  • 教师英文名称:
    Kevin Liu
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Liu Kailong
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刘凯龙,山东大学控制科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,科睿唯安全球高被引科学家、国家海外高层次人才、山东省杰青、IEEE高级会员。曾任英国华威大学新能源研究院(WMG)教职。主要从事新型电力系统数智化与储能管控研究。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI一区学术论文60余篇,其中高被引论文28篇、热点论文7篇;撰写学术专著5部,以第一发明人授权国内外发明专利10项。获英国未来领袖基金提名(UKRI Future Leader Fellowship, 160余万英镑)主持国自然、英国Innovate UKHVM Catapult等自然基金项目并结题优秀;排一获IEEE Trans. on Industrial ElectronicsControl Engineering PracticeAdvanced in Applied Energy、Springer LSMS、IEEE/CAA JAS等国际期刊/会议最佳论文荣誉10余项;获中国仿真学会自然科学一等奖、山东省科技进步二等奖。成果成功应用于Varta Storage(德国电力储能龙头企业)、阿斯顿马丁(英国汽车龙头企业)、UKBIC(英国最大的电池制造中心)等多家知名企业,并受到英国科技部重点关注。担任Renewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsIEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Trans. on Transportation Electrification期刊副主编IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica SinicaApplied EnergyControl Engineering Practice期刊首届青年编委,EnergyIJEPESIEEE JESTPE 等期刊客座编辑。

         google scholar主页:https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=Zucn36MAAAAJ&hl=en



  • 2011-9 — 2014-7
  • 2007-9 — 2011-7
  • 2014-10 — 2018-6
    Queen's University Belfast
  • 2023-03-至今
  • 2018-04 — 2023-02
  • 交通电气化;新型电力系统;新能源转换与存储;电池制造与管理;能源经济

  • 数据分析;人工智能(建模、控制与优化)

  • 电化学;电力电子




1.  Wang, Guang. Ensemble Learning-Based Correlation Coefficient Method for Robust Diagnosis of Voltage Sensor and Short-Circuit Faults in Series Battery Packs.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS ,  38,  9143, 2023. 

2.  李毅超. A novel joint estimation for core temperature and state of charge of lithium-ion battery based on classification approach and convolutional neural network.  Energy,  308,  2024. 

3.  Xie, Yi. Coestimation of SOC and Three-Dimensional SOT for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Distributed Spatial-Temporal Online Correction.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  70,  5937-5948, 2023. 

4.  Li, Wei. An Internal Heating Strategy for Lithium-Ion Batteries Without Lithium Plating Based on Self-Adaptive Alternating Current Pulse.  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,  72,  5809-5823, 2023. 

5.  Fan, Chuanxin. Characterization and identification towards dynamic-based electrical modeling of lithium-ion batteries.  JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,  92,  738-758, 2024. 

6.  Peng, Qiao. Transportation resilience under Covid-19 Uncertainty: A traffic severity analysis.  TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE,  179,  2024. 

7.  Xie, Yi. A health-aware AC heating strategy with lithium plating criterion for batteries at low temperatures.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,  20,  1-11, 2023. 

8.  Zhu, Tao. Enabling extreme fast charging.  JOULE,  7,  2660-2662, 2023. 

9.  Peng, Qiao. Battery calendar degradation trajectory prediction: Data-driven implementation and knowledge inspiration.  Energy,  294,  2024. 

10.  Fan, Chuanxin. Understanding of Lithium-ion battery degradation using multisine-based nonlinear characterization method.  Energy,  290,  2024. 

11.  Liu, Weilong. Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation for Large-Scale Portfolio Selection With Both Random and Uncertain Returns.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION,  1-1, 2024. 

12.  Wei, Zhongbao. Multi-level Data-driven Battery Management: From Internal Sensing to Big Data Utilization.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION,  1-1, 2023. 

13.  Wang, Guang. Ensemble Learning Based Correlation Coefficient Method for Robust Diagnosis of Voltage Sensor and Short-Circuit Faults in Series Battery Packs.  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,  38,  1-14, 2023. 

14.  毛梓恒. An Applicable Minor Short-circuit Fault Diagnosis Method for Automotive Lithium-ion Batteries based on Extremum Sample Entropy.  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,  1-9, 2023. 

15.  顾鑫. A Precise Minor-Fault Diagnosis Method for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Phase Plane Sample Entropy.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  2023. 

16.  朱昱豪. Rapid Test and Assessment of Lithium-ion Battery Cycle Life Based on Transfer Learning.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION,  1-1, 2024. 

17.  商云龙. An intelligent preheating approach based on high-gain control for lithium-ion batteries in extremely cold environment.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  71,  1-9, 2023. 

18.  毛梓恒. A Multi-Fault Diagnosis Method for Battery Packs Based on Low-Redundancy Representation Learning.  2022. 

19.  李京伦. A Hierarchical Fault Diagnosis Method for Lithium Battery Based on Polymorphic Jump.  2022. 

20.  Huang, Bencheng. A Screening Method for Retired Lithium-ion Batteries Based on Naive Bayes.  2022. 

21.  Kailong Liu , Yunlong Shang , Quan Ouyang  and Widanalage Dhammika Widanage. A data-driven approach with uncertainty quantification for predicting future capacities and remaining useful life of lithium-ion battery.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(4): 3170-3180.【IF=8.16, TIE 年度最佳论文奖,ESI高被引, ESI热点, SCI他引213次】, 

22.  Kailong Liu , Yi Li , Xiaosong Hu , Mattin Lucu  and Widanalage Dhammika Widanage. Gaussian process regression with automatic relevance determination kernel for calendar aging prediction of lithium-ion batteries.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(6): 3767-3777. 【IF=11.65, TII popular论文,ESI高被引, ESI热点, SCI他引137次】, 

23.  Kailong Liu , Changfu Zou , Kang Li  and Torsten Wik. Charging pattern optimization for lithium-ion batteries with an electrothermal-aging model.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(12): 5463-5474.【IF=11.65, ESI高被引, SCI他引115次】, 

24.  Kailong Liu , Xiaosong Hu , Huiyu Zhou , W. Dhammika Widanage  and James Marco. Feature analyses and modelling of lithium-ion batteries manufacturing based on random forest classification.  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, 26(6): 2944-2955.【IF=5.87, ESI高被引】, 

25.  Kailong Liu , Qiao Peng , Hongbin Sun , Minrui Fei , Huimin Ma  and Tianyu Hu. A transferred recurrent neural network for battery calendar health prognostics of energy-transportation systems.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(11): 8172-8181.【IF=11.65, ESI高被引】, 

26.  Kailong Liu , Zhongbao Wei , Chenghui Zhang , Yunlong Shang , Remus Teodorescu  and Qing-Long Han. Towards long lifetime battery: AI-based manufacturing and management.  IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2022, 9(7): 1139-1165.【IF=7.85, ESI高被引】, 

27.  Kailong Liu , Xiaosong Hu , Zhongbao Wei , Yi Li  and Yan Jiang. Modified Gaussian process regression models for cyclic capacity prediction of lithium-ion batteries.  IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2019, 5(4): 1225-1236.【IF=6.52, ESI高被引, ESI热点, SCI他引135次】, 

28.  Kailong Liu , Xiaosong Hu , Jinhao Meng , Josep M. Guerrero  and Remus Teodorescu. RUBoost-based ensemble machine learning for electrode quality classification in Li-ion battery manufacturing.  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 27(5): 2474-2483. 【IF=5.87】, 

29.  Kailong Liu , Xiaopeng Tang , Remus Teodorescu , Furong Gao  and Jinhao Meng. Future ageing trajectory prediction for lithium-ion battery considering the knee point effect.  IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2022, 37(2): 1282-1291.【IF=4.88】, 

30.  Kailong Liu , Qiao Peng , Remus Teodorescu  and Aoife M. Foley. Knowledge-guided data-driven model with transfer concept for battery calendar ageing trajectory prediction.  IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2023, 10(1): 272-274.【IF=7.85】, 

31.  Kailong Liu , TR Ashwin , Xiaosong Hu , Mattin Lucu  and W Dhammika Widanage. A comparative study of various modelling techniques for calendar aging prediction of Li-ion batteries.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 131: 110017. 【IF=16.80】, 

32.  Kailong Liu , Zhile Yang , Xiaopeng Tang  and Wenping Cao. Automotive battery equalizers based on joint switched-capacitor and buck-boost converters.  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11), (2020): 12716-12724.【IF=6.24】, 

33.  Kailong Liu , Yizhao Gao , Chong Zhu , Kang Li , Minrui Fei , Chen Peng  and Qing-Long Han. Electrochemical modeling and parameterization towards control-oriented management of lithium-ion batteries.  Control Engineering Practice, 2022, 124: 105176.【IF=4.06, CEP Emerging Leaders论文, ESI高被引】, 

34.  Kailong Liu , Qiao Peng , Yunhong Che , Yusheng Zheng , Kang Li , Remus Teodorescu , Dhammika Widanage  and Anup Barai. Transfer learning for battery smarter state estimation and ageing prognostics: Recent progress, challenges, and prospects.  Advances in Applied Energy, 2022, 100117. 【Applied Energy精选论文】, 

35.  Kailong Liu , Xiaosong Hu , Zhile Yang , Yi Xie  and Shengzhong Feng. Lithium-ion battery charging management considering economic costs of electrical energy loss and battery degradation.  Energy conversion and management, 2019, 195: 167-179. 【IF=11.53, ESI高被引, SCI他引109次】, 

36.  Kailong Liu , Zhongbao Wei , Zhile Yang  and Kang Li. Mass load prediction for lithium-ion battery electrode clean production: a machine learning approach.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289: 125159.【IF=11.07, ESI高被引】, 

37.  Kailong Liu , Kang Li , Qiao Peng  and Cheng Zhang. A brief review on key technologies in the battery management system of electric vehicles.  Frontiers of mechanical engineering, 2019, 14(1): 47-64. 【IF=4.06, ESI高被引, SCI他引193次】, 

38.  Kailong Liu , Cheng Zhang  and Kang Li. Constrained generalized predictive control of battery charging process based on a coupled thermoelectric model.  Journal of Power Sources, 347 (2017): 145-158.【IF: 9.79】, 

39.  Kailong Liu , Mona Faraji Niri , Geanina Apachitei , Michael Lain , David Greenwood  and James Marco. Interpretable machine learning for battery capacities prediction and coating parameters analysis.  Control Engineering Practice, 2022, 124: 105202.【IF=4.06, CEP Emerging Leaders论文】, 

40.  Kailong Liu , Kang Li , Haiping Ma , Jianhua Zhang  and Qiao Peng. Multi-objective optimization of charging patterns for lithium-ion battery management.  Energy Conversion and Management, 159 (2018): 151-162. 【IF=11.53】, 

41.  Kailong Liu , Qiao Peng , Kang Li  and Tao Chen. Data-based interpretable modeling for property forecasting and sensitivity analysis of Li-ion battery electrode.  Automotive Innovation, 2022: 1-13. 【中国汽车工程领域T1科技期刊】, 

42.  Kailong Liu , Kang Li , Zhile Yang , Cheng Zhang  and Jing Deng. An advanced Lithium-ion battery optimal charging strategy based on a coupled thermoelectric model.  Electrochimica Acta, 225 (2017): 330-344.【IF: 7.34】, 

43.  Kailong Liu , Zhile Yang , Haikuan Wang  and Kang Li. Classifications of Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Property based on Support Vector Machine with Various Kernels.  International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE), Springer 2021.【Best paper awarded】, 

44.  Kailong Liu , Tao Chen  and Kang Li. Interpretable Sensitivity Analysis and Electrode Porosity Classification for Li ion Battery Smart Manufacturing.  2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference.【Best paper awarded】, 

45.  Kailong Liu , Ji Li , Chong Zhu , Tao Chen , Kang Li , Quan Zhou  and Hongming Xu. Electrothermally-Aware Multi-objective Modular Design: A Case Study on Series-Parallel Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.  2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference.【Best paper awarded】, 

46.  Wei Li , Yi Xie , Xiaosong Hu , Manh-Kien Tran , Michael Fowler , Satyam Panchal , Jintao Zheng  and Kailong Liu (通讯作者). An internal heating strategy for lithium-ion batteries without lithium plating based on self-adaptive alternating current pulse.  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3229187.【IF=6.24】, 

47.  Chong Zhu , Liang Du , Bangjun Guo , Guodong Fan , Fei Lu , Hua Zhang , Kailong Liu(通讯作者)  and Xi Zhang. Internal Heating Techniques for Lithium-ion Batteries at Cold Climates: An Overview for Automotive Applications.  IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TTE.2022.3208186. 【IF: 6.52】, 

48.  Tianyu Hu , Huimin Ma , Hao Liu , Hongbin Sun  and Kailong Liu(通讯作者). Self-attention-based Machine Theory of Mind for Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Forecast.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(11), (2022): 8191-8202. 【IF=11.65】, 

49.  Yi Xie , Wei Li , Xiaosong Hu , Manh-Kien Tran , Satyam Panchal , Michael Fowler , Yangjun Zhang  and Kailong Liu (通讯作者). Co-estimation of SOC and three-dimensional SOT for lithium-ion batteries based on distributed spatial-temporal online correction.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(6), (2023): 5937-5948.【IF=8.24】, 

50.  Mona Faraji Niri , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Geanina Apachitei , Michael Lain , Dhammika Widanage  and James Marco. Machine learning for optimised and clean Li-ion battery manufacturing: revealing the dependency between electrode and cell characteristics.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 324: 129272. 【IF=11.07】, 

51.  Yi Li , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Aoife M. Foley , Alana Zülke , Maitane Berecibar , Joeri Van Mierlo , Harry E Hoster Data-driven health estimation and lifetime prediction of lithium-ion batteries: a review.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 113: 109254. 【IF=16.80, ESI高被引,ESI热点, SCI他引323次】, 

52.  Yunlong Shang , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Naxin Cui , Qi Zhang  and Chenghui Zhang. A Sine-Wave Heater for Automotive Battery Self-Heating at Subzero Temperatures.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(5), (2019): 3355-3365.【IF=11.65】, 

53.  Yizhao Gao , Kailong Liu , Chong Zhu , Xi Zhang  and Dong Zhang. Co-estimation of state-of-charge and state-of-health for lithium-ion batteries using an enhanced electrochemical model.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 69(3): 2684-2696.【IF=8.16, ESI高被引】, 

54.  Yuanjun Guo , Zhile Yang , Kailong Liu (通讯作者) , Yanhui Zhang  and Wei Feng. A compact and optimized neural network approach for battery state-of-charge estimation of energy storage system.  Energy, 219 (2021): 119529.【IF: 8.86】, 

55.  Shahjalal, Mohammad , Probir Kumar Roy , Tamanna Shams , Ashley Fly , Jahedul Islam Chowdhury , Md Rishad Ahmed  and Kailong Liu(通讯作者). A review on second-life of Li-ion batteries: prospects, challenges, and issues.  Energy, 2022, 241: 122881. 【IF=8.86】, 

56.  Yi Xie , Rui Yang , Wei Li , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Bin Chen , Yuping Qian  and Yangjun Zhang. A Comprehensive Study on Influence of Battery Thermal Behavior on Degradation and Consistency.  IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 8(3), (2022): 3707-3724.【IF=6.52】, 

57.  Yaxing Ren , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Thomas Grandjean , W. Dhammika Widanage  and James Marco. Current Distribution and Anode Potential Modelling in Battery Modules with a Real-World Busbar System.  IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TTE.2022.3212313. 【IF=6.52】, 

58.  Xiaopeng Tang , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Kang Li , Widanalage Dhammika Widanage , Emma Kendrick  and Furong Gao. Recovering large-scale battery aging dataset with machine learning.  Patterns, 2021, 2(8): 100302. 【Cell子刊】, 

59.  Fei Feng , Sangli Teng , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Jiale Xie , Yi Xie , Bo Liu  and Kexin Li. Co-estimation of lithium-ion battery state of charge and state of temperature based on a hybrid electrochemical-thermal-neural-network model.  Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 455: 227935. 【IF=9.79, ESI高被引】, 

60.  Xiaopeng Tang , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Qi Liu , Qiao Peng  and Furong Gao. Comprehensive study and improvement of experimental methods for obtaining referenced battery state-of-power.  Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 512: 230462.【IF=9.79】, 

61.  Xiaopeng Tang , Furong Gao , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Qi Liu  and Aoife M. Foley. A balancing current ratio based state-of-health estimation solution for lithium-ion battery pack.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(8): 8055-8065.【IF=8.16, ESI高被引】, 

62.  Tianyu Hu , Huimin Ma , Hongbin Sun  and Kailong Liu(通讯作者). Electrochemical-theory-guided modelling of the conditional generative adversarial network for battery calendar ageing forecast.  IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023, 11(1): 67-77.【IF=5.46】, 

63.  Tianyu Hu , Kang Li , Huimin Ma , Hongbin Sun  and Kailong Liu(通讯作者). Quantile forecast of renewable energy generation based on indicator gradient descent and deep residual BiLSTM.  Control Engineering Practice, 114 (2021): 104863.【IF: 4.06】, 

64.  Tianyu Hu , Huimin Ma , Kailong Liu(通讯作者)  and Hongbin Sun. Lithium-ion battery calendar health prognostics based on knowledge-data-driven attention.  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3148743.【IF=8.16】, 

65.  Zhile Yang , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Jianping Fan , Yuanjun Guo , Qun Niu  and Jianhua Zhang. A novel binary/real-valued pigeon-inspired optimization for economic/environment unit commitment with renewables and plug-in vehicles.  Science China Information Sciences, 62(7), (2019): 1-3.【IF=7.28】, 

66.  LiHua Wang , YaHui Cui , FengQi Zhang , Serdar Coskun , GuangLei Li  and KaiLong Liu(通讯作者). Stochastic speed prediction for connected vehicles using improved bayesian networks with back propagation.  Science China Technological Sciences, 65(7), (2022): 1524-1536.【IF=3.90】, 

67.  Xiaopeng Tang , Kailong Liu (通讯作者) , Jingyi Lu , Boyang Liu , Xin Wang  and Furong Gao. Battery incremental capacity curve extraction by a two-dimensional Luenberger–Gaussian-moving-average filter.  Applied Energy, 280 (2020): 115895.【IF=11.45】, 

68.  Zhile Yang , Monjur Mourshed , Kailong Liu(通讯作者) , Xinzhi Xu  and Shengzhong Feng. A novel competitive swarm optimized RBF neural network model for short-term solar power generation forecasting.  Neurocomputing, 397 (2020): 415-421.【IF: 5.78】, 

69.  Fengqi Zhang , Lehua Xiao , Serdar Coskun , Yahui Cui , Hui Pang , Shaobo Xie  and Kailong Liu(通讯作者). Comparative study of energy management in parallel hybrid electric vehicles considering battery ageing.  Energy, 264 (2023): 123219.【IF=8.86】, 

70.  M. Lucu , E. M. Laserna , Kailong Liu , H. Camblong , W. D. Widanage  and J. Marco. Data-driven nonparametric Li-ion battery ageing model aiming at learning from real operation data – Part A: storage operation.  Journal of Energy Storage, 30 (2020): 101409.【IF=8.91】, 

71.  M. Lucu , E. M. Laserna , Kailong Liu , H. Camblong , W. D. Widanage  and J. Marco. Data-driven nonparametric Li-ion battery ageing model aiming at learning from real operation data – Part B: cycling operation.  Journal of Energy Storage, 30 (2020): 101410.【IF=8.91】, 

72.  Mona Faraji Niri , Kailong Liu , Luis AA Román-Ramírez , Geanina Apachitei , Michael Lain , Dhammika Widanage  and James Marco. Quantifying key factors for optimised manufacturing of Li-ion battery anode and cathode via artificial intelligence.  Energy and AI, 7 (2022): 100129, 

73.  Yi Xie , Jintao Zheng , Xiaosong Hu , Xianke Lin , Kailong Liu , Jinlei Sun  and Yangjun Zhang. An improved resistance-based thermal model for prismatic lithium-ion battery charging.  Applied Thermal Engineering, (2020): 115794. 【IF=6.47】, 

74.  Quan Ouyang , Guotuan Xu , Kailong Liu  and Zhisheng Wang. Wireless Battery Charging Control for Electric Vehicles: A User-Involved Approach.  IET Power Electronics, 12(10), (2019), 2688-2696.【IF=2.48】, 

75.  Fei Feng , Xiaosong Hu , Kailong Liu , Yunhong Che , Xianke Lin , Guoqing Jin  and Bo Liu. A Practical and Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Series-Connected Battery Pack Models.  IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 6(2), (2020): 391-416.【IF=6.52】, 

76.  Jingda Wu , Zhongbao Wei , Kailong Liu , Zhongyi Quan  and Yunwei Li. Battery-involved Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Bus Based on Expert-assistance Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm.  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11), (2020): 12786-12796.【IF=5.38, ESI高被引】, 

77.  Ye Shui Zhang , Nicola E Courtier , Zhenyu Zhang , Kailong Liu , Josh J Bailey , Adam M Boyce , Giles Richardson , Paul R Shearing , Emma Kendrick  and Dan JL Brett. A Review of Lithium‐Ion Battery Electrode Drying: Mechanisms and Metrology.  Advanced Energy Materials, 12(2), (2022): 2102233.【IF: 29.37】, 

78.  Xiaosong Hu , Kai Zhang , Kailong Liu , Xianke Lin , Satadru Dey  and Simona Onori. Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Lithium-Ion Battery Systems: A Review of Fault Mechanisms, Fault Features, and Diagnosis Procedures.  IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 14(3), (2020): 65-91.【IF=8.36,ESI高被引】, 

79.  Xiaosong Hu , Fei Feng , Kailong Liu , Lei Zhang , Jiale Xie  and Bo Liu. State Estimation for Advanced Battery Management: Key Challenges and Future Trends.  Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 114 (2019) 1-13.【IF=16.80, ESI高被引, Citations: 396】, 

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