
Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates



任霄汉,男,山东大学高等技术研究院和热科学与工程研究中心副教授,国际燃烧学会、美国化学学会、美国机械工程师协会委员,SCI期刊“Energies”编委、特刊主编,International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science编委。博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学秦裕琨院士团队,导师孙锐教授。2014.10-2016.10前往美国波士顿东北大学(Northeastern University)交流访问,师从燃烧学领域专家Distinguished Professor Yiannis A. Levendis(英国皇家化学学会、国际燃烧学会、美国机械工程师协会、美国汽车工程师协会、美国发明家协会Fellow,美国工程界大奖——乔治西屋金奖获得者)。主要研究方向为生物质等气化热解及掺烧、可控碳吸附材料、富氢气体燃烧、水热绿色协同处理含氯有机固废及锂电池、基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)的智能诊断技术开发等。作为负责人承担国家重点研发计划子课题1项,国家市场监督管理总局科技计划项目1项,山东省自然科学基金1项,河北省市场监督管理局科研计划项目1项,主持企业委托课题10余项,并参与《燃煤耦合生物质(含污泥)技术规范》团体标准及河北省地方标准“基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)的煤质快速分析技术规范”等的编制工作。截止20232月,已发表SCI论文70余篇,他引1200余次,H因子19,授权发明专利8项,软件著作权1项,参加国际会议6次,合著英文专著一部,中文专著两部。






1 生物质、污泥等气化热解及掺烧






4 水热绿色协同处理含氯有机固废及锂电池









International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science编委




1.      2022.12-2026.11  国家重点研发计划“可再生能源技术”专项“煤与生物质耦合发电技术”课题  煤与生物质直接耦合发电系统建模及方案优化,负责人

2.      2022.12-2024.11  国家市场监督管理总局科技计划项目  基于激光诱导击穿光谱的原位在线快速检测技术的开发和应用,负责人


1.      2019.07-2022.06  山东省自然科学基金项目,基于烟气烘焙的活性焦孔结构分级官能化构筑及SO2/NOx/VOCs协同吸附机制,负责人

2.      2022.01-2023.12  河北省市场监督管理局科研计划项目  基于激光诱导击穿光谱煤质快检系统的研发,负责人

3.      2022.01-2022.12  山东省重大科技创新工程项目“深部金属矿智能化开采关键技术及装备集成研究和工程示范”子课题,负责人。


1.      2022年主持中国特种设备检测研究院项目“氨射流火焰形态和结构实验研究”,开展氨射流火焰形态和结构实验研究,研究预混/扩散两种燃烧模式下火焰温度场、速度场、自由基分布和热释放速率等。

2.      2022年主持山东琦瑞能源科技有限公司“生物质燃料燃烧效率分析研究”项目,分析生物质锅炉燃料燃烧效率,为配煤掺烧研究打基础。

3.      2021年主持中国特种设备检测研究院项目“锅炉受热面材料在超临界CO2环境下典型损伤检测评价技术”,研究CO2对金属材料腐蚀作用。

4.      2021年参与济南市“高校20条”资助自主培养创新团队项目“智能环保技术与装备”。

5.      2021年主持山东水发智慧能源有限公司“生物质锅炉燃料配伍燃烧优化研究”项目,基于生物质燃料及锅炉燃烧效率,完成生物质合理配伍掺烧。

6.      2020年主持山东水发智慧能源有限公司“生物质锅炉燃料燃烧效率分析”项目,分析生物质锅炉燃料燃烧效率,开发一套基于热值需求的燃料掺烧优化软件,将成型的“床层和炉膛燃烧模拟”形成可嵌入式的工具包,最终形成DCS控制软件。

7.      2020年主持中国石油化工股份有限公司青岛安全工程研究院“正压泡沫消防炮流道模拟计算”项目,研究压缩气体泡沫这种非牛顿流体在管内流动及管外射流特性,辅助优化泡沫喷射器结构参数,对灭火泡沫喷射形成指导意见。

8.      2019年主持山东爱客多热能科技有限公司项目“燃气燃烧高效热利用技术产品研发”,从事燃气燃烧高校热利用的技术开发和设计工作。

9.      2018年主持浪潮集团项目“服务器机柜级液冷散热技术”子课题,针对服务器机柜级液冷技术提供设计及优化。

10.    2016年参与美国东北大学项目“碳纳米材料在PE中阻燃特性的实验研究”,在塑料材料中添加碳纳米材料,不仅可以提高其力学等其他性能,还可以改善其着火特性,对于突发火灾的防范以及火灾反生时火势的蔓延起到延缓的作用,为各种救援赢得时间。

11.    2015年至2016年参与美国环境保护总署“常规及富氧气氛下煤粉与生物质混燃的基础研究”项目。采用掺烧生物质的方法对伊利诺伊6号烟煤(高硫煤5.5% S)的硫氧化物进行燃烧中反应脱除,脱硫效果明显。

12.    2014年参与光大环保科技发展(北京)有限公司的“750t/d垃圾焚烧炉锅炉炉内燃烧过程数值模拟和优化研究”项目。采用PHOENICS和FLUENT等模拟软件研究过量空气系数、一二次风、循环风的风率及布置方式对炉内燃烧状况的影响,优化了750t/d 垃圾焚烧炉。

13.    2013年参与华电电力科学研究院的“电厂燃尽风喷口阻力特性及流动热性冷态模化试验”项目。实验对燃尽风喷口流场进行模化试验,其结果应用于国内某电厂燃尽风的改造,在氮氧化物减排和锅炉效率提升方面取得了良好的效果。

14.    2013年参与光大环保科技发展(北京)有限公司合作的“过热器燃气脉冲吹灰器吹灰过程优化数值模拟研究”项目。对吹灰器喷嘴数量和分布方式、喷射角度以及喷嘴气流喷出速度等进行了优化。

15.    2012年参与激光诱导气体等离子体对甲烷火焰稳定性影响的研究(863课题)。研究化学当量比、氧气体积百分比、激光脉冲能量和激光焦点的作用位置等因素对于火焰脱火极限的影响规律。在美国高校交流访问期间做了题为“Effect of Femtosecond Laser-induced Plasma on the Laminar Methane/Oxygen/ Nitrogen Flame Propagation Characteristics”的报告,获得了Prof. Levendis和Prof. Mohamad (Hameed) Metghalchi(火焰研究领域专家,Journal of Energy Resources Technology期刊主编)的肯定及指导。

16.    2012年参与光大环保科技发展(北京)有限公司的“500t/d垃圾焚烧锅炉炉内燃烧过程数值模拟和优化研究”项目。分析了垃圾燃烧特性、过量空气系数、一、二次风率、循环风喷口布置方式等因素对垃圾燃烧过程的影响,通过对垃圾炉排内和锅炉炉膛内燃烧和传热的CFD 数值模拟,优化了炉膛结构参数和配风方式。

17.    2011年至2012年参与与光大环保科技发展(北京)有限公司合作开展的“水冷往复生物质炉排锅炉技术研究”项目,采用PHOENICS软件对炉排上生物质的燃烧过程进行模拟和利用热重红外联用的试验方法分析生物质燃料的燃烧和热解反应动力学,设计出了水冷往复生物质炉排锅炉。


1.      任霄汉,李玉昆;生物质锅炉燃料预处理方法、预处理装置及烟气脱硝方法, 发明专利,中国,ZL201910266583.5.

2.      任霄汉,刘哲,钱钊,卢林,陈娟,许焕焕. 一种内置隔离耐压结构的动力蓄电池及其安装方法, 发明专利,中国,ZL202110128552.0

3.      任霄汉,刘登登,李明华,钱钊,卢林,许焕焕,陈娟. 一种设有补光机构的环保型光伏发电装置及方法,发明专利,中国,ZL202110241070.6

4.      任霄汉,段晓伟,李明华,卢林,陈娟,许焕焕. 一种利用烟气余热干燥生物质的系统,发明专利,中国,ZL202210313030.2

5.      许焕焕,李玉昆,卢林,谢敏,任霄汉,朱子霖. 一种能够燃用多组分燃料的微火焰阵列燃烧器. 发明专利,中国,ZL202010044027.6. 

6.      许焕焕,葛一,马春元,王志强,任霄汉,钱钊,卢林,朱子霖. 一种基于氨分解的掺氢低氮燃烧系统和方法,发明专利,中国,ZL202110250647.X

7.      刘昱,孙海逸,李钟勇,崔峥,王鑫煜,任霄汉,邵卫,王兵,张宇川,王宏标,陈帆,余道广,夏爽,王文璞,肖龙,邓高翔. 一种冷凝端长度渐变的热管以及浸没式自扰流冷却系统,发明专利,中国,201910883520.4

8.      刘昱,李斌,李钟勇,崔峥,王鑫煜,任霄汉,邵卫,王兵,张宇川,王宏标,陈帆,余道广,夏爽,孙海逸,王文璞,肖龙,邓高翔. 一种射流孔高度变化的热管系统. 发明专利,中国,201910883519.1

9.      许焕焕,王志强,张敬儒,朱子霖,陈娟,任霄汉. 烟气冷凝式换热器热力计算与结构设计软件V1.0,软件著作权,中国,2021SR1287011


1.         Ren X, Sun R, Meng X, Vorobiev N, Schiemann M and Levendis YA. Carbon, sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions from combustion of pulverized raw and torrefied biomass. Fuel, 2017, 188: 310-323. (ESI highly cited paper)

2.         Ren X, Sun R, Chi HH, Meng X, Li Y and Levendis YA. Hydrogen chloride emissions from combustion of raw and torrefied biomass. Fuel, 2017, 200: 37–46.

3.         Ren X, Xu H, Liu F, Wang Z, Li Q. Effects of oxygen concentration on the thermal and chemical structures of laminar coflow CO/H2 diffusion flames burning in O2/H2O atmosphere. Fuel, 2020, 270: 117474.

4.         Ren X, Rokni E, Sun R, Meng X, Levendis YA. Evolution of Chlorine-Bearing Gases During Corn Straw Torrefaction at Different Temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 13713-13723.

5.         Ren X, Rokni E, Zhang L, Wang Z, Liu Y, and Levendis YA, Use of Alkali Carbonate Sorbents for Capturing Chlorine-Bearing Gases from Corn Straw Torrefaction. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(11): 11843-11851.

6.         Ren X, Meng X, Panahi A, Rokni E, Sun R, Levendis YA. Hydrogen Chloride Release From Combustion of Corn Straw in a Fixed Bed. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2018, 140(5).

7.         Ren X, Rokni E, Liu Y, Levendis YA. Reduction of HCl Emissions from Combustion of Biomass by Alkali Carbonate Sorbents or by Thermal Pretreatment. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2018, 144(4).

8.         Rokni E, Ren X*, Panahi A, Levendis YA. Emissions of SO2, NOx, CO2, and HCl from Co-firing of Coals with Raw and Torrefied Biomass. Fuel, 2017, 211: 363-374. (*: Corresponding author)

9.         Rokni E, Liu Y, Ren X*, Levendis YA. Nitrogen-Bearing Emissions from Burning Corn Straw in a Fixed-Bed Reactor: Effects of Fuel Moisture, Torrefaction and Air Flowrate. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2019.

10.     Lyu S, Cao T, Zhang L, Liu J, Li G, Ren X*. Assessment of low-rank coal and biomass co-pyrolysis system coupled with gasification. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(4).

11.     Liu Y, Rokni E, Yang R, Ren X*, Sun R, Levendis Y. Torrefaction of corn straw in oxygen and carbon dioxide containing gases: Mass/energy yields and evolution of gaseous species[J]. Fuel, 2021, 285:119044.

12.     Liu Y, Wang D, Ren X*. Rapid Quantitation of Coal Proximate Analysis by Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Energies 2022, 15(8), 2728.

13.     Wang L, Sha L, Zhang S, Cao F, Ren X*, Levendis Y. Preparation of activated coke by carbonization, activation, ammonization and thermal treatment of sewage sludge and waste biomass for SO2 absorption applications. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 231: 107233.

14.     Lu P, Gao T, Chen Q, Ren X*. Energy Saving Thermal Management of Space Remote Sensor and Validation. Energies, 2023, 16(2), 864.

15.     Liu Y, Wang D, Xie M, Xu H, Ren X*. Research on the Mixing Mechanism and Parameter Optimization of Liquid Nitrogen Foam Generator. Energies 2022, 15(22), 8714.

16.     Duan X, Zhu W, Ruan Z, Xie M, Chen J, Ren X*. Recycling of Lithium Batteries-A Review. Energies 2022, 15(5), 1611.

17.     Wang L, Li M, Hao M, Liu G, Xu S, Chen J, Ren X*, Levendis Y. Effects of Activation Conditions on the Properties of Sludge-Based Activated Coke. ACS Omega 2021, 6, 34, 22020–22032.

18.     Wang L, Lu L, Li M, Liu Y, Ren X*, Levendis Y. Effects of Carbonization on the Co-Activation of Sludge and Biomass to Produce Activated Coke. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 2021, 143(10): 102305.

19.     Cheng J, Xie M, Xu L, Zhang L, Ren X*. Chlorine Release from Co-Pyrolysis of Corn Straw and Lignite in Nitrogen and Oxidative Pyrolysis. Energies 2021, 14(24), 8227.

20.     Xie M, Cheng J, Xu L, Wang L, Chen A, Zhang S, Ren X*. Preparation of Activated Carbon from Co-Pyrolysis Activation of Fly Ash and Biomass. Energies 2022, 15(18), 6636.

21.     Xie M, Cheng J, Ren X*, Wang S, Che P, Zhang, C. System Performance Analyses of Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor. Energies 2022, 15(10), 3555.

22.     Liu G, Wang L, Li Y, Ren X*. Biomass and Coal Modification to Prepare Activated Coke for Desulfurization and Denitrification. Energies 2022, 15(8), 2904.

23.     Xu Z, Gao P, Ren X*, Liu X. Thermal Treatment (Hydrodistillation) on The Biomass of Ficus hispida L. f.: Volatile Organic Compounds Yield, Phytochemical Composition, and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation, Energies 202215(21), 8092.

24.     Liu G, Yang X, Yang X, Liang K, An D, Wu D, Ren X*. Typical Damage Prediction and Reliability Analysis of Superheater Tubes in Power Station Boilers Based on Multisource Data Analysis. Energies 2022, 15(3), 1005.

25.     Liu G, Sun S, Liang K, Yang X, An D, Wen Q, Ren X*. Simulation Study on the Effect of Flue Gas on Flow Field and Rotor Stress in Gas Turbines. Energies 2021, 14(19), 6135.

26.     Yang Y, Zhang L, Sun R, Wang Z, Li Y, Ren X*. The Chemical and Physical Effect of Diluent H2O on NO and CO Emissions in Computational CH4 / Air Laminar Diffusion Flames. International Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment (ICEEE) / International Conference on Electric and Intelligent Vehicles, 2018.

27.     Zhu W, Li X, Sun R, Zhang Y, Yan Y, Yu X, Ren X. Investigation of mineral-element migration upon pyrolysis and quantitative prediction of volatiles in coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2021,36, 1399-1409.

28.     Zhu W, Li X, Sun R, Yan Y, Yuan M, Ren X, Meng X, Yu X. Dynamic behaviors of the sodium, calcium and iron release during coal combustion using multi-point LIBS. Combustion and Flame 2022, 244: 112237

29.     Liu H, Wang Y, Ren X, Xu H, Chen J. Study on the transformation of Zn, Mn and Cr during sewage sludge combustion. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2022, 161 (2022) 819–826.

30.     Li Y, Li L, Liu Y, Ren X, Levendis YA. Sulfur and Nitrogen Release From Co-Pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass Under Oxidative and Non-Oxidative Conditions [J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2021, 143(6);

31.     Zhang L, Ren X, Sun R, Levendis YA. A Numerical and Experimental Study on the Effects of CO2 on Laminar Diffusion Methane/Air Flames. J. Energy Resour. Technol. Aug 2020, 142(8): 082307.

32.     Xiao Y, Ren X, Chen J. Effect of Magnesium Additives on Phosphorous Recovery during Sewage Sludge Combustion and Further Improvement of Bioavailable Phosphorous. Energies 2022, 15(3), 909.

33.     Rokni E, Panahi A, Ren X, Levendis YA. Curtailing the generation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions by blending and oxy-combustion of coals. Fuel, 2016, 181:772-784.

34.     Rui S, Ismail T M, Ren X, Abd EI-Salam M. Effect of ash content on the combustion process of simulated MSW in the fixed bed. Waste Management, 2016, 48:236-249.

35.     Sun R, Ismail T M, Ren X, Abd EI-Salam M. Numerical and experimental studies on effects of moisture content on combustion characteristics of simulated municipal solid wastes in a fixed bed. Waste Management, 2015, 39(11):980-986.

36.     Sun R, Ismail T M, Ren X, Abd EI-Salam M. Influence of simulated MSW sizes on the combustion process in a fixed bed: CFD and experimental approaches. Waste Management, 2016, 49:272-286.

37.     Sun R, Ismail T M, Ren X, Abd EI-Salam M. Numerical simulation of gas concentration and dioxin formation for MSW combustion in a fixed bed. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 157(2):111-117.

38.     Rokni E, Panahi A, Ren X, Levendis Y. Reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions by burning coal blends. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2015, 138(3).

39.     Meng X, Sun R, Ismail T M, Zhou W, Ren X, Zhang R. Parametric studies on corn combustion characteristics in a fixed Bed: Primary air flow rate and different corn lengths. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126: 702-716.

40.     Meng X, Sun R, Ismail T, Abd El-Salam M, Zhou W, Zhang R, Ren X. Assessment of primary air on corn straw in a fixed bed combustion using Eulerian-Eulerian approach. Energy, 2018, 151: 501-519.

41.     Wang Z, Zhao Y, Sun R, Li Y, Ren X, Xu J. Effect of reaction conditions on the evolution of surface functional groups in O2/H2O combustion process of demineralized coal char. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 195.

42.     Wang Z, Zhao Y, Sun R, Li Y, Ren X, Xu J. Effects of reaction condition on NO emission characteristic, surface behavior and microstructure of demineralized char during O2/H2O combustion process. Fuel, 2019, 253: 1424-1435.

43.     Zhao Y, Wang Z, Zhao G, Sun R, Ren X. Investigation of combustion reactivity and NO emission characteristics of chars obtained from the devolatilization of raw and partially dried lignite. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 98(2): 453-464.

44.     Liu L, Sun Q, Li H, Yin H, Ren X, Wennersten R. Evaluating the benefits of Integrating Floating Photovoltaic and Pumped Storage Power System. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 194: 173-185.

45.     Zhang L, Hui S, Yang Y, Sun R, Ismail T, Abd El-Salam, M, Ren X. Numerical and Experimental Assessment of a Novel Multinozzle Burner with CO2 Diluent to Improve the Emissions from a Swirling Flame in a Combustion Chamber. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(8): 7869-7885.

46.     Wang Z, Li Y, Zhu W, Sun R, Zhao Y, Ren X. Effects of Reaction Condition on the Emission Characteristics of Fuel-N during the O2/H2O Combustion Process of Demineralized Coal. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(7): 6187-6196.

47.     Qi H, Sun R, Peng J, Yan B, Cao Z, Yu Y, Chang G, Ren X, Ding S. Experimental Study on Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Pyrolyzed Char in an O2-Enriched Atmosphere with Multiple Optical Diagnostic Techniques. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(6): 5682-5694.

48.     Wang Z, Sun R, Zhao Y, Li Y, Ren X. Effect of steam concentration on demineralized coal char surface behaviors and structural characteristics during the oxy-steam combustion process. Energy, 2019, 174: 339-349.

49.     Li Y, Sun R, Wang M, Wang Z, Xu J, Ren X. Reaction kinetics of char-O2/H2O combustion under high-temperature entrained flow conditions. Fuel, 2019, 243: 172-184.

50.     Wang Z, Sun R, Zhao Y, Li Y, Ismail T, Ren X. Investigation of demineralized coal char surface behaviour and reducing characteristics after partial oxidative treatment under an O2 atmosphere. Fuel, 2018, 233: 658-668.

51.     Meng X, Sun R, Zhou W, Liu X, Yan Y, Ren X. Effects of corn ratio with pine on biomass co-combustion characteristics in a fixed bed. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142: 30-42.

52.     Meng X, Sun R, Ismail T, Zhou W, Ren X, Zhang R. Parametric studies on corn straw combustion characteristics in a fixed bed: Ash and moisture content. Energy, 2018, 158: 192-203.

53.     Li Y, Sun R, Wang M, Wang Z, Xu J, Ren X. Effect of Stoichiometric Ratio on Char-Nitrogen Conversion under High-Temperature Entrained Flow Combustion Conditions. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(5): 6098-6110.

54.     Meng X, Sun R, Liu X, Ismail T, Zhou W, Abd El-Salam M, Ren X. Assessment of Chopped Corn Straw Lengths for Combustion in a Fixed Bed Using a Numerical Model. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(4): 5187-5198.

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ASME International Mechanical Engineering   Congress & Exposition (美国机械工程师协会机械工程年会)




International Conference on Energy,   Ecology and Environment (ICEEE)




ASME International Mechanical Engineering   Congress & Exposition (美国机械工程师协会机械工程年会)








40th International Technical Conference on   Clean Coal & Fuel Systems(第40届国际清洁燃料技术会议)












Proceedings of SinoDanish workshop on Thermal and Catalytic Conversion of Biomass and   Waste (中丹生物质催化热转化技术双边研讨会)




The 7th International Symposium   on Coal Combustion






  • 2003.9-2007.7  

    山东大学       热能与动力工程       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2010.9-2012.7  

    哈尔滨工业大学       热能工程       Master's Degree in Engineering

  • 2012.9-2017.12  

    哈尔滨工业大学       热能工程       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

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