Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
张彪. Hexagonal ZnTiO3 single-crystalline films on α-Al2O3 substrates: Structural and photoelectric properties. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 1008, 2024.
陈蓉蓉. High responsivity self-powered DUV photodetectors based on β-Ga2O3/GaN heterogeneous PN junctions. VACUUM, 112332, 2024.
朱宏艳. Effect of oxygen pressure during the growth of ZnSnO3 epitaxial thin films on LiNbO3 substrates. Applied Surface Science, 158029, 2024.
陈蓉蓉. High crystal quality β-Ga2O3 epitaxial films grown on porous n-GaN substrates. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 107859, 2024.
冯博. Self-powered ultraviolet photodetectors based on CuInO2: Ca/GaN epitaxial heterojunction. Ceramics International, 12779, 2024.
陈蓉蓉. Self-powered deep ultraviolet PIN photodetectors with excellent response performance based on Ga2O3 epitaxial films grown on p-GaN. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2024.
刘杰. Vertical nanoporous GaN substrates for photonic engineering: Lu2O3:Eu single crystal thin films as an example. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 892, 2024.
朱宏艳. High-quality and single-crystal ZnSnO3 thin films: Fabrication and properties. VACUUM, 197, 2024.
Published Books
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Research Projects
可转移的、稀土元素掺杂的Beta-氧化镓基发光二极管的制备及性能研究, 2019-04-26-2022-06-30
高质量锌锡氧化物透明导电薄膜的制备, 2007-12-01-2010-12-31
HCN及HOCN势能面和准经典轨线计算研究, 2012-07-31-2015-07-31
集成电路芯片制造中新型环保清洗技术及产业研发, 2008-09-01-2010-12-31
给水铝盐污泥做基质的人工湿地处理农村生活污水工艺及机理, 2013-08-15-2017-12-31
超临界二氧化碳微乳液在半导体纳米器件清洗技术中的应用, 2008-01-01-2010-12-31
Beta-氧化镓单晶薄膜的外延生长及性质研究, 2011-01-01-2013-12-31
镓铟氧化物深紫外透明半导体薄膜的制备及特性研究, 2007-01-01-2009-12-31
Research Team
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