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    University of Bayreuth
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  • 2009-10 — 2014-10
    University of Bayreuth
  • 2006-9 — 2009-6
  • 2001-9 — 2006-7
  • 2022-09-至今
  • 2019-09 — 2022-08
  • 2015-03 — 2019-08
  • 2016-09-至今






1.  王涛. Size-unlimited sapphire single-crystal fiber growth and the anisotropic & size-dependent mechanical and thermometry performance.  CrystEngComm,  2024. 

2.  张娜. Yb,Er,Tm:Sc2O3 single crystal fibers for multi-mode optical thermometry.  Ceramics International,  50,  36137, 2024. 

3.  张娜. High-sensitivity ratiometric thermometers of Yb3+/Er3+/Tm3+ co-doped LuScO3 single crystal fibers based on non-thermally coupled energy levels.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ,  2024. 

4.  马晓斐. Graphene oxide saturable absorber for a 1.03 μm passively Q-switched single crystal fiber pulsed laser.  Optics Communications,  542,  2023. 

5.  郭晓杰. Lone-pair Electrons Enhancement Effect: SnTe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8</sub> Hard X-ray Detection with Stable High-temperature Sensitivity and Ultralow Detection Limit.  Advanced functional materials,  33,  2023. 

6.  吕俊爱. Shedding light on intrinsic characteristics and optical properties of novel selenite and tellurite crystals ZrSe2O6, HfSe2O6 and HfTe3O8.  CrystEngComm,  25,  1675, 2023. 

7.  张明记. Growth and spectroscopic properties investigation of Er:LuYAG and Er/ Eu:LuYAG single crystal fibers used in mid-infrared lasers.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ,  2023. 

8.  荣婉玲. Crystal growth and thermal properties of a LiY(MoO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> crystal.  CRYSTENGCOMM,  25,  490, 2023. 

9.  刘文娇. 微下拉法生长Tb3AlxGa5-xO12磁光晶体及性能表征.  《人工晶体学报》,  52,  8, 2023. 

10.  尹芳艺. Transparent lead-free ferroelectric (K, Na)NbO3 single crystal with giant second harmonic generation and wide mid-infrared transparency window.  Advanced Optical Materials,  10,  2201721, 2022. 

11.  李雪松. Ambient-stable MXene with superior performance suitable for widespread applications.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  2022. 

12.  张健. Broadband BiOCl Nonlinear Saturable Absorber for Watt-Level Passively Q-Switched Yb:LuAG Single Crystal Fiber Laser.  Advanced Optical Materials,  2022. 

13.  辛显辉. Tb3Al3Ga2O12: A Novel Visible–Infrared Faraday Crystal Exhibiting a Superior Magneto-Optical Performance.  CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN,  22,  5535, 2022. 

14.  张彩云. Growth of bulk BiOBr single crystals for the characterization of intrinsic semi-conductive properties and application in ultraviolet photodetectors.  JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,  10,  10330-10337, 2022. 

15.  王思媛. Anisotropic bubble defects and stress distribution in LuAG single-crystal fibers grown by the laser-heated pedestal growth method.  CRYSTENGCOMM,  2022. 

16.  王楠. Preparation of ultrafine flexible alumina fiber for heat insulation by the electrospinning method.  Ceramics International,  48,  19460-19466, 2022. 

17.  张娜. Dy3+掺杂Lu2O3和Y2O3单晶光纤下转换荧光测温性能.  发光学报,  2022. 

18.  王思媛. Sensitive Ho3+,Yb3+ co-doped mixed sesquioxide single crystal fibers thermometry based on upconversion luminescence.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ,  891,  2022. 

19.  马晓斐. Yb:LuAG 单晶光纤的连续及脉冲激光性能.  发光学报,  43,  42, 2022. 

20.  张娜. Exploring promising up-conversion luminescence single crystal fiber in sesquioxide family for high temperature optical thermometry application.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ,  2021. 

21.  王涛. 单晶光纤制备及高温传感器研究进展.  《人工晶体学报》,  2021. 

22.  王涛. Design and Directional Growth of (Mg1-xZnx)(Al1-yCry)(2)O-4 Single-Crystal Fibers for High-Sensitivity and High-Temperature Sensing Based on Lattice Doping Engineering and Acoustic Anisotropy.  Advanced functional materials,  2021. 

23.  张娜. Exploring promising up-conversion luminescence single crystal fiber in sesquioxide family for high temperature optical thermometry application.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,  161348, 2021. 

24.  谢永帅. Effects of the atmosphere on the high tensile strength and robust flexibility of Lu2O3 fibrous membrane.  CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL Journal,  47,  8382, 2021. 

25.  张娜. Optimized growth of high length-to-diameter ratio Lu2O3 single crystal fibers by the LHPG method.  CRYSTENGCOMM,  23,  1657, 2021. 

26.  王安叶. Optimized Growth and Laser Application of Yb:LuAG Single-Crystal Fibers by Micro-Pulling-Down Technique.  CRYSTALS,  11,  2021. 

27.  武文丽. Aerobic oxidation of toluene and benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde using a visible light-responsive titanium-oxide cluster.  Chemical Engineering Journal,  404,  2021. 

28.  尹延如. Controllable and directional growth of Er:Lu2O3 single crystals by the edge-defined film-fed technique.  CrystEng Comm,  22,  6569, 2020. 

29.  王涛. Antioxidation and High-Resolution Ultrasonic Temperature Sensor Based on Cr3+:MgAl2O4Single Crystal Fiber.  CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN,  20,  6763-6768, 2020. 

30.  李阳. Yb: CaYAl3O7 crystal: a promising candidate for an ultrashort pulse laser with a disordered structure.  optical material express,  1999, 2020. 

31.  李阳. Nd doped CaYAl3O7: exploration and laser performance of a novel disordered laser crystal.  CrystEngComm,  22,  4723, 2020. 

32.  尹延如. Effects of gallium substitution on crystal growth and properties of gehlenite single crystal.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS ,  823,  2020. 

33.  刘维铭. Effects of organic ammonium cations on the isolation of {Ti-4} cyclic clusters from water: an O-17 NMR study.  DaltonTrans,  49,  5957, 2020. 

34.  张娜. Cracking mechanism and spectral properties of Er,Yb:CaGdAlO4 crystals grown by the LHPG method.  CrystEng Comm,  22,  955, 2020. 

35.  王梦霞. Broadband CrOCl Saturable Absorber with a Spectral Region Extension to 10.6 mu m.  Advanced Optical Materials,  8,  2020. 

36.  贾志泰 , 穆文祥 , 陶绪堂  and 尹延如. Effects of gallium substitution on crystal growth and properties of gehlenite single crystal.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,  2020. 

37.  Tang, Hu. Boron-Rich Molybdenum Boride with Unusual Short-Range Vacancy Ordering, Anisotropic Hardness, and Superconductivity.  Chemistry of Materials,  32,  459, 2020. 

38.  武柏屹. Factors influencing optical uniformity of YAG single-crystal fiber grown by micro-pulling-down technology.  CrystEng Comm,  21,  6929, 2019. 

39.  王涛. Single Crystal Fibers: Diversified Functional Crystal Material.  ADVANCED FIBER MATERIALS,  1,  163-187, 2019. 

40.  谢永帅. Preparation, mechanical properties, and diffuse reflectance of YAG continuous fibers and nanofibers.  Ceramics International,  21213, 2019. 

41.  张健 , 朱陆益 , 王新强 , 张光辉 , 贾志泰  and 谢永帅. Preparation, mechanical properties, and diffuse reflectance of YAG continuous fibers and nanofibers.  Ceramics International,  45,  21213, 2019. 

42.  夏盛清 , 张健 , 刘阳 , 胡小波 , 王蕾 , 陈召来 , 陶绪堂  and 蒋晓妹. Exploring Organic Metal Halides with Reversible Temperature-Responsive Dual-Emissive Photoluminescence.  ChemSusChem,  2019. 

43.  张健 , 贾志泰 , 陶绪堂  and 王涛. The characteristics of high-quality Yb: YAG single crystal fibers grown by a LHPG method and the effects of their discoloration.  RSC Advances,  2019. 

44.  胡强强 , 贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 穆文祥 , 张健  and 陶绪堂. Crystal growth, thermal and optical properties of TSLAG magneto-optical crystals.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,  2019. 

45.  穆文祥 , 贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 张健  and 陶绪堂. Solid-liquid interface optimization and properties of ultra-wide bandgap beta-Ga2O3 grown by Czochralski and EFG methods.  CrystalEngComm,  21,  2762, 2019. 

46.  贾志泰 , 穆文祥 , 尹延如 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 付博. A review of β-Ga2O3 single crystal defects, their effects on device performance and their formation mechanism.  Journal of Semiconductors,  2019. 

47.  贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 穆文祥. Solid–liquid interface optimization and properties of ultra-wide bandgap β-Ga2O3 grown by Czochralski and EFG methods.  CrystEngComm1,  2762, 2019. 

48.  张健 , 胡强强 , 穆文祥 , 尹延如 , 贾志泰  and 车智江. Investigation of Y2.1Er0.9(ScxGa1-x)(5)O-12 Matrix Components on the Spectral Properties around 3.0 mu m by Micro-Pulling-Down Method.  Crystals,  9,  2019. 

49.  穆文祥 , 尹延如 , 张健 , 张百涛 , 何京良 , 贾志泰 , 陶绪堂  and 胡强强. Bulk growth and an efficient mid-IR laser of high-quality Er:YSGG crystals.  CrystalEngComm,  21,  1928, 2019. 

50.  穆文祥. Solid-liquid interface optimization and properties of ultra-wide bandgap β-Ga2O3 grown by Czochralski and EFG methods.  CrystEngComm,  21,  2762-2767, 2019. 

51.  张健 , 王一峰  and 孙青. Aqueous Isolation of 17-Nuclear Zr/Hf Oxide Clusters during the Hydrothermal Synthesis of ZrO2/HfO2.  Chemistry-A European Journal,  24,  14701, 2018. 

52.  贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 胡强强 , 张健 , 于晓强 , 陶绪堂  and 李阳. Optimizing growth, structure, and elastic-electrical properties of acentric melilite CaYAl3O7 crystal.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,  748,  57, 2018. 

53.  穆文祥 , 陶绪堂 , 贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 胡强强 , 李阳  and 张健. Ti-Doped beta-Ga2O3: A Promising Material for Ultrafast and Tunable Lasers.  Crystal growth & Design,  18,  3037, 2018. 

54.  张健 , 张百涛 , 何京良 , 贾志泰 , 陶绪堂  and 李延彬. Highly efficient actively Q-switched Yb:LGGG laser generating 3.26 mJ of pulse energy.  Optical Materials,  79,  33, 2018. 

55.  李阳. Optimizing growth, structure, and elastic-electrical properties of acentric melilite CaYAl3O7 crystals.  Journal of Alloy and Compounds,  748,  57, 2018. 

56.  胡强强 , 贾志泰 , 张健  and 陶绪堂. Crystal growth and optimization of Pr:CaGdAlO4 by the flux-Czochralski method.  CrystEngComm,  20,  590, 2018. 

57.  李阳. Temperature dependence of the thermal, electrical resistivity, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of CaYAl3O7 crystals.  CRYSTALS,  8,  1, 2018. 

58.  张百涛 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 王慈. An ab initio investigation of phosphorene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures with defects for high performance photovoltaic applications.  Applied surface science,  423,  1003, 2017. 

59.  尹延如 , 张健 , 张百涛 , 贾志泰 , 何京良  and 陶绪堂. Development of longer Nd:LGGG crystal for high power laser application.  Journal of crystal growth,  478,  28, 2017. 

60.  贾志泰 , 尹延如 , 胡强强 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 穆文祥. One-step exfoliation of ultra-smooth beta-Ga2O3 wafers from bulk crystal for photodetectors.  CrystEngComm,  19,  5122, 2017. 

61.  贾志泰 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 穆文祥. High quality crystal growth and anisotropic physical characterization of beta-Ga2O3 single crystals grown by EFG method.  JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,  714,  453, 2017. 

62.  赵显 , 王正平 , 陶绪堂 , 林娜 , 张健 , 贾志泰 , 高泽亮  and 穆文祥. An extended application of beta-Ga2O3 single crystals to the laser field: Cr4+:beta-Ga2O3 utilized as a new promising saturable absorber.  RSC advances,  7,  21815, 2017. 

63.  张健 , 陶绪堂 , 于童童 Flux growth and characterization of an FeSi4P4 single crystal.  RSC advances,  7,  47938, 2017. 

64.  穆文祥 , 尹延如 , 张健 , 陶绪堂  and 贾志泰. 导模法生长高质量氧化镓单晶的研究.  《人工晶体学报》,  46,  193, 2017. 

65.  张健 , 林娜 , 王正平 , 赵显 , 陶绪堂 , 贾志泰 , 高泽亮  and 穆文祥. An extended application of beta-Ga2O3 single crystals to the laser field: Cr4+:beta-Ga2O3 utilized as a new promising saturable absorber.  RSC advances,  7,  21815, 2017. 

66.  张健 , 陶绪堂  and 于童童. Flux growth and characterization of an FeSi4P4 single crystal.  RSC advances,  7,  47938, 2017. 

67.  张健 , 陶绪堂  and 王慈. Intrinsic defects and their effects on the optical properties in the nonlinear optical crystal CdSiP2: a first-principles study.  Physical chemistry chemical physics,  19,  9558, 2017. 

68.  贾志泰 , 林娜 , 张健 , 王善朋 , 赵显 , 陶绪堂  and 胡强强. The origin of coloration of CaGdAlO4 crystals and its effect on their physical properties.  CrystEngComm,  19,  537, 2017. 

69.  张健 , 贾志泰 , 穆文祥 , 高泽亮 , 陶绪堂  and 尹延如. Mechanism of Surface Cracking in a Ca12Al14O33 Crystal during the Cooling Process.  CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN,  2016. 

70.  张健. Transformation between spin-Peierls and incommensurate fluctuating phases of Sc-doped TiOCl.  Physical review B,  2014. 

71.  陶绪堂 , 贾志泰 , 高泽亮 , 张健  and 原东升. Bulk growth, structure, and characterization of the new monoclinic TbCa4O(BO3)3 crystal?.  CrystEngComm,  2014. 

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