Wenfeng Nie, Tianhe Xu#, Rovira-Garcia, A., Zornoza, J.M.J., Subirana, J.S., González-Casado, G., Wu Chen, Guochang Xu. Revisit the calibration errors on experimental slant total electron content (TEC) determined with GPS. GPS Solutions, 2018,22(3),85
上一条: Wenfeng Nie, Yong Wang, Adria Rovira-Garcia, Dunyong Zheng, Tianhe Xu#,. Effect of the polar cap ionospheric sporadic-E layer on GNSS-based positioning: a case study at Resolute Bay, Canada, September 5, 2012. GPS Solutions, 2022, 26, 60
下一条: Wenfeng Nie, Tianhe Xu#, Rovira-Garcia, A., Zornoza, J.M.J., Subirana, J.S., González-Casado, G., Wu Chen, Guochang Xu. The Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 169