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- 王文君. Altered cortical microstructure in preterm infants at term-equivalent age relative to term-born neonates. Cerebral Cortex, 33, 651, 2024.
- 胡旻琦. Evaluating the Impact of Intracranial Volume Correction Approaches on the Quantification of Intracranial Structures in MRI: A Systematic Analysis. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, 2024.
- 王文君. Altered cortical microstructure in preterm infants at term-equivalent age relative to term-born neonates. Cerebral Cortex, 651, 2023.
- 刘树伟. Phenotypic and Genetic Correlations Between the Lobar Segments of the Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus and Attention. Scientific Reports, 2023.
- 刘树伟. 三叉神经颅内段横断层解剖与MRI . 解剖与临床, 2023.
- 刘树伟. 肝连续薄层冠状断面数据获取研究. 医学影像学杂志, 2023.
- 刘树伟. 人视觉传导路的冠状断层解剖学研究. 《解剖学报》, 40, 323, 2023.
- 刘树伟. 展神经横断层解剖与MRI. 解剖与临床, 2023.
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