Peizi Zhao
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:山东大学
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
P. Z. Zhao, T. Q. Chen, S. R. Liu, and J. B. Gong*. Higher-order protection of quantum gates: Hamiltonian engineering coordinated with dynamical decoupling. Phys. Rev. A, 111, 022621, 2025.
N. N. Ma, P. Z. Zhao, and J. B. Gong. Quantum machine learning with indefinite causal order. Phys. Rev. A, 110, 052406, 2025.
P. Z. Zhao, J. B. Gong*. Mitigation of systematic amplitude error in nonadiabatic holonomic operations. Phys. Rev. A, 110, 012426, 2024.
G. F. Xu* and P. Z. Zhao*. Average-value estimation in nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation. Phys. Rev. A, 108, 052617, 2023.
N. N. Ma, W. H. Chu, P. Z. Zhao, and J. B. Gong*. Adiabatic quantum learning. Phys. Rev. A, 108, 042420, 2023.