Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
76. Dealloying behavior of rapidly solidified Al–Ag alloys to prepare nanoporous Ag in inorganic and organic acidic media
Tingting Song, Yulai Gao*, Zhonghua Zhang*, Qijie Zhai.
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13,7058-7067
75. Dealloying Ag–Al Alloy to Prepare Nanoporous Silver as a Substrate for Surface‐Enhanced Raman Scattering: Effects of Structural Evolution and Surface Modification
Qiu HJ, Zhang ZH, Huang XR*, Qu YB.
ChemPhysChem, 2011, 12, 2118-2123
74. On the vacancy-controlled dealloying of rapidly solidified Mg–Ag alloys
Hong Ji, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*.
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13 (15), 4846 - 4849
73. Formation of Nanoporous Gold by Chemical Dealloying of an AlAu Intermetallic Compound
Jikui Lin, Zhonghua Zhang*.
Advanced Materials Research 236-238 (2011) 2092-2096
72. Fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanoporous Cu/(Fe,Cu)3O4 composites with excellent electrical conductivity by one-step dealloying
Zhen Qi, Yuze Gong, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*.
J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 9716–9724
71. Fabrication of bi-modal nanoporous bimetallic Pt–Au alloy with excellent electrocatalytic performance towards formic acid oxidation
Junling Xu, Chi Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang, Hong Ji, Changchun Zhao, Yan Wang* and Zhonghua Zhang*.
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1914–1922
70. Novel nanocrystalline PdNi alloy catalyst for methanol and ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media
Zhen Qi, Haoran Geng, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Zhonghua Zhang*
Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 5823-5828
69. Length-Scale Modulated and Electrocatalytic Activity Enhanced Nanoporous Gold by Doping
Xiaoguang Wang, Jan Frenzel, Weimin Wang, Hong Ji, Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang* and Gunther Eggeler,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115(11) 4456-4465
68. Formation, control and functionalization of nanoporous silver through changing dealloying media and elemental doping
Hong Ji, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Zhonghua Zhang*.
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 2617-2628
67. Nanoporous bimetallic Pt–Au alloy nanocomposites with superior catalytic activity towards electro-oxidation of methanol and formic acid
Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang* and Xiaoguang Wang.
Nanoscale, 2011, 3 (4), 1663 - 1674
66. Effect of different annealing atmospheres on crystallization and corrosion resistance of Al86Ni9La5 amorphous alloy
Li GH, Wang WM*, Ma HJ, Li R, Zhang ZH, Niu YC, Qu DJ
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 125, 136-142
65. Correlation between pre-peak in structure factor and physical properties in Al-based amorphous alloys
Li R., Wang W.M.*, Ma H.J., Li G.H., Qin J.Y., Zhang Z.H., Tang X.W.
64. Isochronal and isothermal crystallization kinetics of amorphous Fe-based alloys
J.T. Zhang, W.M. Wang*, H.J. Ma, G.H. Li, R. Li, Z.H. Zhang
Thermochimica Acta 505 (2010) 41–46
63. Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on nanoporous copper and its potential applications
Huajun Qiu, Lu Lu, Xirong Huang*, Zhonghua Zhang, Yinbo Qu
CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 4059–4062
62. An ultrafine nanoporous bimetallic Ag–Pd alloy with superior catalytic activity
Hong Ji, Jan Frenzel, Zhen Qi, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Zhonghua Zhang,* and Gunther Eggeler
CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 4059–4062
61. Fabrication, microstructure and electrocatalytic property of novel nanoporous palladium composites
Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*.
J. Alloys Comp. 508 (2010) 463-470
60. On the electrochemical dealloying of Mg–Cu alloys in a NaCl aqueous solution
Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang *
Corros. Sci. 52 (2010) 3962-3972
59. Ancient technology/novel nanomaterials: casting titanium carbide nanowires
Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Jan Frenzel.
CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2835-2840
58. Effect of Ag or Pd additions on the microstructure, crystallization and thermal stability of Al–Ni–Ce amorphous alloys
Pengfeng Sha, Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*.
Intermetallics 18 (2010) 1699-1706
57. Electrochemical catalytic activities of nanoporous palladium rods for methanol electro-oxidation
Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*.
J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 6740–6747
56. On the electrochemical dealloying of Al-based alloys in a NaCl aqueous solution
Qian Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (2010) 1453–1472
55. Formation of ultrafine nanoporous gold related to surface diffusion of gold adatoms during dealloying of Al2Au in an alkaline solution
Zhonghua Zhang,* Yan Wang, Yingzi Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Hong Ji and Changchun Zhao
Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 137–140
54. High catalytic activity of ultrafine nanoporous palladium for electro-oxidation of methanol, ethanol, and formic acid
Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*
Electrochemistry Communications 11 (2009) 1896–1899
53. A benign route to fabricate nanoporous gold through electrochemical dealloying of Al–Au alloys in a neutral solution
Qian Zhang, XiaoguangWang, Zhen Qi, YanWang, Zhonghua Zhang*
Electrochim. Acta, 2009, 54, 6190-6198
52. Fabrication and characterization of monolithic nanoporous copper through chemical dealloying of Mg–Cu alloys
Changchun Zhao, Zhen Qi, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*
Corrosion Science, 2009, 51,2120-2125
51. Influence of Alloy Composition and Dealloying Solution on the Formation and Microstructure of Monolithic Nanoporous Silver through Chemical Dealloying of Al−Ag Alloys
Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Weimin Wang, and Zhonghua Zhang*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113,13139-13150
50. Generalized Fabrication of Nanoporous Metals (Au, Pd, Pt, Ag, and Cu) through Chemical Dealloying
Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Wenhua Zhang, Jingyu Qin, and Jan Frenzel.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113,12629-12636. IF 4.772
49. Fabrication and characterization of nanoporous gold composites through chemical dealloying of two phase Al–Au alloys
Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Christoph Somsen, Xiaoguang Wang and Changchun Zhao
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 6042-6050
48. Formation and Characterization of Monolithic Nanoporous Copper by Chemical Dealloying of Al−Cu Alloys
Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Jikui Lin, Wei Shao, Zhonghua Zhang*, and Xiufang Bian
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 6694-6698
47. Nanoporous Gold Ribbons with Bimodal Channel Size Distributions by Chemical Dealloying of Al-Au Alloys
Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Jikui Lin, and Xiufang Bian.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113 (4), pp 1308–1314
46. Alloy composition dependence of formation of porous Ni prepared by rapid solidification and chemical dealloying
Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*, Haoling Jia, Yingjie Qu, Guodong Liu, Xiufang Bian.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009) 71-78
45. Formation of nanocrystalline TiC from titanium and different carbon sources by mechanical alloying
Haoling Jia, Zhonghua Zhang*, Zhen Qi, Guodong Liu, Xiufang Bian.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009) 97-103