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当前位置: 戴瑛 >> 科学研究 >> 2016年主要论文

*27. Energy transfer in plasmonic photocatalytic composites
Xiangchao Ma, Ying Dai, Lin Yu, Baibiao Huang
Light: Science & Applications , 5, e16017, 2016  (高被引论文)

*26.  Ab Initio Prediction and Characterization of Mo2C Monolayer as
Anodes for Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Batteries
Qilong Sun, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Tao Jing, Wei Wei and Baibiao Huang

J Physical Chemistry Letter, 7, pp 937–943,2016 ,物理化学研究亮点  (高被引论文)

25. Giant Spin-Orbit Coupling topological insulator h-Ga2Bi2 with exotic O bridge states
Liu Q, Dai Y, Li X, Ma Y, Ma X, Huang B.
Nanoscale, 7;8(45):19066-19074,2016.

24. Large gap Quantum Spin Hall Insulators of nested Hexagonal III-Bi monolayer
Qunqun Liu, Ying Dai, Yandong Ma, Xinru Li, Tiejun Li, Chengwang Niu & Baibiao Huang
Sci Rep. 6,34861, 2016,

23. Exotic quantum spin Hall effect and anisotropic spin splitting in carbon based TMC6(TM=Mo, W) kagome monolayers
Xinru Li,Ying Dai,Yandong Ma,Qilong Sun,Wei Wei,Baibiao Huang
Carbon,2016,109, 788–794

22. Anisotropic Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Performances of ZnO Single-Crystalline Photoanode: Effect of Internal Electrostatic Fields on the Separation of Photogenerated Charge Carriers during PEC Water Splitting
Bo Zhang,Zeyan Wang,Baibiao Huang,Xiaoyang Zhang,Xiaoyan Qin,Huiliang Li,Ying Dai, and Yingjie Li
Chem. Mater,2016, 28 (18), 6613–6620.

21. Synthesis of novel visible light response Ag10Si4O13 photocatalyst
Zhu, Xianglin; Wang, Peng; Huang, Baibiao,Ma,Xiangchao,Qin Xiaoyan, Zhang Xiaoyang,Dai,Ying
Appled catalysis B-Environmental, 199 ,315-322, 2016

20. Hybridization Effects between Silicene/Silicene Oxides and Ag(111)
Wei Wei, Ying Dai and Baibiao Huang
J. Phys. Chem. C,2016,120 (36), pp 20192–20198

19. Hydrogen Doped Metal Oxide Semiconductors with Exceptional and Tunable Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances
Hefeng Cheng, Meicheng Wen, Xiangchao Ma, Yasutaka Kuwahara, Kohsuke Mori, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Hiromi Yamashita
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 138 (29), 9316–9324 ,2016

18. Enhanced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical activities of reduced TiO2-x/BiOCl heterojunctions
Fu, Rongrong; Zeng, Xiaoqiao; Ma, Lu; Shanmin Gao,Qingyao Wang, Zeyan Wang, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai, Jun Lu
J of Power Sources, 312, 12-22, 2016,

17. Ultrasonic-assisted pyrolyzation fabrication of reduced SnO2-x/g-C3N4 heterojunctions: Enhance photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic activity under visible LED light irradiation
Li, Kai; Zeng, Xiaoqiao; Gao, Shanmin; Ma, Lu; Wang, Qingyao; Xu, Hui; Wang, Zeyan ; Huang, Baibiao; Dai, Ying ; Lu, Jun
Nano Research vol. 9( 7) , 1969-1982, 2016

16. Room Temperature Quantum Spin Hall States in Two-Dimensional Crystals Composed of Pentagonal Rings and Their Quantum Wells
Yandong Ma, Liangzhi Kou, Xiao Li, Ying Dai, and Thomas Heine
NPG Asia Materials 8, e264, 2016 ,

15. Two-dimensional topological insulators in group-11 chalcogenide compounds: M2Te (M = Cu, Ag)
Ma, Yandong; Kou, Liangzhi; Dai, Ying; Heine, Thomas
Phys.Rev.B 93(23), 235451, 2016

14. In-plane interfacing effects of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
Wei, Wei; Dai, Ying; Huang, Baibiao
PhysChemChemPhys 18(23),15632-15638,2016

13. Electron–Rotor Interaction in Organic–Inorganic Lead Iodide Perovskites Discovered by Isotope Effects
Jue Gong, Mengjin Yang, Xiangchao Ma, Richard D. Schaller, Gang Liu, Lingping Kong, Ye Yang, Matthew C. Beard, Michael Lesslie, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Kai Zhu and Tao Xu
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,7, 2879–2887,2016

12. Design of Advanced Photocatalysis System by Adatom Decoration in 2D Nanosheets of Group-IV and III-V Binary Compound
Jin, Hao,Dai,Ying,Huang, Bai-Biao
Sci. Rep.,2016.3.17,6 

11. One-Pot Solvothermal Synthesis of Bi4V2O11 as A New Solar Water Oxidation Photocatalyst
Jiang Z, Liu Y, Li M, Jing T, Huang B, Zhang X, Qin X, Dai Y
Sci Rep,6:22727,2016

10. Enhancing the Photocatalytic Activity of BiVO4 for Oxygen Evolution by Ce Doping: Ce3+ Ions as Hole Traps
Jiang, Zaiyong; Liu, Yuanyuan; Jing, Tao; Baibiao Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Xiaoyan Qin, Ying Dai, and Myung-Hwan Whangbo
J of Physical Chemistry C, 120,2058-2063,2016

9. Photoelectrical, photophysical and photocatalytic properties of Al based MOFs: MIL-53(Al) and MIL-53-NH2(Al)
Yang An,Huiliang Li Yuanyuan Liu , Baibiao Huang, Qilong Sun, Ying Dai, Xiaoyan Qin, Xiaoyang Zhang
J of Solid State Chem. 233,194-198, 2016.

8. A bismuth based layer structured organic inorganic hybrid material with enhanced photocatalytic activity
Yuanyuan Liu; Guanzhi Wang; Juncai Dong; Yang An; Xiaoyan Qin; Xiaoyang Zhang; Ying Dai
J of Coll Interf Sci,469, 231-236,2016

7. Interface Schottky barrier engineering via strain in metal–semiconductor composite
Xiangchao Ma Ying Dai, Lin Yu, and Baibiao Huang
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1352-1359 (封面)

6. Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides with a hexagonal lattice: Room-temperature quantum spin Hall insulators
Yandong Ma, Liangzhi Kou, Xiao Li, Ying Dai, and Thomas Heine
Phys.Rev.B 93(3), 035442, 2016

5. Valence state heterojunction Mn3O4/MnCO3: Photo and thermalsynergistic catalyst
Gang Wang, Baibiao Huang, Zaizhu Lou, Zeyan Wang, Xiaoyan Qin,Xiaoyang Zhang, Ying Dai
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 180,6–12 ,2016

4. Design of lateral heterostructure from arsenene and antimonene
Qilong Sun,Ying Dai,Yandong Ma,Na Yin,Wei Wei,Lin Yu and Baibiao Huang
2D Materials,3,035017, 2016

3. The Photocatalytic Properties of Ultrathin Bismuth Oxychloride Nanosheets: a First Principles Study
Tao Jing, Ying Dai,Xiangchao Ma, Wei Wei, Baibiao Huang 
PhysChemChemPhys, 2016,18, 7261-7268

2. Preparation of Ti3+ Self-Doped TiO2(A)/TiO2(R)/In2O3 Nanoheterojunctions with Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Properties
Liu Bing; Fu Rong-Rong; Gao Shan-Min;
Chin J Of Inorg Chem. 32 , 223-232, 2016

1. 拓展光催化材料光谱响应的研究进展  (Invited review
荆 涛,戴 瑛,马晓娟,黄柏标
Chinese Optics, 9(1), 1-15, 2016