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    Postgraduate (Doctoral)
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    Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
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Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics;
Honors and Titles:

2018    山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”;

钱凯,山东大学集成电路学院,教授、博士生导师、齐鲁青年学者,学院学术/学位/教学委员会委员,曾担任学院副院长、研究室主任、党支部书记等职务,从事智能柔性“感-存-算一体化”电子器件研究,主要包括忆阻器 (RRAM) 存储/类脑神经芯片、透明可穿戴电极、医疗健康监测及组织修复传感器等。在本领域权威期刊发表多篇SCI研究论文,包括Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science等期刊受邀担任十余个相关领域期刊审稿人。


2013.8-2017.8:博士,材料科学与工程&电气与电子工程学院,新加坡南洋理工大学,导师:Prof. Lee Pooi SeeAssoc. Prof. Chen Tupei






2017.11-2018.12:博士后,新加坡南洋理工大学,合作教授:Prof. Lee Pooi See














[1] 深圳市基础研究专项(自然科学基金)面上项目,主持;        [2]国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持;

[3]安徽工业技术创新研究院六安院-创新创业团队培育项目,主持; [4]江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,主持;

[5]广东省自然科学基金面上项目,主持;                        [6]山东省自然科学基金-青年项目,主持;

[7]广东省自然科学基金-青年项目,主持;                       [8]山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”经费,主持;

[9]晶体材料国家重点实验室开放课题,主持;                    [10]晶体材料国家重点实验室自由探索项目,参与;

[11]深圳市基础研究专项(自然科学基金)面上项目,参与;       [12]晶体材料国家重点实验室人才项目,参与;

[13]新加坡科技研究局(A*Star Science and Engineering Research Council),"Center of excellence for Silicon Technologies-Tunnel junction resistive memory and logic integrated 3D IC",参与;

[14] 新加坡国家基础研究项目(National Research Foundation, Competitive Research Program NRF-CRP),"Next generation high performance transparent conductors for flexible interactive touch devices",参与;

[15] 国家863 计划项目-基于电信号的食品安全快速检测生物免疫纳米传感器研制,参与;





[28] Xin Sun,#  Ziyi Dai,#* Zijie Zhang,# Xiaoli Fan, He Zhu, Rong Cai,* Kai Qian*, A self-cleaning intraoral flex-occlusometer based on superhydrophobic capacitive sensors for dental health monitoring, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, Accepted.


[27] Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Jikai Yao, Ziyi Dai, Rong Cai,* Kai Qian*, Flexible transparent Ag NW micromesh electrode with enhanced electrical and thermal properties for multifunctional smart panel applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4TC00589A.


[26] Jianwen Liu, Zhicheng Qiu, Hao Kan,* Tao Guan, Changyang Zhou, Kai Qian,* Cong Wang,* Yang Li,* Incorporating Machine Learning Strategies to Smart Gloves Enabled by Dual-Network Hydrogels for Multitask Control and User Identification, ACS Sensors, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.3c02609.


[25] Yimeng Xu#, Xu Han#, Weidong Xu, Caiyang Ye, Ziyi Dai, Xianjin Feng, Kai Qian*Neuromorphic memristor based on amorphous InAlZnO film for synaptic behavior simulation, Applied Physics Letters2023, 123, 253503.


[24] Xin Sun#, Minghui Yin#, Ruixue Xu#, Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Qikai Guo, Yang Li, Chao Li,* Yan Li,* Kai Qian *Intrinsically stretchable porous liquid-metal conductor for multifunctional electronics application, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/d3tc03531j. 


[23] Caiyang Ye#, Yimeng Xu#, Yang Li, Kai Qian*, In Situ Observation of Indium Filament Growth Dynamics in ITO Electrode-Based Memristor, Applied Physics Letters2023, 123, 153905.


[22] Jing Xu, Xin Sun, Bowen Sun, He Zhu, Xiaoli Fan, Qikai Guo, Yang Li,* Zede Zhu, Kai Qian*, Stretchable, Adhesive, and Bioinspired Visual Electronic Skin with Strain/Temperature/Pressure Multimodal Noninterference Sensing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 33774–33783.


[21] Jiaxin Yang, Wang Hong, Jizheng Zhang, Ming Liu, Zhiwei Fu, Yifei Zhang, Qinglei Guo, Yan Li, Rong Cai, Kai Qian*, Wearable, Biodegradable, and Antibacterial Multifunctional Ti3C2Tx MXene/Cellulose Paper for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Passive and Active Dual-thermal Management, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2023, 15, 23653−23661.


[20] Yimeng Xu,# Jie Zhang,# Xu Han, Xiaojie Wang, Caiyang Ye, Wenxiang Mu,* Zhitai Jia,  Kai Qian*, Squeeze-Printing Ultrathin 2D Gallium Oxide out of Liquid Metal for Forming-Free Neuromorphic Memristor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2023, 15, 25831−25837.


[19] Bowen Sun, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Zhiwei Fu, Shouguo Zheng, Zede Zhu, Rong Cai, Kai Qian*, Universal assembly of ordered Ag nanowires micromesh conductor on arbitrary substrates by manipulating the contact angle, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2023, 11, 6440–6451.


[18] Xu Han, Yimeng Xu, Bowen Sun, Ruixue Xu, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Jingjing Chang*, Kai Qian*, Highly Transparent Flexible Artificial Nociceptor Based on Forming-free ITO Memristor, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 120, 094103.


[17] He Zhu,Jing Xu, Xin Sun, Qikai Guo, Qinglei Guo, Mingshun Jiang, Kejun Wu, Rong Cai,* Kai Qian*, Wearable, fast healable, and self-adhesive multifunctional photoactive hydrogel for strain and temperature sensor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2022, 10, 23366-23374.


[16] Ruixue Xu, Bowen Sun, Xu Han, Wang Hong, Jing Xu, He Zhu, Zhiwei Fu, Yimeng Xu, Xin Sun, Kai Qian*, High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrical Heater Based on a Robust Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromesh Conductor, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2022, 4, 1776–1783.


[15] Wang Hong, Bowen Sun, Zhaolin Li, Zhiwei Fu, Jiawei Zhang, Mingshun Jiang, Yang Zhang, Yan Li, Yifei Zhang, Kai Qian*, Biodegradable, Flexible Transparent Ordered Ag NWs Micromesh Conductor for Electrical Heater and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applications, ACS Applied Electronic Materials2022, 4, 5446–5455.


[14] Bowen Sun, Ruixue Xu, Xu Han, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Yimeng Xu, Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Jiangxin Wang, Peng Cui, Jingjing Chang*, Jiaqing Xiong*, Kai Qian*, Ultra-high temperature tolerant flexible transparent electrode with embedded silver nanowires bundle micromesh for electrical heater, npj Flexible Electronics, 2022, 6, 48.


[13] Jing Xu, Jiaxin Liu, Bowen Sun, Yihan Guo, Ruixue Xu, Xu Han, Wang Hong, Yimeng Xu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Zhiwei Fu, Jiaqing Xiong, Jifang Tao, Kai Qian*, Detection Range Enhancement of Stretchable Ultrasensitive Crack-Based Strain Sensor with Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromeshes for Human Epidermis Monitoring,Advanced Engineering Materials2022, 2200440.


[12] Xu Han#, Ruixue Xu#, Bowen Sun#, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Guofa Cai,* Kai Qian*, Conductive Silver Grid Electrode for Flexible and Transparent Memristor Applications, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2021, 7, 2000948.


[11] Xu Han, Bowen Sun, Ruixue Xu, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Kai Qian*, Research Progress on Resistance Switching Mechanism of Transparent Memristor Based on Indium Tin Oxide Electrode, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 37(4), 577-591.


[10] Kai Qian, Xu Han, Huakai Li, Tupei Chen, and Pooi See Lee*, Uncovering the Indium Filament Revolution in Transparent Bipolar ITO/SiOx/ITO Resistive Switching Memories, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 4579−4585.


[9] Bowen Sun#, Xu Han#, Ruixue Xu#, Kai Qian*, Uncovering the Indium Filament Formation and Dissolution in Transparent ITO/SiNx/ITO Resistive Random Access Memory, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2020, 2, 1603−1608.


[8] Kai Qian, Roland Yingjie Tay, Jingwei Chen, Huakai Li, Jinjun Lin, Jiangxin Wang, Guofa Cai, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Edwin Hang Tong Teo, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. Direct Observation of Indium Conductive Filaments in Transparent Flexible, and Transferable Resistive Switching Memory, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 1712.


[7] Kai Qian, Roland Yingjie Tay, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Jiangxin Wang, Guofa Cai, Tupei Chen, Edwin Hang Tong Teo, Pooi See Lee*. Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Film for Flexible Resistive Memory Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 2176.


[6] Kai Qian, Guofa Cai, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. Direct Observation of Conducting Filaments in Tungsten Oxide Based Transparent Resistive Switching Memory, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 27885.


[5] Kai Qian, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. Amorphous-Si-Based Resistive Switching Memories with Highly Reduced Electroforming Voltage and Enlarged Memory Window, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2016, 2, 1500370.


[4] Kai Qian, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*, Novel Concepts in Functional Resistive Switching Memories, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 9637. 


[3] Kai Qian, Liangbao Yang*, Zhiyuan Li, Jinhuai Liu*, A new-type dynamic SERS method for ultrasensitive detection, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2013, 44, 21.

[2] Kai Qian, Honglin Liu, Liangbao Yang*, Jinhuai Liu*, Designing and fabricating of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate with high density hot spots by polyaniline template-assisted self-assembly, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 6449.

[1] Kai Qian, Honglin Liu, Liangbao Yang*, Jinhuai Liu*, Functionalized shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for selective detection of trinitrotoluene, Analyst, 2012, 137, 4644.


课题组常年招聘研究助理与博士后,每年计划招收1-2名博士研究生,2-3名硕士研究生,欢迎具有微电子、物理、材料、化学等相关背景的同学加入。课题组与新加坡南洋理工大学、新加坡国立大学、中国科学院大学、中国科学技术大学、香港科技大学、澳门大学、电子科技大学、西安电子科技大学等国内外顶尖高校/科研院所合作,可推荐优秀学生联合培养或进一步深造,有意者请将个人简历发送至email: kaiqian@sdu.edu.cn,同时期待与相关领域的高校/研究院所课题组及公司开展合作研究。


Research direction

No contents


1. Kai Qian, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. “Novel Concepts in Functional Resistive Switching Memories”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 9637.

2. Guofa Cai, Jiangxin Wang, Meng-Fang Lin, Jingwei Chen, Mengqi Cui, Kai Qian, Shaohui Li, Peng Cui, Pooi See Lee , “A semitransparent snake-like tactile and olfactory bionic sensor with reversibly stretchable properties”, NPG Asia Materials, 2017, 9, e437.

3. Kai Qian, Honglin Liu, Liangbao Yang*, Jinhuai Liu*. “Functionalized shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for selective detection of trinitrotoluene”, Analyst, 2012, 137, 4644.

4. Benlin Hu, Chengyuan Wang, Jing Zhang, Kai Qian, Pooi See Lee, Qichun Zhang, “Organic memory effect from donor–acceptor polymers based on 7-perfluorophenyl-6 H-[1, 2, 5] thiadiazole [3, 4-g] benzoimidazole”, RSC Advances,2015,5, 77122-77129.

5. Jiaqing Xiong, Shaohui Li, Yiyang Ye, Jangxin Wang, Kai Qian, Peng Cui, Dace Gao, Meng-Fang Lin, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee, “Deformable and Highly Robust Ethyl Cellulose Transparent Conductor with Scalable Silver Nanowires Bundle Micromesh”, Advanced Materials, 2018, 1802803.

6. He Zhu, Jing Xu, Xin Sun, Qikai Guo, Qinglei Guo, Mingshun Jiang, Kejun Wu, Rong Cai* and Kai Qian*, Wearable, fast-healing, and self-adhesive multifunctional photoactive hydrogel for strain and temperature sensing, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/d2ta06072h

7. Jing Xu,Jiaxin Liu,Bowen Sun,Yihan Guo,Ruixue Xu,Xu Han,Wang Hong,Yimeng Xu,He Zhu,Xin Sun,Zhiwei Fu,Jiaqing Xiong,Jifang Tao,Kai Qian*, Detection Range Enhancement of Stretchable Ultrasensitive Crack-Based Strain Sensor with Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromeshes for Human Epidermis Monitoring,Adv. Eng. Mater. 2022, 2200440

8. Kai Qian, Honglin Liu, Liangbao Yang*, Jinhuai Liu*. “Designing and fabricating of surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate with high density hot spots by polyaniline template-assisted self-assembly”, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 6449.

9. Bowen Sun, Xu Han, Ruixue Xu, Kai Qian*, "Uncovering the Indium Filament Formation and Dissolution in Transparent ITO/SiNx/ITO Resistive Random Access Memory",ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2, 1603−1608

10. Xu Han, Yimeng Xu, Bowen Sun, Ruixue Xu, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Jingjing Chang*, and Kai Qian*, Highly transparent flexible artificial nociceptor based on forming-free ITO memristor,Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 094103 (2022).

11. Kai Qian, Roland Yingjie Tay, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Jiangxin Wang, Guofa Cai, Tupei Chen, Edwin Hang Tong Teo, Pooi See Lee*. “Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Film for Flexible Resistive Memory Applications” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 2176.

12. Bowen Sun, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Zhiwei Fu, Shouguo Zheng, Zede Zhu, Rong Cai and Kai Qian*,Universal assembly of ordered Ag nanowire micromesh conductors on arbitrary substrates by manipulating the contact angle,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 6440–6451.

13. Bowen Sun, Ruixue Xu, Xu Han, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Yimeng Xu, Zhiwei Fu, He Zhu, Xin Sun, Jiangxin Wang, Peng Cui, Jingjing Chang*, Jiaqing Xiong*, Kai Qian*, Ultra-high temperature tolerant flexible transparent electrode with embedded silver nanowires bundle micromesh for electrical heater, npj Flexible Electronics (2022) 48

14. Wang Hong, Bowen Sun, Zhaolin Li, Zhiwei Fu, Jiawei Zhang, Mingshun Jiang, Yang Zhang, Yan Li, Yifei Zhang, and Kai Qian*, Biodegradable, Flexible Transparent Ordered Ag NWs Micromesh Conductor for Electrical Heater and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Applications, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.2c01109

15. Ruixue Xu, Bowen Sun, Xu Han, Wang Hong, Jing Xu, He Zhu, Zhiwei Fu, Yimeng Xu, Xin Sun, and Kai Qian*, High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrical Heater Based on a Robust Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromesh Conductor,ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2022, 4, 4, 1776–1783

16. Kai Qian, Guofa Cai, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. “Direct Observation of Conducting Filaments in Tungsten Oxide Based Transparent Resistive Switching Memory”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 27885.

17. Guofa Cai, Jiangxin Wang, Kai Qian, Jingwei Chen, Shaohui Li, Pooi See Lee, “Extremely Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Conductive Self‐Healing Dynamic Cross‐Links Hydrogels for Human‐Motion Detection”, Advanced Science,2017, 4,1600190.

18. Xu HAN, Bo-wen SUN, Rui-xue XU, Jing XU, Wang HONG, Kai QIAN*, Research Progress on Resistance Switching Mechanism of Transparent Memristor Based on Indium Tin Oxide Electrode, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 37(4): 577-591

19. Guofa Cai, Mengqi Cui, Vipin Kumar, Peter Darmawan, Jiangxin Wang, Xu Wang, Alice Lee-Sie Eh, Kai Qian, Pooi See Lee , “Ultra-large optical modulation of electrochromic porous WO3 film and the local monitoring of redox activity”, Chemical Science, 2016, 7, 1373-1382.

20. Xu Han, Ruixue Xu, Bowen Sun, Jing Xu, Wang Hong, Guofa Cai,* and Kai Qian*,"Conductive Silver Grid Electrode for Flexible and Transparent Memristor Applications",Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 7,2000948

21. Kai Qian, Liangbao Yang*, Zhiyuan Li, Jinhuai Liu*. “A new-type dynamic SERS method for ultrasensitive detection”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 2013, 44, 21.

22. Kai Qian, Roland Yingjie Tay, Jingwei Chen, Huakai Li, Jinjun Lin, Jiangxin Wang, Guofa Cai, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Edwin Hang Tong Teo, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. “Direct Observation of Indium Conductive Filaments in Transparent Flexible, and Transferable Resistive Switching Memory”, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 1712.

23. Jinyun Liu, Fanli Meng,Yu Zhong, Jinhuai Liu, Guangyu Chen, Yuteng Wan, Kai Qian, Sitaramanjaneya Mouli T.,“ Assembly, formation mechanism, and enhanced gas-sensing properties of porous and hierarchical SnO2 hollow nanostructures” Journal of Materials Research, 2010, 25, 10, 1992-2000.

24. Jinyun Liu, Tao Luo, Fanli Meng, Kai Qian, Yuteng Wan, Jinhuai Liu, “Porous hierarchical In2O3 micro-/nanostructures: preparation, formation mechanism, and their application in gas sensors for noxious volatile organic compound detection”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 4887-4894

25. 孙博文,钱凯*,王卿璞,“柔性忆阻器研究进展”,微纳电子与智能制造,2019, 1, 4

26. Kai Qian, Xu Han, Huakai Li, Tupei Chen, and Pooi See Lee*, "Uncovering the Indium Filament Revolution in Transparent Bipolar ITO/SiOx/ITO Resistive Switching Memories",ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 4579−4585.

27. Jingwei Chen, Shaohui Li, Kai Qian, Pooi See Lee, “NiMn layered double hydroxides derived multiphase Mn-doped Ni sulfides with reduced graphene oxide composites as anode materials with superior cycling stability for sodium ion batteries”, Materials Today Energy, 2018, 9, 74.

28. Guofa Cai, Jiangxin Wang, Alice Lee-Sie Eh, Jingwei Chen, Kai Qian, Jiaqing Xiong, Gurunathan Thangavel, Pooi See Lee*, “Diphylleia grayi-Inspired Stretchable Hydrochromics with Large Optical Modulation in the Visible–Near-Infrared Region”, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10(43), 37685-37693.

29. Kai Qian, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Tupei Chen, Pooi See Lee*. “Amorphous-Si-Based Resistive Switching Memories with Highly Reduced Electroforming Voltage and Enlarged Memory Window” Adv. Electron. Mater. 2016, 2, 1500370.

30. Benlin Hu, Chengyuan Wang, Jing Zhang, Kai Qian, Wangqiao Chen, Pooi See Lee, Qichun Zhang, “Water-soluble conjugated polymers as active elements for organic nonvolatile memories”, RSC Advances, 2015,5, 30542-30548.

31. Dongyue Lin, Honglin Liu, Kai Qian, Xia Zhou, Liangbao Yang, Jinhuai Liu, “Ultrasensitive optical detection of trinitrotoluene by ethylenediamine-capped gold nanoparticles”, Analytica chimica acta, 2012, 744, 92-98.

32. Yongmei Ma, Honglin Liu, Kai Qian, Liangbao Yang, Jinhuai Liu, "A displacement principle for mercury detection by optical waveguide and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy", J. Colloid Interface Sci.,2012,386, 451-455.

33. 付志伟. Flexible transparent Ag NW micromesh electrode with enhanced electrical and thermal properties for multifunctional smart panel applications .Journal of Materials Chemistry C.2024 (16)

34. . Neuromorphic memristor based on amorphous InAlZnO film for synaptic behavior simulation .APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS.2023 (25)

35. . Intrinsically stretchable porous liquid-metal conductor for multifunctional electronics application .J. Mater. Chem. C.2023 (45)

36. . In Situ Observation of Indium Filament Growth Dynamics in ITO Electrode-Based Memristor .Appl. Phys. Lett.,.2023 (15)

37. 徐静. Stretchable, Adhesive, and Bioinspired Visual Electronic Skin with Strain/Temperature/Pressure Multimodal Noninterference Sensing .ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2023 (28)

38. . Squeeze-Printing Ultrathin 2D Gallium Oxide out of Liquid Metal for Forming-Free Neuromorphic Memristor .ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2023 (21)

39. 杨家欣. Wearable, Biodegradable, and Antibacterial Multifunctional Ti3C2Tx MXene/Cellulose Paper for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Passive and Active Dual-Thermal Management .ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2023 (15)

40. 孙博文. Universal assembly of ordered Ag nanowire micromesh conductors on arbitrary substrates by manipulating the contact angle .J. Mater. Chem. A..2023 (11)

41. . High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrical Heater Based on a Robust Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromesh Conductor .ACS Applied Electronic Materials.2022,4 (4):1776-1783

42. 韩旭. Highly transparent flexible artificial nociceptor based on forming-free ITO memristor .applied physics letters.2022,120 (9)

43. 徐静. Detection Range Enhancement of Stretchable Ultrasensitive Crack-Based Strain Sensor with Ordered Ag Nanowire Micromeshes for Human Epidermis Monitoring .Advanced Engineering Materials.2022

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