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当前位置: 戴瑛 >> 科学研究 >> 2006年之前主要论...1. Theoretical study of N-doped TiO2 rutile crystals,
Kesong Yang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Shenghao Han,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 24011,2006.
2. Effects of surface oxygen on the electronic properties of silicon nanoclusters, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, Lin Yu, Shenghao Han, Dadi Dai.
Int. J of Nanosci., 5, 13,2006
3. Influence of the deposition pressure on the properties of transparent conducting zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Maoshui Lv, Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 5687,2006
4. P-型金刚石欧姆接触的研究,
龙闰, 戴瑛, 刘东红, 俞琳, 闫翠霞,
半导体技术, 31, 44, 2006
5. B离子注入引起的金刚石薄膜体积膨胀现象,
闫翠霞, 戴瑛, 刘东红,
光散射学报, 18, 89,2006
6. 硼/氢掺杂金刚石薄膜导电特性研究,
刘东红, 闫翠霞, 俞琳, 胡连军, 龙闰, 戴瑛
半导体技术 31, 495,2006
7. Na2SO4辅助水热合成SnO2纳米晶, 高善民、杨玮,姜炜,于忠玺,戴瑛,黄柏标,精细化工, 23,113,
CuAlO2纳米晶的水热-分解制备及表征, 高善民、张江、王群、戴瑛、黄柏标,
8. β-甲壳质纳米颗粒的制备与热稳定性, 张江 高善民 戴瑛 黄柏标,
精细化工, 23,113,2006
9. N-type electric conductivity of nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond films,
Ying Dai, Dadi Dai, Cuixia Yan, Baibiao Huang, and Shenghao Han,
Phys. Rev. B 71, 075421,2005
10. Efects of hydrogen on electronic properties of doped diamond,
Y. Dai, C. X. Yan, A. Y. Li, Y. Zhang, S. H. Han,
Carbon, 43, 1009,2005
11. Size-dependent metal-nonmetal change of groups IB and IIB metal clusters,
Y. Dai, D. Dai, B. Huang, and C. Yan,
Eur. Phys. J. D 34, 105,2005
12. Fermi-energy and minimum diameter for metallic silver cluster,
B. Huang, Y. Dai, R.Long, C.X. Yan,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 19, 2404,2005
13. 俞琳, 刘东红, 胡连军, 戴瑛, 龙闰, 闫翠霞,
功能材料, 12, 1837,2005
14. Transparent conducting zirconium-doped zinc oxide films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering,
Maoshui Lv, Xianwu Xiu, Zhiyong Pang, Ying Dai, Shenghao Han,
Appl. Surf. Sci., 252, 2006–2011,2005
15. The mechanism of p-type-to-n-type conductivity conversion in boron doped diamond,
Ying Dai, Dadi Dai et al.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1895, 2004
16. Complex donors in nitrogen-doped diamond.
Ying Dai, Anyi Li et al.
Int. J of Nanosci. 3, 455,2004
17. Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang and Dadi Dai. The role of dangling-bond, hydrogen and adsorbate in diamond surface conduction,
Diam. Relat. Mat. 12, 15,2003
18. Y. Dai and S. H. Han et al. Surface passivants effects on electronic states of the band edge in Si-nanocrystals,
Sold. State. Comm. 126, 103, 2003
19. Study of dangling-bond effect of n-type doping in diamond by means of density functional theory,
Ying Dai, Shenghao Han, Dadi, Dai.
Mat. Sci. & Eng. B 99, 531, 2003
20. Multiphoton selective dissociation of a HF molecule in intense laser fields by Lie algebra method,
Ying Dai, Zhihui Geng, Shiliang Ding.
Phys. Rev. A. 66, 043415, 2002. [Virtual J. of Ultra. Sci. 2002, 1(6)]
21. Theoretical research of multiphoton transition of HF in static electric and laser fields.
Zhihui Geng, Ying Dai.
Mol. Phys. 100, 1579, 2002
22. Lie Algebraic method of multiphoton rovibrational transition of diatomic molecule in intense laser fields.
Zhihui Geng, Ying Dai, Shiliang Ding.
Chem. Phys. 278, 119, 2002
23. Enhancement of the point defect pinning effect in mo-doped Bi2212 single crystals of reduced anisotropy.
S. H. Han, C.H. Cheng, Y. Dai, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, and Y. Zhao.
Sup.Sci.Technol. 15, 1725,2002
24. Study on multiphoton processes in intense laser fields using the quadratic anharmonic Lie algebraic hamiltonian of diatomic molecule.
Ying Dai, Dadi Dai, Shiliang Ding.
Chem. Phys. 271, 71, 2001
25. 镧系水合离子的密度泛函理论研究,
Ying Dai, Lemin Li
化学学报, 59 (2),168, 2001
26. 密度泛函理论处理激发态和多重态结构,
Ying Dai, Lemin Li.
化学进展, 13, No. 3, 2001
27. 大体系中局域活性泛函空间的构造方法
Ying Dai, Lemin Li.
北京大学学报. 37 (2), 149, 2001
28. (CH3)3M/PH3 (M=Ga,In) 体系的密度泛函理论研究,
化学学报, 58 (12), 1546, 2000
29. Me_3In?PH_3加合物的密度泛函理论研究,
冯华升, 戴瑛, 黎乐民,
人工晶体学报, S1, 44, 2000
30. Algebraic method for treating the multiphoton selective Excitation of the linear triatomic molecule HCN in intense laser fields.
Y. Dai,S. L. Ding.
J of Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 528, 85, 2000
31. Y. Dai,S. L. Ding. Lie Algebraic Approach to Multiphoton Excitation of Diatomic Molecules in Intense Laser Fields,
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 71 (2), 201, 1999
32. 用二次型非谐振子模型研究强激光场中双原子分子多光子选择激发,
戴瑛, 丁世良,
物理学报, 7 (6),922, 1998
33. 强激光场中NO分子多光子选择激发-含时薛定鄂方程的代数解法,
戴瑛, 丁世良,
分子科学学报,13(4),226, 1997
34. Mn((15-冠-5)NCS)2 的晶体和分子结构,
高等学校化学学报,18(2), 193, 1997