

英文研究成果: ORCID学者主页


  • 2010/09/01-2014/07/15
  • 2007/09/01-2010/07/01
  • 2003/09/01-2007/07/01

Risk, Disaster and Emergency Management

Research direction

(1)Chai, Lei. Exploring the mediating effects of academic performance and self-esteem on the influence of sleep quality on internalizing and externalizing problems among Chinese adolescents .Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies .2023 ,18 (4)

(2)王子怡. The Interplay between School Preparedness and Student's Individual Protective Actions: The Mediating Role of Disaster Education .SUSTAINABILITY .2023 ,15 (20)

(3)Han, Ziqiang. Trust and confidence in authorities, responsibility attribution, and natural hazards risk perception .RISK HAZARDS & CRISIS IN PUBLIC POLICY .2021

(4)Ziqiang Han. Cyberbullying Involvement, Resilient Coping, and Loneliness of Adolescents During Covid-19 in Rural China. .Frontiers in Psychology .2021 ,12 :664612

(5)韩自强. 应急管理能力:多层次结构与发展路径 .中国行政管理 .2020 ,0 (3):137-142

(6)Wei, Jianwen. What Do You Mean by Community Resilience? More Assets or Better Prepared? .Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness .2022

(7)韩自强. Children and School Safety Studies Need More Comprehensive and Systematic Views .DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT .2021 ,30 (3)

(8)韩自强. What Do You Mean by Community Resilience? More Assets or Better Prepared? .Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness .2021 (无)

(9)韩自强. Cyberbullying Involvement, Resilient Coping, and Loneliness of Adolescents During Covid-19 in Rural China .Frontiers in Psychology .2021 ,12 (无)

(10)韩自强. Trust and Confidence in Authorities, Responsibility Attribution, and Natural Hazards Risk Perception. .RISK HAZARDS & CRISIS IN PUBLIC POLICY .2021 (无)

(11)韩自强. The Correlations between Livelihood Capitals and Perceived Recovery .DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT .2021 ,30 (2)

(12)韩自强. Validation of the Chinese Version of KIDSCREEN-10 Quality of Life Questionnaire: A Rasch Model Estimation .Frontiers in Psychology .2021 ,12 (无)

(13)韩自强. School Bullying Victimization and Perpetration among Chinese Adolescents: A Latent Class Approach .CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW .2021 ,120 (无)

(14)韩自强. School Bullying and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chinese School-Aged Children and Adolescents .Children & Society .2021 ,35 (6)

(15)Zhang, Xi. Cyberbullying Involvement and Psychological Distress among Chinese Adolescents: The Moderating Effects of Family Cohesion and School Cohesion .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ,17 (23)

(16)Chai, Ling. Differences in disaster preparedness between urban and rural communities in China .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION .2021 ,53

(17)边琦. Risk perceptions of nuclear energy, climate change, and earthquake: How are they correlated and differentiated by ideologies? .CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT .2021 ,32

(18)Sun Huali. Stochastic Petri Net Based Modeling of Emergency Medical Rescue Processes during Earthquakes .journal of Systems Science and Complexity .2021 ,34 (3):1063

(19)Sim, Timothy. Disaster preparedness, perceived community resilience, and place of rural villages in northwest China .NATURAL HAZARDS .2021

(20)王子怡. Place Attachment and Household Disaster Preparedness: Examining the Mediation Role of Self-Efficacy .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH .2021 ,18 (11)

(21)俞少宾. Temporal Dynamics of Public Emotions During the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Epicenter of the Outbreak: Sentiment Analysis of Weibo Posts From Wuhan .JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH .2021 ,23 (3)

(22)Fu, Mingqi. Long-Term Health Consequences Among Wenchuan Earthquake Adult Survivors Implications of a Framework for Postearthquake Reconstruction .Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease .2019 ,207 (10):884

(23)Chai, Lei. School bullying victimization and self-rated health and life satisfaction: The mediating effect of relationships with parents, teachers, and peers .Children and Youth Services Review .2020 ,117

(24)Gong, Zepeng. What makes people intend to take protective measures against influenza? Perceived risk, efficacy, or trust in authorities .AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL .2020 ,48 (11):1298

(25)Chai, Lei. School bullying victimization and self-rated health and life satisfaction: The gendered buffering effect of educational expectations .Children and Youth Services Review .2020 ,116

(26)刘杰. How investment in public health has impacted the prevalence of tuberculosis in China: A study of provincial variations between 2005 and 2015 .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT .2020 ,35 (6):1546

(27)Gong, Zepeng. Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Health Consultation Services: The Role of Subjective Norm, Trust, Perceived Benefit, and Offline Habit .FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH .2019 ,7

(28)Gong, Zepeng. Weight Status and School Bullying Experiences in Urban China: The Difference Between Boys and Girls .JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE .2020 ,35 (15-16):2663

(29)Cui, Ke. Association between disaster experience and quality of life: the mediating role of disaster risk perception .quality of life research .2019 ,28 (2):509

(30)Du, Qingyue. The framing of nuclear energy in Chinese media discourse: A comparison between national and local newspapers .Journal of Cleaner Production .2020 ,245

(31)韩自强. The correlations between livelihood capitals and perceived recovery A longitudinal study in China after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake .DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT .2020

(32)韩自强. Trust in stakeholders and social support: risk perception and preparedness by the Wenchuan earthquake survivors .ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS .2020

(33)韩自强. 应急管理能力:多层次结构与发展路径 .《中国行政管理》 .2020 (3):137

(34)Miguel A.Salazar. 公共卫生突发事件的沟通策略与影响——2015 年北京某大厦麻疹事件与美国迪士尼麻疹事件对比分析 .风险灾害危机研究 .2019

(35)Yu, Junlei. Household adaptation intentions to earthquake risks in rural China .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION .2019 :2

(36)Shi Xianwu. Assessment and zonation of storm surge hazards in the coastal areas of China .NATURAL HAZARDS .2019

(37)Wei, Hsi-Hsien. Confidence in authorities, neighborhood cohesion and natural hazards preparedness in Taiwan .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION .2019

(38)Ivan Sun. Trust in the Police in Rural China: a Comparison Between Villagers and Local Officials .Asian Journal of Criminology .2019

(39)Xiaoli Lu . Emergency management in China: towards a comprehensive model? .Journal of Risk Research .2019

(40)Han Ziqiang. Perceived Quality of Governance and Trust in Government in Rural China: A Comparison Between Villagers and Officials .SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY .2019

(41)Cui, Ke. Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the 10-Item Conjoint Community Resiliency Assessment Measurement in a Community-Based Sample in Southwest China .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK SCIENCE .2019

(42)Ba, Zhanlong. Ethnic differences in experiences of school bullying in China .CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW .2019

(43)Gong, Zepeng. Factors influencing the adoption of online health consultation services: the role of subjective norm, trust, perceived benefit and offline habit .FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH .2019

(44)Cui, Ke. Association between disaster experience and quality of life: the mediating role of disaster risk perception .Quality of life research .2019

(45)Han Ziqiang. 美国联邦政府救灾物资保障经验及对我国的启示 .《国家行政学院学报》 .2018 ,2018 (6):161

(46) 为什么人们不进行地震应急准备——来自成都市基层干部的试调查 .风险灾害危机研究 ,2018 (1)

(47) Mapping individuals' earthquake preparedness in China. .Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences ,2018

(48) Resilience of an Earthquake-Stricken Rural Community in Southwest China: Correlation with Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,2018

(49) Bullying and Suicidality in Urban Chinese Youth: The Role of Teacher–Student Relationships .Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ,2018

(50) Assessing the Disaster Resilience of Megacities: The Case of Hong Kong .Sustainability ,2018

(51) Climate Change Risk Perception in Taiwan: Correlation with Individual and Societal Factors .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,2018

(52) The Effects of Trust in Government on Earthquake Survivors’ Risk Perception and Preparedness in China .Natural Hazards ,2017

(53) Social Trust, Neighborhood Cohesion, and Public Trust in the Police in China .Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management ,2017

(54) Natural Hazards Preparedness in Taiwan: A Comparison Between Households With and Without Disabled Members .Health Security ,2017

(55) School Bullying in Urban China: Prevalence and Correlation with School Climate .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,2017

(56) 校园欺凌与青少年生活质量、偏差行为和自杀的相关性研究 .风险灾害危机研究 .2017

(57) 救灾社会响应的合理引导与控制机制研究 .中国民政 ,2016 (10)

(58) 基于可持续生计的农村家庭灾后恢复研究 .中国人口·资源与环境 .2016 ,26 (4)

(59) 国际恐怖活动的新特征及其发展趋势 .中国软科学 ,2015 (11)

(60) 美国企业备灾模式与影响因素分析 .风险灾害危机研究 ,2015 (2)

(61) 美国灾害社会学:学术共同体演进与趋势 .风险灾害危机研究 ,2015 (2)

(62) 核能的公众接受度与影响因素分析 .中国人口·资源与环境 ,2015 (6)

(63) 恐慌的迷思与应急管理 .城市与减灾 ,2015 (02)

(64) 美国应急征用和补偿机制及对我国的启示 .中国应急管理 ,2013 (06)

(65) How Does Disaster Relief Works Affect the Trust in Local Government? A Study of the Wenchuan Earthquake .Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy ,2011 (4)

(66) The Influences of Business and Decision Makers’ Characteristics on Disaster Preparedness—A Study on the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake .International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ,2011 (4)

Research Projects

1. 潍坊市公共就业综合服务(就业码)平台大数据模型, 2024/04/02-2028/04/02

2. “智库”课题研究(2023年度), 2024/01/01-2024/12/31

3. 防范化解数字化转型中的重大社会风险研究, 2021/08/30-2024/12/30

4. (包干项目)省域应急物资保障体制机制建设与储备体系布局优化, 2022/11/01-2025/12/30

5. (包干项目)校园欺凌政策分析与叙事研究, 2022/11/29-2025/11/29

6. (包干项目)中国情境下基层公务员公共服务动机的测度、作用机制与政策优化研究, 2022/11/01-2025/12/30

7. 国社科重大子课题(XX公共卫生管理体制研究涉密), 2021/10/30-2024/07/31

8. 胶州湾第二隧道黄岛端施工社会风险治理课题研究, 2021/11/22-2026/11/23

9. 全时域视角下重大突发事件应急响应与协同决策机制研究, 2021/10/12-2026/12/31

10. 山东省安全生产责任保险事故预防委托项目, 2020/08/06-2021/09/30

11. Hurricane Preparedness Research, 2020/05/08-2023/12/30

12. Performance Management of the Public Employees of Local Government, 2019/07/01-2020/07/01

13. Resilience Evaluation of Mega Cities: a Methodology Development, 2019/06/25-2020/07/31

14. Safety and Resilience Evaluation of Dongying City, 2019/12/18-2020/06/30

15. Safety and Resilience Evaluation of Yantai City, 2019/12/18-2020/06/30

16. Long-term livelihood recovery of households affected by 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, 2017/07/27-2019/12/01

17. Multi-organizational cooperation for disaster response: a focus on NGOs participation, 已结项

18. Comprehensive School Safety Research, 已结项

Teaching Experience

1. 应急管理概论

2. 公共危机管理(博)

3. 中外应急管理比较

4. 公共危机管理(博)

5. 中外应急管理比较

6. 应急管理概论

7. 风险与应急管理

8. 风险与应急管理

9. 风险与应急管理

10. 风险与应急管理

11. 公共危机与应急管理

12. 公共危机与应急管理

13. 中外应急管理比较

14. 应急管理概论

15. 公共危机管理

16. 公共危机管理(博)

17. 风险与应急管理

18. 风险与应急管理

19. 风险与应急管理

20. 风险与应急管理

21. 风险与应急管理

22. 风险与应急管理

23. 风险与应急管理

24. 公共危机管理(博)

25. 公共危机管理(博)

26. 中外应急管理比较

27. 中外应急管理比较

28. 应急管理概论

29. 应急管理概论

30. 应急管理概论

31. 应急管理概论

32. 风险与应急管理

33. 风险与应急管理

34. 风险与应急管理

35. 风险与应急管理

36. 风险与应急管理

37. 风险与应急管理

38. 风险与应急管理

39. 风险与应急管理

40. 风险与应急管理

41. 风险与应急管理

42. 风险与应急管理

43. 风险与应急管理

44. 风险与应急管理

45. 风险与应急管理

46. 风险与应急管理

47. 风险与应急管理

48. 风险与应急管理

49. 风险与应急管理

50. 风险与应急管理

51. 风险与应急管理

52. 风险与应急管理

53. 风险与应急管理

54. 风险与应急管理

55. 风险与应急管理

56. 中外应急管理比较

57. 中外应急管理比较

58. 应急管理经典文献研读

59. 应急管理经典文献研读

60. 应急管理概论

61. 应急管理概论

62. 应急管理概论

63. 应急管理概论

64. 公共危机管理

65. 公共危机管理

66. 公共危机管理(博)

67. 公共危机管理(博)

68. 公共危机管理(博)

69. 21世纪减防灾与挑战应对

70. 中美法律与社会研究

71. 公共危机管理(社科)

72. 国际关系理论与历史

73. 犯罪学概论

74. 公共危机管理

75. 公共危机管理

76. 公共危机管理(社科)

77. 公共危机管理

78. 公共危机管理(博)

79. 公共危机管理

80. 公共危机管理(社科)

81. 公共危机管理(社科)

82. 公共危机管理(博)

Student Information
  • ANA MAKHNIASHVILI  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • VINORD MUSA  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 钟敏  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 沈梦凡  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 张睿涵  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 杨守才  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 李顺升  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 曹银松  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 曹健宇  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 田新玲  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 刘存薪  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 周杨  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 于伟  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 连盼盼  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 李英祥  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 张文瀚  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 王妍  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 王春晓  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 刘宣均  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 林佳琪  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 韩文栋  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 殷辉  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 周瑾  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 赵文姿  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 张自然  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 张艺宸  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 于汶正  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 郇晓蕾  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 徐海龙  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 王泽宇  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
  • 田莹莹  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 曲俊明  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 毕荣东  2023/09/23 Hits:[] Times
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  • 毕荣东  2021/11/26 Hits:[] Times
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  • 孙睿  2021/11/26 Hits:[] Times
  • 马骁  2021/11/26 Hits:[] Times
  • 刘杰  2020/08/07 Hits:[] Times
  • 周禹浔  2020/08/07 Hits:[] Times
  • 王子怡  2020/08/07 Hits:[] Times
  • WILLIAM SOMBO  2020/03/20 Hits:[] Times
  • 高洁馨  2020/03/20 Hits:[] Times
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