atom-Doping-Induced Valley Polarization in Single-Layer Tl2O
       Xu, Xilong; Ma, Yandong; Zhang, Ting; Chengan Lei,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
       Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter, 10(16),4535-4541,2019

34.  Oxygen-terminated BiXenes and derived single atom catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction
       Lv, Xingshuai; Wei, Wei; Zhao, Pei; Er, Dequan ; Huang,Baibiao,Dai, Ying; Jacob, Timo.
      Journal of Catalysis,378,97-103, 2019

33.  Monolayer HfTeSe4: A Promising Two-Dimensional Photovoltaic Material
       for Solar Cells with High Efficiency
       Yang, Hongchao; Ma, Yandong; Liang, Yan; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
       ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,11(41),37901-37907, 2019

32.  Single-Layer PtI2: A Multifunctional Material with Promising Photocatalysis toward the
       Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Negative Poisson's Ratio
       Shen, Shiying,Ma, Yandong,Wang, Hao,Huang, Baibiao, Dai, Ying
        ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11(35),31793-31798,2019

31.  Janus single-layer group-III monochalcogenides: a promising visible-light photocatalyst
       Yang, Hongchao; Zhao, Pei; Ma, Yandong; Xingshuai Lv, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
       Journal of Physics D-Appl.Phys. 52(45),455303, 2019

30.  Two-dimensional ferroelastic topological insulator with tunable topological edge states
        in single-layer ZrAsX (X = Br and Cl)
        Hu, Xiangting; Mao, Ning; Wang, Hao; Chengwang Niu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai
       Journal of Materials Chemistry C ,7(31),9743-9747,2019

29.  Broken-Gap Type-III Band Alignment in WTe2/HfS2 van der Waals Heterostructure
       Lei, Chengan; Ma, Yandong; Xu, Xilong; Zhang, Ting; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
      The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123(37),23089-23095,2019

28.  Propose two-dimensional Sb2Te2X (X = S, Se)with isotropic electron mobility
       and remarkable visible-light response
       Yan Liang, Jianwei Li, Hao Jin, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
       Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,21,14904-14910,2019

27.  Room-Temperature Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Single-Layer CrP2S6,
       Pei Zhao, Yandong Ma, Yandong Hao Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai
       Journal of Physical Chemistry C,123, 23, 14707, 2019

26.  Robust Two-Dimensional Ferroelectricity in Single-Layer γ-SbP and γ-SbAs
       Shiying Shen, Chang Liu, Yandong Ma, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
       Nanoscale,11, 11864-11871, 2019

25.  Computational screening of MX (M = Ga, Ge, Sn, In; X = As, Se) van der Waals
       heterostructures as suitable candidates for solar cells
       Wu, Qian; Wei,Wei; Li, Fengping; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
      Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics,52,33, 335303,2019

24.  Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on P-type tetragonal zircon BiVO4
       Junpeng Wang, Yanan Song, Jing Hu, Yu Li, Zeyan Wang,Ping Yang
       Gang Wang,Qian Ma, Quande Che, Ying Dai,Baibiao Huang
       Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,251,94-101,2019

23. Effect of the intra- and inter-triazine N-vacancies on the photocatalytic hydrogen
      evolution of graphitic carbon nitride
      Huiliang Li, Cui Jin, Zeyan Wang, Yuanyuan Liu, Peng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng,
      Myung-Hwan Whangbo,Liangzhi   Kou,Yingjie Li, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang
     Chemical Engineering J., 369,263-271, 2019

22. Quantum anomalous Hall effect and gate-controllable topological phase transition
      in layered EuCd2As2

      Chengwang Niu, Ning Mao, Xiangting Hu, Baibiao Huang, and Ying Dai
      Physical Review B, 99, 235119,2019

21. Multifunctional electrocatalyst PtM with low Pt loading and high activity towards hydrogen
      and oxygen electrode
  reactions: A computational study
      Xingshuai Lv,Wei Wei,Hao Wang,Baibiao Huang,Ying Dai
      Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,255(15),117743,2019

20. Perovskite photocatalyst CsPbBr3-xIx with a bandgap funnel structure for H2 evolution
      under visible light

      ZihanGuan,Yaqiang Wua PengWang,Qianqian Zhang,Zeyan Wang,Zhaoke Zheng,
      Yuanyuan Liu,Ying Dai,Myung-Hwan Whangbo,BaibiaoHuang
      Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,245,15, 522-527, 2019

19. Computational Screening of Defective Group IVA Monochalcogenides as Efficient Catalysts
      for Hydrogen Evolution 
      Qian Wu, Wei Wei, Xingshuai Lv, Baibiao Huang, and Ying Dai
      Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(18),11791–11797, 2019

18. GeSe@SnS: Stacked Janus Structures for Overall Water Splitting
      Hongchao Yang, yangdong Ma, Shuai Zhang,a Hao Jin, Baibiao Huang and Ying Dai
      Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7,12060, 2019

17.  Covalently-terminated germanane GeH and GeCH3 for hydrogen generation
       from catalytic hydrolysis of ammonia
 borane under visible light irradiation
       Liu, Zhenhua; Dai, Ying; Zheng, Zhaoke; Huang, Baibiao
       Catalysis Communications, 118,46-50, 2019

16. Two-Dimensional Ferroelastic Semiconductors in Single-Layer
      Indium Oxygen Halide InOY (Y=Cl/Br)

      Xilong Xu, Yandong Ma, Baibiao Huang, and Ying Dai
      Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,21,7440,2019

15. The diverse electronic properties of C/BN heteronanotubes with polar discontinuity
      Wang, Yuanyuan; Wei, Wei; Wang, Hao; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
      Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 215302 2019 

14. Enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of CdWOthrough
      polar organic molecule modification

      D Xing, Y Liu, P Zhou, Z Wang, P Wang, Z Zheng, X Zhang, X Qin, Y Dai, Baibiao Huang.
      International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(10), 4754-4763, 2019

 13. Metal-Organic Framework/Polythiophene Derivative: Neuronlike S-Doped Carbon 3D Structure
      with Outstanding Sodium Storage Performance
      Zhong, Wen; Lv, Xingshuai; Chen, Qianwu; Ren, Manman*; Liu, Weiliang; Li, Guangda;
      Yu, Jiaoxian; Li, Mei; Dai, Ying*; Wang, Lianzhou*
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,11(41),37850-37858, 2019

12. Two-Dimensional Penta-BN2 with High Specific Capacity for Li-Ion Batteries.
      Zhang,Ting, Ma,Yandong,Huang,Baibiao,Dai,Ying
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,11(6), 6104–6110,2019

11. MoSSe nanotube: A promising photocatalyst with extremely long carrier lifetime
      Shuai Zhang, Hao Jin, Chen Long, Tao Wang, Rui Peng, Baibiao Huang, and Ying Dai
     Journal of Materials Chemistry A,7,7885-7890,2019

10. Intrinsic electric Field Induced Properties in Janus MoSSe van der Waals Structures
      Fengping Li, Wei Wei,Hao Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, and Timo Jacob
     Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter. 10, 559-565, 2019

9.  Janus Chromium Dichalcogenides Monolayers with Low Carrier Recombination
      for Photocatalytic Overall Water-Splitting
 under Infrared Light
     Zhao, Pei; Liang, Yan; Ma, Yandong; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
     Journal of Physical Chemistry C,123 (7), 4186–4192,2019

8.  Semimetallic Si3C as a high capacity anode material for advanced lithium ion batteries
     Dong, Yanru; Wei, Wei; xingshuai Lv;Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
     Applied Surface Science, 479(15), 519-524, 2019

7.  The Mirror Asymmetry Induced Nontrivial Properties of Polar WSSe/MoSSe Heterostructures
      Wang, Yuanyuan; Wei, Wei; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying
     Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31,125003, 2019

6.  Insight into iron group transition metal phosphides (Fe2P, Co2P, Ni2P) for improving
     photocatalytic hydrogen generation

     Zhichao Sun,Mingshan Zhu,Xingshuai Lv,Yingya Liu,Chuan Shi,Ying Dai,
     Anjie Wang,Tetsuro Majima
     Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 246, 330-336,2019 (合作)

5.  Methyl-terminated germanane GeCH3 synthesized by solvothermal method with
     improved photocatalytic properties
     Liu, Zhenhua; Wang, Zeyan; Sun, Qilong,Dai, Ying, Huang Baibiao
     Applied Surface Science,467,881-888 FEB 15 2019

4.  Functionalized MXenes as ideal electrodes for Janus MoSSe
     Wang, Yuanyuan,Wei,Wei, Huang,Baibiao, Dai,Ying
     Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,21,70-76,JAN 7 2019

3.  Covalently-terminated germanane GeH and GeCH3 for hydrogen generation from
     catalytic hydrolysis of ammonia borane under visible light irradiation
     Liu, Zhenhua;Dai Ying; Zheng, Zhaoke;Huang, Baibiao
     Catalysis Communications, 118,46-50,JAN 5 2019

2.  A water-stable triazine-based metal-organic framework as an efficient
     adsorbent of Pb(II) ions
     Zhang, Ruoqian; Liu, Yuanyuan; An, Yang; Wang, Zeyan; Wang, Peng;
     Zhen, Zhaok; Qin, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Xiaoyang;Dai, Ying, Huang Baibiao
     Colloids and Surfaces A- Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 560, 315-322, 2019

1.  Stabilizing the titanium-based metal organic frameworks in water
     by metal cations with empty or partially-filled d orbitals
     Yang An, Yuanyuan Liu, Zeyan Wang, Peng Wang, Zhaoke Zheng,Ying Dai,
     Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang,Myung-HwanWhang, Baibiao Huang,
    J Colloid And Interface Science , 533,9-12,JAN 1 2019