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个人信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
联系方式:(0531) 883 69786
Spring 2023, Jinan
Time and Place:
Wednesday 10:10-12:00, Math Building 204.
Basic Analytic Number Theory and Automorphic Forms.
This is a reading course. We plan to read the following chapters and papers in this semester.
[Iw02] Iwaniec, H. Spectral methods of automorphic forms. Second edition. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 53. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, Madrid, 2002. xii+220 pp. Chapters 11-13.
[CI00] Conrey, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. The cubic moment of central values of automorphic L-functions. Ann. of Math. (2) 151 (2000), no. 3, 1175–1216.
[PY20] Petrow, I.; Young, Matthew P. The Weyl bound for Dirichlet L-functions of cube-free conductor. Ann. of Math. (2) 192 (2020), no. 2, 437–486.
Date | Speaker | Title | References |
February 15 | Liangxun Li | The distribution of eigenvalues, I | [Iw02, Chap. 11] |
February 22 | Jinzhi Feng | The distribution of eigenvalues, II | [Iw02, Chap. 11] |
March 1 | Meijie Lu | Hyperbolic lattice point problems | [Iw02, Chap. 12] |
March 8 | Shu Luo | Spectral bounds for cusp forms | [Iw02, Chap. 13] |
March 15 | Bingrong Huang | Introduction | [CI00] |
March 22 | Liangxun Li | Automorphic forms and L-functions | [CI00] §2-7 |
March 29 | Liangxun Li | Estimation of the c ubic moments | [CI00] §9-10 |
April 5 | Qingming Festival | ||
April 12 | Liangxun Li | Separation of variables | [CI00] §8 |
April 19 | Liangxun Li | Bilinear forms | [CI00] §11-12 |
April 26 | Liangxun Li | Estimation of the character sums | [CI00] §13-14 |
May 03 | Labor Day | ||
May 10 | Shu Luo | Sect. 1 | [PY20] |
May 17 | Jinzhi Feng | Sect. 2-4 | [PY20] |
May 24 | Zhenyu Zhang | Sect. 5-8 | [PY20] |
May 31 | Shenghao Hua | Sect. 9 | [PY20] |
June 07 | Shenghao Hua | [PY20] | |
June 14 | Meijie Lu | |
Contact: Bingrong Huang (Email: brhuang@sdu.edu.cn; Office: Mingde Building C701)
Course homepage: https://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/brhuang/zh_CN/zdylm/1592228/list/index.htm