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- [1] 刘华兴 and 侯雅文. 外在激励如何影响基层公务员的公共服务动机水平?——一项调查实验研究. 公共行政评论, 17, 124, 2024.
- [2] 黄晴 and 刘华兴(通讯作者). How Does Paternalistic Leadership Enhance Civil Servants' Public Service Motivation? The Mediating Mechanism of Trust in Leader. Administration & Society, 1680, 2023.
- [3] 刘华兴 and 孟燕. How Leader-Member Exchange Relates to Subjective Well-Being in Grassroots Officials: The Mediating Roles of Job Insecurity and Job Burnout. Public Performance and Management Review, 2023.
- [4] 黄晴 and 刘华兴. How Role Overload Affects Physical and Psychological Health of Low-ranking Government Employees at Different Ages: The Mediating Role of Burnout(角色超载是否会影响不同年龄段基层政府公务员的身体和心.... Safety and Health at work, 13, 207-212, 2022.
- [5] 刘华兴 and 王铮. 基层公务员公共服务动机测量. 上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 30, 107, 2022.
- [6] 刘华兴 , 于棋 and 黄晴(通讯作者). Young local civil servants’ trust in citizens: empirical evidence from the post-reform-and- opening-up generations in China. The Social Science Journal,Online, https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2021.1899359, 2021.
- [7] 黄晴 , 刘华兴(通讯) and 楚成亚. Effects of Paternalistic Leadership on Quality of Life of Grassroots Officials in China: Mediation Effects of Burnout. Applied Research in Quality of Life, Online, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11482-020-09863-w, 2020.
- [8] 刘华兴 and 黄晴(通讯). 历史街区更新中的居民政策偏好 ———基于Q 方法的空间认知与政策偏好模型. 东岳论丛, 41(7), 138-148, 2020.
- [9] 刘华兴 , 高红 and 黄晴(通讯). Better Government, Happier Residents? Quality of Government and Life Satisfaction in China. Social Indicators Research, 147(3), 971-990, 2020.
- [10] 刘华兴. 公共行政场域视角下的青年公务员工作满意度研究 ———基于驻鲁高校MPA 群体的调查. 管理学刊, 33(1), 82-93, 2020.
- [11] 刘华兴 and 曹现强. 供给侧改革背景下城市居民生活满意度及影响因素分析——基于山东省公共服务满意度的实证研究. 《东岳论丛》, 11, 174-182, 2019.
- [12] Huaxing Liu and John Raine. Why is there less public trust in localgovernment than in central government in China?. International Journal of Public Administration, 3, 2016.
- [13] 黄晴 and 刘华兴. 多层级政府信任模式及影响因素分析. 当代世界社会主义问题, 2, 2018.
- [14] 黄晴 and 刘华兴. 治理术视阈下的社区治理与政府角色重构:英国社区治理经验与启示. 中国行政管理, 06, 2018.