Paper Publications
- [1] 赵岐. A Fast and Efficient Method for 3-D Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Considering IP Effect. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , 2024.
- [2] 刘锐. Investigation of subsurface karst in an opencast mine in southwestern China via surface and cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography. Exploration Geophysics, 2023.
- [3] 孙怀凤. The first semi-airborne transient electromagnetic survey for tunnel investigation in very complex terrain areas. Tunnelling and underground space technology, 132, 2023.
- [4] 姜晓腾. 基于有限体积的半航空瞬变电磁任意各向异性三维正演及响应规律分析. 地球物理学进展, 15, 2023.
- [5] Shangbin Liu. Bayesian inversion and uncertainty analysis of transient electromagnetic data. Near Surface Geophysics, 2024.
- [6] Shangbin Liu. Efficient geo-electromagnetic modeling techniques for complex geological structures: A karst MT example. Computers and Geosciences, 185, 2024.
- [7] 柳尚斌. 瞬变电磁Crank-Nicolson FDTD三维正演. 地球物理学报, 64, 2021.
- [8] 柳尚斌. 瞬变电磁低频近似Maxwell方程的 CPML吸收边界及施加方法. 地球物理学报, 65, 2022.
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