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Li, Shuangzhi. Two-Stage Channel Estimation in mmWave MIMO Systems with RIS Blockage. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 2024.
刘玉玺. Downlink performance analysis of distributed antenna systems. 2011.
邬磊. 基于时间敏感软件定义网络的工业互联网时延优化方案. Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering & Electronics, 45, 1-13, 2022.
Gao, Xiangchuan. Noncoherent multiuser massive SIMO with mixed differential and index modulation. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 228, 2024.
李文秘. Kalman-filter based hierarchical channel estimation for RIS-aided mmWave communication systems. PHYCOM: Physical Communicationis (Elsevier Journal), 66, 2024.
Wu, Meng. Delay Minimization for NOMA-Assisted Federated Learning. 2024.