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Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning With Adaptive Intrinsic Curiosity and Universal Value Network Fitting for Robotic Manipulation
Affiliation of Author(s):机电与信息工程学院
Journal:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Abstract:Hindsight experience replay (HER) has greatly
increased the possibility of using deep reinforcement learn
ing (DRL) for robotic manipulation with sparse rewards.
However, there are still concerns about low learning effi
ciency and poor performance due to its insufficient explo
ration ability and bias against the initial goal introduced
by HER. In this article, to solve this problem, a multigoal
robotic manipulation DRL method based on adaptive in
trinsic curiosity and universal value network fitting (AIC
and learning performance. Specifically, this method utilizes
an improved curiosity mechanism to construct a joint in
trinsic reward and adaptively adjust the proportion, which
canenhanceexplorationability and avoid excessivepursuit
of novel states. In addition, a universal value network fitting
approach is proposed to incorporate the initial goal into
the value function fitting process, which employs the value
of the initial goal to eliminate the bias of HER in the algo
rithm update. Combined with the off-policy soft actor-critic
method, AIC-UVNF is verified on multigoal robotic manip
ulation tasks. The results show that the proposed method
achieves better convergence efficiency and learning perfor
All the Authors:Qiangyang Xu,Bao Pang,Rui Song,Yibin Li
First Author:Zihao Sun
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Xianfeng Yuan,Yong Song*
Document Code:1747462659626520577
Page Number:12-27
Number of Words:10
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2024-12-01
Included Journals:SCI