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- 丁燕萍. Stair Phase Coding Method Based on Arc Cosine with only Four Patterns. 2024.
- 刘同川. Improved differential 3D shape retrieval. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 73, 143, 2024.
- 杜光亮. Iterative two-step temporal phase-unwrapping applied to high sensitivity three-dimensional profilometry. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 79, 22, 2024.
- 齐兴阳. Absolute phase measurement method based on bidirectional coding patterns. APPLIED OPTICS Journal, 2024.
- 王屹潇. UHRNet: a deep learning-based method for accurate 3D reconstruction from asingle fringe-pattern. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 2024.
- 王屹潇. Unsupervised CNN-based DIC method for 2D displacement measurement. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024.
- 王屹潇. Digital image-correlation for 2D displacement measurement based on unsupervised neural network. 2023.
- 齐兴阳. Novel absolute phase measurement method with few-patterns. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 154, 2023.
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