Paper Publications
- [33] 吴皓. R-KG: A Novel Method for Implementing a Robot Intelligent Service. AI, 2020.
- [34] Guoliang Liu , liutiantian , Tian Guohui , xinshiqing and luoyong. Full Resolution Dense Depth Recovery by Fusing RGB Images and Sparse Depth. 2019.
- [35] Guoliang Liu , liutiantian and Tian Guohui. Distributed Human 3D Pose Estimation and Action Recognition. 2019.
- [36] Guoliang Liu , liutiantian , Tian Guohui and luoyong. Simultaneous Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Reconstruction with Scale Recovery. 2019.
- [37] Guoliang Liu , Tian Guohui and 何昊洋. Interacting Multiple Model Based Human Pose Estimation Using a Distributed 3D Camera Network. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, 10584, 2019.
- [38] Guoliang Liu , Tian Guohui and 和立. Efficient Multi-View Multi-Target Tracking Using a Distributed Camera Network. IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, 2056, 2020.
- [39] Guoliang Liu , Tian Guohui , xinshiqing and liuhanjie. Visual SLAM based on dynamic object removal. 2019.
- [40] Guoliang Liu , 赵洋 , Tian Guohui A Survey of Visual SLAM Based on Deep Learning. Jiqiren/Robot, 39, 889, 2017.
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