所属院部: 物理学院
  • 教师英文名称:
  • 教师拼音名称:
    Wang Lei
  • 出生日期:
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  • 毕业院校:
  • 硕士生导师
  • 2002-9 — 2007-7
  • 2021-09 — 2023-09
  • 2010-01 — 2021-09
  • 2007-09 — 2010-01


     由于具有优秀的线性和非线性光学特性, 铌酸锂薄膜(lithium niobate thin film, LNTF)被视为一个很有前途 的集成光子学平台. 

作为集成光学系统的基本单元, 铌酸锂微纳波导不仅作为传输、控制器件被研究, 也展现出优 秀的二阶非线性光学特性.近年来发展起

来的绝缘体上铌酸锂(LNOI),亦称为铌酸锂薄膜(LNTF),在光学领域被公认为是 一项变革性技术。基于LNOI的集成光子器件让铌酸锂

晶体又焕发了新生命,再次成为集成光子学的研究焦点。 作为最优秀的非线性晶体之一,铌酸锂薄膜在频率转换方面是其他薄膜材料无


     随着微纳加工技术的发展, LNOI 薄膜片上光子学器件的品质和功能在近些年得到了明显的提升, 基于LNOI 的集成光子学器件

研究也得到了迅猛的发展. 我们通过在对铌酸锂薄膜结构的调整实现了通讯波段高效率的倍频及和频转换,相关工作正在进行中。














1.  杜昊阳. Highly efficient, modal phase-matched second harmonic generation in a double-layered thin film lithium niobate waveguide.  Optics Express,  31,  9713, 2023. 

2.  . Tunable sum-frequency generation in modal phase-matched thin film lithium niobate rib waveguides.  OPTICS LETTERS,  48,  3159, 2023. 

3.  张彬. The investigation of Er3+ fluorescence properties on femtosecond-laser-written LiNbO3 dual-line and depressed-cladding waveguides.  Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,  245,  2021. 

4.  张彬. 基于光场调控的飞秒激光直写光波导研究进展(特邀).  Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica,  51,  109-123, 2021. 

5.  张彬. Frequency doubling in PPLN depressed-cladding waveguides written by femtosecond laser.  Optical materials,  125,  2022. 

6.  张彬. Fabrication and polarization modulation of waveguides in 4H-SiC crystals by femtosecond laser direct writing.  Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing,  128,  2022. 

7.  张彬. Nonlinear waveguides by femtosecond laser writing of lithium triborate crystals.  Journal of Optics,  24,  2022. 

8.  李慧琦. Optically pumped Milliwatt Whispering-Gallery microcavity laser.  Light: Science & Applications,  12,  2023. 

9.  Type I phase matching in thin film of lithium niobate on insulator.  Results in Physics,  16,  103011, 2019. 

10.  杜昊阳. Highly efficient, modal phase-matched second harmonic generation in a double-layered thin film lithium niobate waveguide.  Optics Express,  31,  9713, 2023. 

11.  吴波. Recoverable and rewritable waveguide beam splitters fabricated by tailored femtosecond laser writing of lithium tantalate crystal.  Optics and Laser Technology,  145,  2022. 

12.  赵金花. The properties of ion-implanted LiNbO3 waveguides measured by the RBS and ion beam etching stripping methods.  OPTICAL MATERIALS,  33,  1357-1361, 2011. 

13.  周育范. Ridge waveguide fabrication by combining ion implantation and precise dicing on a LiNbO3crystal.  326,  110-112, 2014. 

14.  王磊. Efficient Second Harmonic Generation in a Reverse-Polarization Dual-Layer Crystalline Thin Film Nanophotonic Waveguide.  Laser and Photonics Reviews,  15,  2021. 

15.  张彬. Femtosecond Laser Inscribed Novel Polarization Beam Splitters Based on Tailored Waveguide Configurations.  Journal of lightwave technology,  39,  1438, 2021. 

16.  Xiang, Bingxi. Fabrication of ion-sliced yttrium-aluminum-garnet thin films on silica by He+ implantation and Cu-Sn bonding.  Optical materials,  109,  2020. 

17.  吴佳明. Raman spectra study on modifications of BK7 glass induced by 1030-nm and 515-nm femtosecond laser.  Results in Physics,  21,  2021. 

18.  熊秉诚. Micro-spectroscopy investigation on femtosecond laser writing of LiNbO3 crystal.  Optical materials,  107,  2020. 

19.  李玲琪. Tunable violet radiation in a quasi-phase-matched periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate waveguide by direct femtosecond laser writing.  Results in Physics,  19,  2020. 

20.  张彬. Second harmonic generation in femtosecond laser written lithium niobate waveguides based on birefringent phase matching.  Optical materials,  107,  2020. 

21.  吴波. 3D Polarization-Dependent Waveguide Arrays in LiNbO3 Crystal Produced by Femtosecond Laser Writing.  Journal of lightwave technology,  38,  3988, 2020. 

22.  张彬. Recent Advances in Femtosecond Laser Processing of LiNbO(3)Crystals for Photonic Applications.  Laser and Photonics Reviews,  14,  2020. 

23.  贾曰辰. Ion-cut lithium niobate on insulator technology: Recent advances and perspectives.  APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS,  8,  2021. 

24.  张彬. Mode tailoring of laser written waveguides in LiNbO3 crystals by multi-scan of femtosecond laser pulses.  Optical materials,  86,  571, 2018. 

25.  张彬. Femtosecond laser modification of 6H-SiC crystals for waveguide devices.  APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Journal,  116,  2020. 

26.  李玲琪. Efficient quasi-phase-matching in fan-out PPSLT crystal waveguides by femtosecond laser direct writing.  光学特快,  27,  36875, 2019. 

27.  王磊. Type I phase matching in thin film of lithium niobate on insulator.  Results in Physics,  16,  103011, 2020. 

28.  王磊 , 陈峰  and 李玲琪. Femtosecond Laser Writing of Optical Waveguides by Self-Induced Multiple Refocusing in LiTaO3 Crystal.  Journal of lightwave technology,  37,  3452, 2019. 

29.  王磊 , 路庆明  and 陈峰. Second harmonic generation of femtosecond laser written depressed cladding waveguides in periodically poled MgO:LiTaO3 crystal.  光学特快,  27,  2101, 2019. 

30.  王磊 , 路庆明  and 陈峰. Mode tailoring of laser written waveguides in LiNbO3 crystals by multi-scan of femtosecond laser pulses.  Optical Materials,  86,  571, 2018. 

31.  王磊 , 谭杨 , 陈峰  and 陈琛. Refractive index engineering through swift heavy ion irradiation of LiNbO3 crystal towards improved light guidance.  scientific reports,  7,  2017. 

32.  王磊  and Ai, Lin. Efficient Second Harmonic Generation of Diced Ridge Waveguides Based on Carbon Ion-Irradiated Periodically Poled LiNbO3.  Journal of lightwave technology,  35,  2476, 2017. 

33.  王磊. Quasi-phase-matched frequency conversion in ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and diamond dicing of MgO:LiNbO3 crystals.  Optics Express,  23,  30188, 2015. 

34.  王磊 , 陈峰  and 艾琳. Depth profile of the nonlinear susceptibility of LiNbO3 ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and dicing.  Optical Materials Express,  7,  3836, 2017. 

35.  王雪林  and 王磊. The array waveguides formed in LiNbO3 crystal by oxygen-ion implantation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods B,  268,  2923, 2010. 

36.  王磊. Modal Characterization of a Planar Waveguide in Bismuth Borate Crystal.  chinese physics letters,  26,  066102, 2009. 

37.  王磊. Planar Waveguides in Magnesium doped Stoichiometric LiNbO3 Crystals formed by MeV Oxygen Ion Implantations.  Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research,  272,  121, 2012. 

38.  王磊  and 管婧. Fabrication of ion-sliced lithium niobate slabs using helium ion implantation and Cu-Sn bonding.  Phys. Status Solidi A,  211,  2416, 2014. 

39.  王磊  and 管婧. Low-Loss Optical Waveguides Preserving Photoluminescence Features in Pr3+-Doped Yttrium Orthosilicate Crystal Fabricated by Ion Implantation.  Journal of lightwave technology,  33,  2263, 2015. 

40.  王磊  and 管婧. Ion implantation induced blistering of rutile single crystal.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,  354,  255, 2015. 

41.  王雪林  and 王磊. Ridge Waveguide Fabrication by Combining Ion Implantation and Precise Dicing on a LiNbO3 Crystal.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,  326,  110, 2014. 

42.  管婧  and 王磊. Fabrication of planar waveguide in KNSBN crystal by swift heavy ion beam irradiation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,  315,  318, 2013. 

43.  王磊. Formation and characterization of a near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 waveguide by MeV oxygen implantation.  Applied Optics,  48,  2619, 2009. 

44.  管婧  and 王磊. Photoluminescence investigation of erbium-implanted in KTiOPO4 and RbTiOPO4.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B,  307,  482, 2013. 

45.  王磊. Ridged LiNbO3 Waveguide Fabricated By a Novel Wet Etching/MeV Oxygen Ion Implantation Method.  Journal of lightwave technology,  2010. 

46.  王雪林 , 陈峰 , 王磊  and 王克明. Annealing characteristics of planar waveguides in LGS crystal by oxygen implantation.  Journal of the Korean Physical Society,  52,  s116, 2008. 

47.  王雪林  and 王磊. Channel waveguides of LiNbO3 crystals fabricated by low-dose oxygen ion implantation.  Journal of applied physics,  100,  056106-1, 2006. 

48.  王雪林  and 王磊. The properties of ion-implanted LiNbO3 waveguides measured by the RBS and ion beam etching stripping method.  Optical Materials,  33,  1357, 2011. 

49.  路庆明 , 陈峰  and 王磊. Second harmonic generation of femtosecond laser written depressed cladding waveguides in periodically poled MgO:LiTaO3 crystal.  光学特快,  27,  2101, 2019. 

50.  王磊  and Ai, Lin. Efficient Second Harmonic Generation of Diced Ridge Waveguides Based on Carbon Ion-Irradiated Periodically Poled LiNbO3.  Journal of lightwave technology,  35,  2476, 2017. 

51.  王磊  and 王雪林. The array waveguides formed in LiNbO3 crystal by oxygen-ion implantation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods B,  268,  2923, 2010. 

52.  王磊  and 王雪林. Ridge Waveguide Fabrication by Combining Ion Implantation and Precise Dicing on a LiNbO3 Crystal.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,  326,  110, 2014. 

53.  王磊  and 管婧. Fabrication of planar waveguide in KNSBN crystal by swift heavy ion beam irradiation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,  315,  318, 2013. 

54.  王磊  and 管婧. Photoluminescence investigation of erbium-implanted in KTiOPO4 and RbTiOPO4.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B,  307,  482, 2013. 

55.  陈峰 , 王磊 , 王克明  and 王雪林. Annealing characteristics of planar waveguides in LGS crystal by oxygen implantation.  Journal of the Korean Physical Society,  52,  s116, 2008. 

56.  王磊  and 王雪林. Channel waveguides of LiNbO3 crystals fabricated by low-dose oxygen ion implantation.  Journal of applied physics,  100,  056106-1, 2006. 

57.  王磊  and 王雪林. The properties of ion-implanted LiNbO3 waveguides measured by the RBS and ion beam etching stripping method.  Optical Materials,  33,  1357, 2011. 

58.  王磊. Second harmonic generation of femtosecond laser written depressed cladding waveguides in periodically poled MgO:LiTaO3 crystal.  光学特快,  2101, 2019. 

59.  王磊  and 王雪林. The array waveguides formed in LiNbO3 crystal by oxygen-ion implantation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods B,  268,  2923, 2010. 

60.  王磊  and 王雪林. The properties of ion-implanted LiNbO3 waveguides measured by the RBS and ion beam etching stripping method.  Optical Materials,  33,  1357, 2011. 

61.  王磊 , 谭杨 , 陈峰  and 陈琛. Refractive index engineering through swift heavy ion irradiation of LiNbO3 crystal towards improved light guidance.  scientific reports,  7,  2017. 

62.  陈峰 , 王磊 , 王克明  and 王雪林. Annealing characteristics of planar waveguides in LGS crystal by oxygen implantation.  Journal of the Korean Physical Society,  52,  s116, 2008. 

63.  王磊  and 王雪林. Ridge Waveguide Fabrication by Combining Ion Implantation and Precise Dicing on a LiNbO3 Crystal.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,  326,  110, 2014. 

64.  王磊  and 王雪林. Channel waveguides of LiNbO3 crystals fabricated by low-dose oxygen ion implantation.  Journal of applied physics,  100,  056106-1, 2006. 

65.  王磊  and 管婧. Fabrication of planar waveguide in KNSBN crystal by swift heavy ion beam irradiation.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,  315,  318, 2013. 

66.  王磊  and 管婧. Photoluminescence investigation of erbium-implanted in KTiOPO4 and RbTiOPO4.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B,  307,  482, 2013. 

67.  王磊 , 陈峰  and 艾琳. Depth profile of the nonlinear susceptibility of LiNbO3 ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and dicing.  Optical Materials Express,  7,  3836, 2017. 

68.  王磊. Quasi-phase-matched frequency conversion in ridge waveguides fabricated by ion implantation and diamond dicing of MgO:LiNbO3 crystals.  Optics Express,  23,  30188, 2015. 

69.  管婧  and 王磊. Low-Loss Optical Waveguides Preserving Photoluminescence Features in Pr3+-Doped Yttrium Orthosilicate Crystal Fabricated by Ion Implantation.  Journal of lightwave technology,  33,  2263, 2015. 

70.  管婧  and 王磊. Ion implantation induced blistering of rutile single crystal.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,  354,  255, 2015. 

71.  管婧  and 王磊. Fabrication of ion-sliced lithium niobate slabs using helium ion implantation and Cu-Sn bonding.  Phys. Status Solidi A,  211,  2416, 2014. 

72.  王磊. Formation and characterization of a near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 waveguide by MeV oxygen implantation.  Applied Optics,  48,  2619, 2009. 

73.  王磊. Modal Characterization of a Planar Waveguide in Bismuth Borate Crystal.  chinese physics letters,  26,  066102, 2009. 

74.  王磊. Ridged LiNbO3 Waveguide Fabricated By a Novel Wet Etching/MeV Oxygen Ion Implantation Method.  Journal of lightwave technology,  2010. 

75.  王磊. Planar Waveguides in Magnesium doped Stoichiometric LiNbO3 Crystals formed by MeV Oxygen Ion Implantations.  Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research,  272,  121, 2012. 

76.  路庆明 , 陈峰  and 王磊. Mode tailoring of laser written waveguides in LiNbO3 crystals by multi-scan of femtosecond laser pulses.  Optical Materials,  86,  571, 2018. 

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