Paper Publications
[1] Yue, Lei. Linking perceived ethical leadership to workplace cheating behavior: A moderated mediation model .... CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 42, 1-13, 2022.
[2] 郑元桢. “双碳”新格局下企业绿色技术创新对其ESG绩效的影响及其路径研究. 《技术经济》, 42, 64-77, 2023.
[3] Cai, Di. A relational identification perspective on why and when servant leadership foster employees' extr.... Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2022.
[4] 刘冰. To voice or not to voice? Employee caring practice, employee gratitude, and positive reciprocity .... International Journal of Hospitality Management, 103571, 2023.
[5] 门成昊. How abusive supervision climate affects team creativity: the contingent role of task interdepende.... EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2022.
[6] 门成昊. A relational identification perspective on why and when servant leadership foster employees’ ext.... Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2022.
[7] 门成昊. Who will pay for customers' fault? Workplace cheating behavior, interpersonal conflict and tradit.... Personnel Review, 2022.
[8] 门成昊. Knowledge-oriented leadership, team learning and team creativity: the roles of task interdependen.... Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2021.
[9] 门成昊. Protecting Nurses from Mistreatment by Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Roles of Emotiona.... international journal of environmental research and public health, 2021.
[10] 门成昊. The transmission mechanism of idea generation on idea implementation: team knowledge territoriali.... Journal of knowledge management, 2021.
[11] 蔡地. Mistreatment from patients and nurses’ career withdrawal intention: does political skill matter?. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2019.
[12] 门成昊. Ethical Leadership and Knowledge Hiding: A Moderated Mediation Model of Psychological Safety and .... Journal of Business Ethics, 2020.
[13] 门成昊. Translating External Knowledge to Team Creativity in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Absorpti.... JOURNAL OF CREATIVE BEHAVIOR, 2020.