Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
Yue, Lei. Linking perceived ethical leadership to workplace cheating behavior: A moderated mediation model of moral identity and leader-follower value congruence. CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 42, 1-13, 2024.
郑元桢. “双碳”新格局下企业绿色技术创新对其ESG绩效的影响及其路径研究. 《技术经济》, 42, 64-77, 2024.
Cai, Di. A relational identification perspective on why and when servant leadership foster employees' extra-role customer service. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2023.
刘冰. To voice or not to voice? Employee caring practice, employee gratitude, and positive reciprocity norm in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 103571, 2023.
门成昊. How abusive supervision climate affects team creativity: the contingent role of task interdependence. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2022.
门成昊. A relational identification perspective on why and when servant leadership foster employees’ extra-role customer service. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2022.
门成昊. Who will pay for customers' fault? Workplace cheating behavior, interpersonal conflict and traditionality. Personnel Review, 2022.
门成昊. Knowledge-oriented leadership, team learning and team creativity: the roles of task interdependence and task complexity. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2021.
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Published Books
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Research Projects
驱动企业双元绿色创新的社会责任型人力资源管理机制与对策研究, 2023-09-22-2028-09-01
不愧下学,不耻下问:中国管理者主动向下寻求反馈研究, 2023-08-24-2027-12-31
山东省区域(16市)人才发展指数构建研究, 2021-11-01-2022-11-30
突出能力水平和业绩贡献导向的高层次人才测评体系研究, 2021-12-27-2022-12-31
(包干项目)组织反馈环境对大学生新员工主动社会化行为的影响:基于新一代信息技术产业的实证研究, 2021-12-23-2024-12-31
(包干项目)威权抑或包容:互联网企业中关系型领导对90后新一代员工敬业度的影响研究, 2020-12-12-2023-12-31
平台型组织创新能力研究:基于柔性人力资源管理的视角, 2020-09-18-2024-12-31
时间型领导对创造力的多层次及双刃剑效应研究, 2020-03-20-2022-12-01
Research Team
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