Ke Li

Doctoral Degree in Philosophy

With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

University of Technology of Troyes, France

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Date of Employment:2010-06-30

Home > Scientific Research > Published Books

Ke Li, Sensorimotor control for dexterous grasping – inspiration from human hand, Chapter in Tactile Sensing, Skill Learning, and Robotic Dexterous Manipulation


Supported By:国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目
Description of Publication:The human hand is a versatile tool to explore and modify the external environment. It represents both the cognitive organ of the sense of touch and the most important end effector in object manipulation and grasping. Our brain can cope efficiently with the high degree of complexity of the hand, which arises from the huge amount of actuators and sensors. This allows us to perform a large number of daily life tasks, from the simple ones, such as determining the ripeness of a fruit or drive a car, to the more complex ones, as for example performing surgical procedures, playing an instrument or painting. Not surprisingly, an intensive research effort has been devoted to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms underpinning the sensorimotor control of human hands and to attempt to reproduce such mechanisms in artificial robotic systems. This chapter describes the sensorimotor control for dexterous grasping by human hand. First, an overview of sensorimotor control for dexterous grasping
School Sign:Shandong University
The First Author's Name:Ke Li
Type of Works:Works
Publication Design:Foreign (overseas) publishing house
Classification of Disciplines:Engineering
First-Level Discipline:Biomedical Engineering
ISBN No.:978-0-323-90445-2
Translated or Not:yes
Date of Publication:2022-05-01