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  • Name (Pinyin):
    Wang Shouzhi
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  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates

王守志,教授、博士生导师,山东大学齐鲁青年学者,小米青年学者。2019年于山东大学获得博士学位,之后于德国伊尔梅瑙工业大学从事博士后研究工作。2021年8月入职山东大学新一代半导体材料研究院。主要从事GaN晶体生长及其电化学性能研究工作。以第一/通讯作者在Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy. Mater., Adv. Func. Mater., Adv. Sci. 等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,申请/获授权专利20余项。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,JW科技委重大项目课题,山东省自然科学基金青年基金,博士后特别资助和面上项目累计500余万元,相关成果完成知识产权转化2项,曾获省山东省优秀博士学位论文,山东省研究生优秀成果奖,山东大学学术之星,校长奖学金等荣誉,担任国际期刊Advanced Powder Materials青年编委和Materials期刊客座编辑,并受邀担任AFM,JMCA,ACSAMI.等国际期刊的审稿人。


1. Sha, Shiyu. Silicon Carbide Nanowire Based Integrated Electrode for High Temperature Supercapacitors .Materials.2024,17 (16)

2. 曹文豪. Suitable AlN Source Shape for Optimizing Gas Mass Transfer During AlN Crystal Growth .CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN.2024 (566)

3. 齐占国. Progress in GaN Single Crystals: HVPE Growth and Doping .Journal of Inorganic Materials.2023,38 (3):243

4. 李秋波. Efficient access to non-damaging GaN (0001) by inductively coupled plasma etching and chemical–mechanical polishing .Applied Surface Science.2024 (679)

5. 吕松阳. Gallium Nitride Based Electrodefor High-Temperature Supercapacitor .Advanced Science.2023,10 (15)

6. Cao, Wenhao. Effect of Air Layer Thickness on AlN Crystal Growth by the PVT Method .CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN.2024

7. Lv, Songyang. Wafer Scale Gallium Nitride Integrated Electrode Toward Robust High Temperature Energy Storage .small.2024

8. Liang, Chang. Silicon carbide single crystals for high-temperature supercapacitors .Nanoscale.2024

9. Cao, Wenhao. Optical properties of conductive and semi-insulating HVPE-GaN crystals .CrystEngComm.2024

10. Zhao, Xuanyi. Advance Chemical Mechanical Polishing Technique for Gallium Nitride Substrate .Advanced Materials Interfaces.2024

11. 孙德福. Research Progress in Liquid Phase Growth of GaN Crystals .chemistry-a European journal.2024

12. Wang, Benfa. Studying the effect of temperature and pressure on GaN crystals via the Na-flux method .CrystEngComm.2024,26 (24):3176-3184

13. Wang, Benfa. Research Progress on the Growth of GaN Single Crystal by Sodium Flux Method 基于钠助熔剂法的 GaN 单晶生长研究进展 .《人工晶体学报》.2023,52 (2):183-195

14. Wu, Yuzhu. Optimizing HVPE flow field to achieve GaN crystal uniform growth .journal of crystal growth.2023,614

15. Liang, Chang. Novel semiconductor materials for advanced supercapacitors .Journal of Materials Chemistry C.2023,11 (13):4288-4317

16. Li, Qiubo. Research progress in the postprocessing and application of GaN crystal .CrystEngComm.2023,25 (5):715-725

17. Li, Zhan. Thermal instability-induced formation of hierarchically structured porous GaN/nitrogen-doped carbon with high performance for supercapacitor .Journal of Energy Storage.2023,72

18. Gallium Nitride Based Electrode for High-Temperature Supercapacitors .ADVANCED SCIENCE.2023,10 (15)

19. GaN 单晶的HVPE生长与掺杂进展 .无机材料学报.2023,38 (3)

20. Novel semiconductor materials for advanced supercapacitors .JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C.2023,11 (13):4288-4317

21. 基于钠助熔剂法的GaN 单晶生长研究进展 .人工晶体学报.2023,52 (2)

22. Research progress in the postprocessing and application of GaN crystal .CRYSTENGCOMM.2023,25 (5):715-725

23. 吕松阳. Vacancy-modified few-layered GaN crystal for novel high-temperature energy storage .J. Mater. Chem. A..2022 (41):22007

24. Vacancy-modified few-layered GaN crystal for novel high-temperature energy storage .JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A.2022,10 (41):22007-22015

25. 李秋波. A perovskite/porous GaN crystal hybrid structure for ultrahigh sensitivity ultraviolet photodetectors .JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C.2022,10 (21):8321-8328

26. 王守志. Construction of Novel Bimetallic Oxyphosphide as Advanced Anode for Potassium Ion Hybrid Capacitor .Advanced Science.2022 (9):2105193

27. 刘磊. Nucleation mechanism of GaN crystal growth on porous GaN/sapphire substrates .CRYSTENGCOMM.2022,24 (10):1840

28. Construction of Novel Bimetallic Oxyphosphide as Advanced Anode for Potassium Ion Hybrid Capacitor .ADVANCED SCIENCE.2022

29. Valence modulated nickel oxynitride network as integrated bifunctional electrodes for enhanced energy storage .JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY.2021,56 :56-63

30. 王守志. Insight into Nickel-Cobalt Oxysulfide Nanowires as Advanced Anode for Sodium-Ion Capacitors .Advanced Energy Materials.2021 (11)

31. Insight into Nickel-Cobalt Oxysulfide Nanowires as Advanced Anode for Sodium-Ion Capacitors .ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS.2021,11 (18)

32. 王守志. Valence modulated nickel oxynitride network as integrated bifunctional electrodes for enhanced energy storage .JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY.2020 (56)

33. 王守志. Oxygen Vacancy Modulation of Bimetallic Oxynitride Anodes toward Advanced Li-Ion Capacitors .Advanced functional materials.2020 (30)

34. Oxygen Vacancy Modulation of Bimetallic Oxynitride Anodes toward Advanced Li-Ion Capacitors .ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS.2020,30 (27)

35. 史栋. Ultrasonic-Ball Milling: A Novel Strategy to Prepare Large-Size Ultrathin 2D Materials .Small.2020,16 (13)

36. Ultrasonic-Ball Milling: A Novel Strategy to Prepare Large-Size Ultrathin 2D Materials .SMALL.2020,16 (13)

37. Transition-Metal Oxynitride: A Facile Strategy for Improving Electrochemical Capacitor Storage .ADVANCED MATERIALS.2019,31 (10)

38. Elastic sandwich-type GaN/MnO2/MnON composites for flexible supercapacitors with high energy density .JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A.2018,6 (27):13215-13224

39. Band gap-Tunable Porous Borocarbonitride Nanosheets for High Energy-Density Supercapacitors .ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES.2018,10 (23):19588-19597

40. Three-Dimensional MoS2@CNT/RGO Network Composites for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors .CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL.2017,23 (14):3438-3446

41. One-step fabrication of porous GaN crystal membrane and its application in energy storage .SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.2017,7

42. Self-Supporting GaN Nanowires/Graphite Paper: Novel High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitor Electrodes .SMALL.2017,13 (8)

43. 王守志. Gallium Nitride Crystals: Novel Supercapacitor Electrode Materials .ADVANCED MATERIALS .2016 (28):3768

44. Reduced graphene oxide grafted by the polymer of polybromopyrroles for nanocomposites with superior performance for supercapacitors .Journal of Materials Chemistry A.2015,3 (42):21257–21268

45. Thermal Cyclodebromination of Polybromopyrroles to Polymer with High Performance for Supercapacitor .JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C.2015,119 (8):3881-3891

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